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I was really bummed when I read that. We don't have one here, but I hate the thought of any bookstore closing. I LOVE just browsing bookstores. I'm still not over losing Borders, that was my favorite store ever.
I don't know how it will affect the book world. Borders have been closing for a while. I personally don't mind. We don't live anywhere near malls so I've learned to use Amazon to browse and my kindle to have free samples sent. And I love being able to read reviews on Amazon by other readers. I do think it's the internet that's changed the existence of all retail book stores. I still do love the smaller local book stores and my special favorite when I can find one are musty old used book stores. Those are wonderful to me.
Don't have any chain bookstores around here, but I loved B&N when I was in CO; and love to stop anytime I'm in a town with one.
It actually doesn't surprise me. Our "new" local Borders outlet closed about 18mos ago, with I think less than 2yrs of being there. Amazon and electronic books will make physical books less and less purchased is my hunch.
That's what I'm worried about. If big book chains are closing down, will publishers continue to publish books to sell for smaller businesses? I don't want them to push physical books into extinction, like they did to VHS when DVDs started coming out.
I have a B & N about 25 miles away. Sad to say, I don't go in that direction very often. I have started checking out amazon to see what books are out there. Then there is also ebay. I hope this trend doesn't mean that librarys will start closing. I really do like holding a book but I did start checking out the ereaders again to save on space and dusting.
Oh no! How did I miss this news? I am saddened to think that physical books might be on the way out in the future. I do often buy books from Amazon, but I still love to go to Barnes & Noble (yes, we do have a local one) and hold the books in my hands and read covers, etc. I don't always purchase, guess that's part of the problem!
I feel bad because I like to go into the one about 25 miles from us, and walk down the isles reading the book covers. When I find one I'm interested in, I copy the name/author on my phone, come home, and add it to my Amazon wishlist.

When we were doing the "77 Shadow St" group read, B&N was selling it for $9.99 (not including tax). I bought it from Amazon for $6.50 (including shipping). If only they would lower their prices to give the internet companies a run for their business. I would much rather not have to wait for one to be shipped to me, but with saving $4.00+ on each book, I can buy two books for the price of one.

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