Colt with crypt testicle

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
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If any one has ever had a colt with a crypt testicle does 2400.00 seem right for the cost of gelding him? I know what has to happen for him to be gelded but does that seem a little high in cost?

Way too high. I've heard of it getting up to $1,000 but never that high.

How old is the colt ?
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I paid about $850 for that surgery last year on a 3 year old.

Wow sounds like I may need a new vet. He is 2 years old. I have another colt that is fine and they quoted me 550.00 to geld him.

Thank all of you so much.
Seems like alot of the prices in the north east are higher, just from what I have noticed on the board when talking about any gelding procedure. It really depends on what part of the country you live in, look around your area, especially look into animal hospitals, it may cost you just to walk in the door, but it may be more of a routine procedure for them, and actually cut some cost in the end.

I would expect in my area, in discussion with my vet (in Pa ) that the low end price of a crypt surgery would be around $1200 on up from there.
I don't know where you got the quote from, but Try Mass Equine in Uxbridge MA.
Wow and I thought I paid alot ! I have a colt that had retained one and at a year and a half I had him opertated on. It cost me $800.00, I also had a colt done the normal way by the same vet and it only cost me $125.00. I guess I am glad to live in Michigan now !
That does seem high. I'd do a little price shopping if I were you! I have heard that prices are high back east. I had one done last year for $800(because it was a mini my reg vet felt comfortable doing it in her office, at the vet surgery center it would have been $1200), and our "normal" geldings are $200.
Thanks so much. I will be looking for another vet. When they handed me the quote I'm sure the look on my face was priceless to say the least.

Then the receptionist said well ya know the price of everything has gone up and that's life. Would you like to schedule the appointment.
Three possibilities:

1) Everything everyone else already mentioned.

2) All cypts are not created equal... is there something special about yours that may require something extra?

3) It may be a worst-case senario pricing... ask the vet if that's the actual bill or worst case.
I'm in the southwest. My vet did my double crypt for about $700 and I just had a single crypt done for $250.
Yes, you need to get other quotes from other vets.

I paid about $260. for a gelding surgery done here at the farm last year, including shots.

Question: Are you sure your colt is really crypt.? I would ask another vet his opinion, maybe even three vets.

We had a colt that we waited and waited for his one testicle to drop, (some of them do go about three years), but we were patient with this colt because he was a well behaved boy. Finally at four years of age, we bit the bullet, made arrangements to have the surgery done, (were quoted about $600 at a clinic out of town), and much to our surprise and delight, as soon as they sedated the boy, that testicle dropped down and he was easily gelded for about hundred bucks. Yes, prices have gone up, but not that much.

Here it is or at least last fall was $350 for simple gelding and the crypt surgery required at least an overnight at the clinic and started at $2000 IF there were NO complications but have heard from other nearer the NH border who are getting gelding at a much lower cost.So do shop around. We have one that I want to geld but may wait until we move to get it done as prices in the south are much more reasonable.
I do know vet fees around here are really high, but you can try my vet if you want (I will send you his contact info). I don't know what he charges for even a simple gelding operation as I haven't had to do one here yet. It sure makes a filly foal even more desirable, as I don't know how anyone could make money on a colt that cost that much to geld!
It will run at least $1200 here from the quote my neighbors got.... which I thought was terrible, but obviously not compared to what you were quoted!
The price may be affected by how high in the abdomen the testicle is. The higher the testicle, the higher the price.

That price may also include hospitalization (the recovery from abdominal surgery is long). When I had one of my guys gelded 8 years ago, his retained testicle was in the ring. It cost me $900 PLUS I had to give him stall rest for 30 days to recover with limited hand walking.

Your price may be a worst-case scenario.
True the higher they are the more the cost. If you have a vet school near, try looking at the larger state colleges, they will usually do this for about 1/2 the cost of a regular vet.
Wow I' m glad I'm not you.. I hope you get a cheaper quote somewhere.

Here I had my Giddy done regular for $125 that farm call and all.

Crypt is supposed to be around $1000 TO $1200 Here so $2400 sounds alittle extreme!!