Bulging disc anyone ever had?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I have been having back pain for awhile. Thought it was just my arthritus in my back from a riding accident in 1991 and 1998. A couple weeks ago I fell off our race trailer, was about 3 feet right on my caboose :eek: so after getting up and being laughed at by some people :risa_suelos: , I shrugged it off and went on my merry way. So finally went to the doctors because I couldn't stand the pain, got a cortizone injection in my back and some pain meds, they scheduled an MRI.

Went for the MRI and found out that I have "bulging disc" in L3-4 and L 4-5. I have to get an ESI (epidural steroid injection) next week. I was wondering if anyone has had this procedure and if this procedure helped.

My mom had a buldging disc about seven or eight years ago. She had back pain for years before that on and off and our family doctor always told her it was nothing to worry about. Then one day when the pain was in it's "on" stage she seased up getting out of the shower i was the only one home (11 years old at the time) and i could hear her scream in pain from the basement. Called 911 right away to get an anbulnce. They did x-rays at the hosp and found out her disc had been bulged for a long time she went for surgey a few says later and had it shaved off. I forget where the disc was on her back but i can ask her if you would like to know. I don't think my mom got that injection either it may be a new thing so you don't have to get sugrey?

anyway the surgey helped my mom alot and she moving around (slowly lol) within the week, she could not stand staying in bed all day.

now about eight years later she is having back pain again but this time our docter sent to a specialist right away they think her other disc might be bulging now.

oh i forgot my mom had pain and nubness down her right side before her surgery, her whole right leg would go and even her face would feel numb turns out it was pinching a nerve.

I wish you a fast recovery!
Yep, have them in neck and lower back. Had shots, no help did PT no help. Pain med, some help makes it bareable, just have to learn to live with it not going under the knife unless is gets unbareable the Doc said there are some good results and some not as good. Also have degenerating disks, pinched nerves, it's fun getting old
: . You just have to get used to it and try and ignore some of it :eek: .
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I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease at 16. I have (or should say had) 4 discs that have 50%-75% compression. One of my discs was diagnosed in 2002 by MRI as having a slight tear and a bulge. Within a year of that I could barely walk had lost the feeling in my foot and by the time I went in for surgery there was no pulse at all in my left ankle. I had surgery in 2003. The surgeon said the disc had completely wrapped around my spinal cord and strangled it. I truly should not have been walking. After surgery was the first time I could remember ever not having pain. In the last 6 months or so I have started having periodic pain again. Sitting at the computer and driving seem to be the worst offenders. I have never had the injections mainly because I was completely freaked out by the idea of a needle in my spine and the chance of making it worse....figured at that point I had dealt with the pain so long no point risking a worse problem.

I still have pins and needles in my foot but it isn't completely dead (pinky toe lacks feeling). I figure at some point another surgery will happen due to the condition of the discs that are left.......woohoo I am not even 40 yet :eek: :eek: too bad humans don't have to undergo genetic testing before breeding...LOL :bgrin
I had a bulging disk in my lower back, treated with chiropractic, massage and acupuncture .... it was the acupuncture that finally got rid of the sciatic pain, which was the debilitating part of it!!
Been there with the bulging disc thing. Mine was one of the successful surgical procedures. It only bothers me now if I do something stupid. It was probably 20 years ago, but I still remember the pain. Nothing worse!!
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I have 4-5 of them in the middle of my back where I hit a tree coming off a bolting horse. Had 2 MRI's and they said well you need to see a surgeon, I said ok, scheduled the appointment, then the surgeon cancelled it as "they didn't schedule enough time for the visit" I never bothered to reschedule, it only bothers me when I do something really stupid.

I have had 2 surgeries. They start out as a bulging disk before they rupture. The second surgery would probably not have had to happen but I did things I shouldn't of done(like putting up hay!) My second surgery was better. It is common I was told when it ruptures that eventually you will need a second surgery because the disk above or below it will weaken. That is if you are like me and don't listen about lifting things you shouldn't. I was told they can never fix your back as new again only relieve the pain.
Just had surgery in Dec for a ruptured disc. I dealt with the pain for 2 years before we finally found a doc that could actually diagnose and suggested a fix. I had multiple injections (both into the disc space and into the bone) but none of that made any difference. The first pain management doc put me on Hydrocodone (3) and muscle relaxers (6) per day and said "go back to work" :new_shocked: Fired him and went to another flake. She tried everything she knew how, including the injections, acupuncture, herb therapy.....nothing helped. She finally said "go back to life, it MAY go away" :eek: . Finally the 3rd pain management doc did a test that discovered the disc had ruptured. We opted for surgery. Mine is L5-S1. They installed a fixater that keeps that joint from bending anymore. The biggest issue was that it was pinching the syatic nerve to my left leg and the whole leg would go numb. I got to the point I would fall down because I wouldn't realize the leg was "gone". Haven't had that issue since the surgery. There is the possibility that the next disc up will have trouble eventually but hopefully not. My fear now is that in the last x-ray they took, I was beginning to develop scoliosis.
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Chris ~ been there done that (L 5 S1) . The steroid injection I had helped none. They said I would feel relief immediately .... I never got one moments relief until I saw a surgeon and had a minimally invasive procedure done. Was back on my feet in a week and felt TONS better. I only wish I had NOT waited 5 years to have it done. Putting it off only caused irreversible nerve damage in my leg.

I have the name of a wonderful surgeon ( in Huntersville) if you want it.

Oh yeah ~ I did try acupunture and chiropractic adjustments .... they never helped me much.
Thanks for all the replies. Knowing that it is more "common" than I think. I know now what not to do like lifting bales of hay, shavings and grain. Clipping the minis has been a challenge when I am done I can hardly stand up, but I guess I will take breaks and find a bucket to sit on!

I heard that the "shot" is 50/50 so just have to see!

Thanks again!
Thanks for all the replies. Knowing that it is more "common" than I think. I know now what not to do like lifting bales of hay, shavings and grain. Clipping the minis has been a challenge when I am done I can hardly stand up, but I guess I will take breaks and find a bucket to sit on!

I heard that the "shot" is 50/50 so just have to see!

Thanks again!
Actually I have never hurt my back lifting hay or water buckets or any of the ways you would expect. Once it went out when I bent over and picked up a sock :eek: I screamed and hit the floor ....driving is horrible for low back problems as is sitting at a desk or computer. The hardest thing for me to do now is anything that involves bending....clipping, shaving dogs, trimming feet, grooming (dogs or horses), or standing especially on concrete (think waiting for a class at a show).

Good shoes and no heels are very helpful. Also buy a good back brace and use it when you are doing alot of heavier work, I even wear or take mine if I know I am going to be in the car for more than a couple hours. Walking and swimming are two of the best exercises for the low back both are low impact. If you start to get achy STOP whatever it is can wait........typical recovery from surgery is 12 weeks so fo 3 months you cannot lift anything or bend or vaccuum, or any of the normal things..........better to leave something than end up in surgery.

Also I loved my back brace as I could slip it on and tuck an ice pack in it if my back was getting grumpy........they make some good ones for people who ride and they are much more comfortable when sitting etc.......
Oh yeah, sitting in a "proper" position is a killer. I have to sit in a reclined position, even when I drive. I lean my seat back and adjust the lumbar support as high as it will go.

After my surgery, I was on BLT restrictions for 3 months (NO bending, lifting, twisting). The times I have the most trouble now is if I clean too many stalls, bend over too much, lift too many bales or bags. If I do travel too long at a time, my legs start feeling like there are ants running up and down and I get almost an anxiety attack from it. I can't sit any longer and we have to stop and walk around a bit. It makes long trips almost impossible.
3 months to recover from surgery ?? What kind of procedure did you gals have?

I had surgery on my herniated disc and was told to do whatever I felt like doing after 1 week . Of course I didn't haul hay or anything , but I definately didn't need 3 months to recover ... I'm thinking this would be prudent for disc replacement surgery but no for the prodedure I had done.

Chris ~ right now an ice pack and a tennis ball can be your best friends . Ice your back every chance you get for no more than 20 minutes at a time , and the tennis ball is for sitting on when you have to sit and the sciatica is unbearable, yes, it sounds NUTS
: , but if placed in the right spot on your buttock will bring immediate relief . I always have one in my vehicle on long drives, and it works wonders .

Also, just be aware of your body mechanics and take care of yourself . If you are like me , you work like a man and it's taking it toll on you. Be a little kider to your body and ask for help for those heavy lifting jobs... that was the hardest thing for me to do ....... it was so much easier to just do it myself , but now I'm paying the price.
3 months to recover from surgery ?? What kind of procedure did you gals have?

I had surgery on my herniated disc and was told to do whatever I felt like doing after 1 week . Of course I didn't haul hay or anything , but I definately didn't need 3 months to recover ... I'm thinking this would be prudent for disc replacement surgery but no for the prodedure I had done.

Chris ~ right now an ice pack and a tennis ball can be your best friends . Ice your back every chance you get for no more than 20 minutes at a time , and the tennis ball is for sitting on when you have to sit and the sciatica is unbearable, yes, it sounds NUTS
: , but if placed in the right spot on your buttock will bring immediate relief . I always have one in my vehicle on long drives, and it works wonders .

Also, just be aware of your body mechanics and take care of yourself . If you are like me , you work like a man and it's taking it toll on you. Be a little kider to your body and ask for help for those heavy lifting jobs... that was the hardest thing for me to do ....... it was so much easier to just do it myself , but now I'm paying the price.
They cut my back open.....I have a 5-6 inch long scar ...and went in search of the guts of the disc and took all of the disc out then sewed me back together :bgrin The surgeon I had told me up front if I did NOT want another surgery in the near future that I would follow his 3 month restrictions, and I would do my walking minimum of a mile a day and PT twice a day................I was in great shape at the end of 3 months........then I got a desk job and my body has gone back to being a mess
: :eek:
I didn't want to post until AFTER my procedure, but I have several bulging disks in my cervical spine and one herniated one much lower down. I've been to a surgeon who, quite naturally, wants to do surgery. The down side, well I won't have much mobility in my neck as he would be fusing three cervical vertebra together and he cannot guanantee i'll be pain free (and he wonders why i said no). Not to mention that I would have one major scar on the back of my neck. So I have sought another option from a truly wonderful osteopathic doctor. She put me on some meds which controlled the pain from a 7 down to a 2. But we decided to try to become med free. So today I had the first of two procedures. I had a steroid injection directly into the disk spaces that are affected. You have it done as a day patient thing. You go in, they have you sit on the side of the operating table with your head down on a pad. They xray you the whole time and inject the steroid where it will do the most good. I woke up when it was all over. Now, here's the really interesting part. I walked in having pain as a 7 as I had not taken any meds since monday evening. I walked out completely pain free. In fact, the IV spot on my hand hurts worse than my neck!! I can't believe it! I can actually turn my head from side to side and up and down and that means I can drive my car and not have to get in the right lane and stay there no matter what. I will have the same procedure down next Friday, as well.

Shelley ~ so glad the ESI gave you some relief . Goes to show how different peoples body react to the same procrdures.
Shelley - glad your procedure worked.

I had my ESI on Tuesday, went back to doctor (GP) on Wed. said that will have to have two more ESI. I was feeling great until Friday. Have the same pain now as I did before. So will call Monday to schedule the other two. If this doesn't work surgery is the next option.

Doc said 4-6 weeks of no heavy lifting to take it easy. I had my first CDE that I was going to compete in next weekend, and they said :nono:

So back to the pain meds and taking it easy. Glad I have all this "spare time" :488: guess I will work on my beaded stuff for Christmas.
My restrictions were because they opened me up and added some hardware. They went in through my belly so I have a 3" scar just below my belly button.
: They inserted a fixture that holds L5 to S1 without any movement. They also injected this chemical that builds bone around the fixture so it will never move. Part of the restrictions was to make sure the fixture was going to work and the bone was going to grow.

Just before my surgery, they did a procedure to find out how bad it was. They take a dye and inject it into the actual disc. If it is leaking the dye will flow out and they can see how bad it is. Mine was so far gone the dye ran out completely. There was no disc left. That procedure was supposed to be really painful and was supposed to take a week to 10 days to recover from. Nope. Surgery was the only option from there.

The thing they wanted to do prior to that was to insert a long needle into the spine and wrap it around the disc. They heat it up and it cauterizes (burns) the disc and closes it up.
Chris ~ I was afraid this would be the outcome. No one that I personally know has had good results from the ESI. If I were in your shoes , I'd can the other 2 ESI and go right to Sx. If they can do the procedure where they make the small hole above the affected disc and go in and "pinch off" the herinated part of the disc , you'd be better off to go ahead and have it done . It's really a easy procedure and you get instant relief from the moment you wake up. Also it's outpatient . It's nothing like what minimule and runamuck had to endure .... you're back on your feet in a weeks time.

But that is just me .... :eek:

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