Buckskin Color Changes...........Finnigan Pictures!!!

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Aug 18, 2003
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[SIZE=14pt]I haven't posted new pictures of my 2 year old colt Finnigan since he was a weanling

This is my buddy, MF Charmed IMA Gonna Be A Star, AKA Finnigan, he will be 2 in June. He is a BTU grandson, his sire is a classic buckskin, and out of my silver dapple mare Grettle, and he's one of those horses that changes colors all the time.

Finnigan is by far the most gorgeous exotic horse I have, with a head to die for, hard to tell in his winter woolies and my pictures don't do him justice, but he just carries this magnificent aura around him. Anytime anyone comes here they are drawn to him.

He was born with bright blue eyes, and they are now a dark smokey blue/gray.

So here is Finnigan in his many coats.

As a baby



clipped as a weanling


as a suckling, he had frosting on his butt


as a not quite yearling in winter coat, last winter



September 2005, long yearling, summer coat


And now, taken a few days ago




Thanks for letting me share my boy!!!
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[SIZE=14pt]What a pretty sooty buckskin he is! Thanks for sharing![/SIZE]

Very pretty boy, but he doesn't look very buckskin to me. He kind of does in the really young pictures, but the others he doesn't. Color him gorgeous. :aktion033: :bgrin
Very pretty boy, but he doesn't look very buckskin to me. He kind of does in the really young pictures, but the others he doesn't. Color him gorgeous. :aktion033: :bgrin
He atually doesn´t look buckskin untill his last pics, the foal pics look more black or smokey black.

Was he tested for agouti? Never seen a baby buckskin that color.
What a neat looking guy! I love those last three pictures of him.
[SIZE=14pt]Thanks everyone :saludando: [/SIZE]

I haven't had him tested, but I don't think I need to. I have 3 horses here who have been DNA'd as smokey blacks and they are completely 100% different than he is, color wise.

Pictures can be deceiving and they aren't picking up his exact colors, plus all of our monitors show color a bit differently, if you saw him in person there would be no doubt that he is sooty buckskin.

His muzzle is always that light tan color, and around his eyes as well sometimes, and the rest of his coat has that distinct brown hue to it.

I will upload some more full body pictures of him from this past summer, I know that one I posted you can only really see his head and neck, but his under belly and sides were also that light tan.

I will also upload some pics of him when he was just a couple of days old. Those first baby pics I posted were when he was a couple of weeks to a month old.
[SIZE=14pt]I have had two buckskin colts born here one who I dont have pics on this computer of was born looking like a silver dapple baby... mom was black dad a palamino.... someone was hiding silver.... he clipped out and mane darkened to a silver buckskin... his reg name is L&Ks Go for the Gold..... this colt was born to a palamino mom and a golden buckskin dad.... here he is 2 days old and 4 months old. he was sold that month so I didnt see him till a year later and he is back to his birth color.[/SIZE]


Buckskins can do funny things!

Lindsay, Finnegan has always been one of my favorite boys. How cool to see him all grown up! I love his colors and that face with the mane and forelock! What a heartbreaker. Is he in tact or did you geld him? I still have his baby pic in my pictures file!

His muzzle is always that light tan color, and around his eyes as well sometimes, and the rest of his coat has that distinct brown hue to it.font]


Yes his muzzle really shows it in the older pics but the first I would have definatly not guessed buckskin.

Finnegan has always been one of my favorite boys. How cool to see him all grown up! I love his colors and that face with the mane and forelock! What a heartbreaker. Is he in tact or did you geld him? I still have his baby pic in my pictures file!
[SIZE=12pt]Debbie-- Finnigan is definitely still intact, he just keeps getting better and better looking, growing into himself. The only thing I could find fault with back when you could see him (in summer coat), was that his back was a little long, he got that from his Mom. But he seems to be growing into it. He also got his Mom's big huge hip, which I love, and nice straight legs.[/SIZE]

His personality is also wonderful, he's even corraled next to two mares, and has yet to go through a bad stage (knock on wood). So unless something changes he will stay intact, at least for now. He's sitting right at 33 inches, and hasn't budged from that height since last March.

I will have to upload some more pictures of him from this past summer.
I think he'll be really neat this coming spring when he sheds out. I"ll bet he'll be a smutty buckskin too.
Zowie, what a knockout!

If he ever sires any babies that look like him, I'd love to know about it -- I am absolutely falling in love with him from these pics!

Leah M.

[SIZE=14pt]I haven't posted new pictures of my 2 year old colt Finnigan since he was a weanling

This is my buddy, MF Charmed IMA Gonna Be A Star, AKA Finnigan, he will be 2 in June. He is a BTU grandson, his sire is a classic buckskin, and out of my silver dapple mare Grettle, and he's one of those horses that changes colors all the time.

Finnigan is by far the most gorgeous exotic horse I have, with a head to die for, hard to tell in his winter woolies and my pictures don't do him justice, but he just carries this magnificent aura around him. Anytime anyone comes here they are drawn to him.

He was born with bright blue eyes, and they are now a dark smokey blue/gray.

So here is Finnigan in his many coats.

As a baby



clipped as a weanling


as a suckling, he had frosting on his butt


as a not quite yearling in winter coat, last winter



September 2005, long yearling, summer coat


And now, taken a few days ago




Thanks for letting me share my boy!!!

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