Can they DO this?!?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2007
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Why did I just hear of this? I'm usually up on these things. The politicians in the State of California passed some bill that allows them to take an extra 10% withholding from our paychecks, starting tomorrow, until April 15, 2010!!! They will then "give it back" after April 15th. Gee, do you think they will be paying me any interest on the money they are "borrowing" from me? HOW CAN THEY DO THIS??? I am so steaming mad! :arg! Time for pitchforks and torches!

I've had enough. I am sick to death of ALL these @#$%!@# politicians!!! (They're making it harder and harder for me to defend this state that I love. Well, I love the weather...

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better...until I see my paycheck.
Well, CA is financially a mess and probably there are quite a few social spending programs to blame... That stuff's not free. I'm happy tomorrow in VA, we get to go vote and start to get things going "right" again.

With just the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts at the end of 2010, the Nation's facing one of the biggest tax increases in history and that's just with these expiring (unless Congress acts to extend them, which I feel is quite unlikely). So we're facing some of the largest tax increases in history just as it is not counting what all else has recently been spent (and must be paid for) and currently in the works and poised to cost major money.
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The Gov doesn't think they need to put things to a vote anymore.

Yes, it is wrong, specially now. IF Ca stopped giving free med, house, food to people that don't even live in this country, the state would not be as bad off as they are.

Here..They managed to devalue our place a lot, while still upping our property taxes 3%. From everything I have read, they are not supposed to do that, but then, this county hasn't even been honest in my past dealings with them, why should they start now.
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And on that same tone, we probably want to think long and hard before we let them take over too much, like healthcare...

What's that saying... A Nation of Sheep... (like I don't know it and like it's not on the back of my SUV).
The Gov doesn't think they need to put things to a vote anymore.
Yes, it is wrong, specially now. IF Ca stopped giving free med, house, food to people that don't even live in this country, the state would not be as bad off as they are.

Here..They managed to devalue our place a lot, while still upping our property taxes 3%. From everything I have read, they are not supposed to do that, but then, this county hasn't even been honest in my past dealings with them, why should they start now.
Oh, they live here. Just not legally
After the Bush tax cuts expires, how much over what he cut will they expand too? Exactly who will be effected?
I just found out our city OWNS over 500 homes that they rent out virtually TAX FREE to low income. In our community that means that pretty much people that DON'T want to work!! Well that's all well and good, but any rent they DO pay comes out of my pocket also. PLUS they are in direct competition to landlords in the area. That means the tax payers are footing the bill for an additional $1,500,000 yep 1.5 MILLION dollars for the next 30 - 40 years.

What a crock.
So much for the principles our country was founded on huh
@ Pepipony, the middle class and lower class get taxed 60 %. That means if you earn $ 1000.00 you get out $ 600.00 end of the month

Or you work for yourself Jan to July from there to Dec. for Goverment.

BTW Welfares are free to go
So much for the principles our country was founded on huh
While many are taking a crash course now, for the most part Americans have no idea regarding the founding principals anymore.

I promise you they will only do this as long as we let them. Of course refusing to elect people that understand the problem and how to fix it (as in reset it) is a the BIGGEST part of the problem.

How ANYBODY can think that what we have now vs. a true constitutionalist leading us out of this quagmire, is better, is truly beyond me. Many who tried to convince folks to make the right vote instead of being led by the nose, were marginalized and ignored just like that great and faithful candidate. We tried. We tried harder than we have ever tried before and still in large measure we may as well have been talking to a wall.

Now, as far as I can tell the "conservatives" have learned nothing! They are still espousing the same destructive methods of "governance" that brought us to this mess. The Neocons are trying to position for a "comeback" to keep the charade going. The liberals are emboldened by the slide into fascistic socialism and want MORE. But I'm sure that continuing the same insane course of voting for one party or the other will SURELY make things right THIS next time.....

BOTH republicans and democrats are responsible for this! Specifically, the blame should first be place on the person reflected in your mirror, irrespective of party. Unless you were advocating for a return to the Constitution and a constitutionally minded candidate(s) FIRST as opposed to being pulled by your nose ring to rah rah for the party candidate, you are part of the problem. Sorry I'm tired of being polite and trying not to step on toes. Its gotten us nowhere but further destruction.

On behalf of my family I would like to thank you for insuring, by your vote, that we will be subjected to complete misery as we watch our once great country descend into chaos and destruction. Due to their long held apathy towards govt., Americans don't deserve and are incapable of maintaining the Liberty and Freedom that so many selfless forefathers and mothers suffered and died to leave us.

It CAN change, however it again starts with the person in your mirror. I saw that somebody was endorsing Dr. Ron Paul for the next presidential campaign. If we can make it through another 3 years of this (cause ain't nobody gonna impeach him) and Dr. Ron is up to it at his advanced age, I will again be his biggest cheerleader and do all I can. I am hopeful that his educational foundation set up for the purpose of educating the American people as to constitutional and historical studies brings forth a large army of young men and women that stand on solid Constitutional grounds so that they will be more than capable of taking the reins away from the tyrants of both parties.

The Fed reserve MUST be thoroughly audited NOW Dr. Paul's bill to do that has had ALL of the teeth striped out of it in committee. You can start by engulfing congress with huge and vocal pressure in support of Dr. Pauls original bill. Maybe you can get the lil sock puppets in the media (Rush, Lars Larson, Beck and the like) to pick up this ball and run with it. Ask yourself WHY the fed is refusing to be audited? Why do Giethner and Paulson threaten us when pressed on this issue? I'm telling ya fixing the problem HAS to start here! Otherwise nothing else can be fixed or changed!

Because of the long held apathy towards adherence to and the founding principals of the Constitution, the course back WILL be painful but still do-able.

We have let the evil men become so entrenched at every level of govt. it will be difficult, to put it mildly, to remove them however that is what must be done. If you're not willing to assume the responsibility to help do this please do stop complaining about the state of affairs.

Miss "Whinny", this does not specifically apply to you, so please don't take it as a personal attack because it is not! This applies to all of us!

I took an oath to "uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemy's, both foreign AND DOMESTIC. As such I know what it is and what it means and will do so until I assume room temp.
How bout you?


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