Well-Known Member

I was given a local farm and ranch paper by a neighbor because it had a miniature horse article.
I won't copy the whole thing, just the disturbing parts......here goes.......
"To be considered a miniature the horse must be less than 32 inches talll"
"They're alot fun, Mrs. ****said of her miniatures. "They don't act anything like the big ones. They're more like puppy dogs."
The ****family has a new addition to the family now-Stormy.
"We didn't even know Midnight was going to have a baby," Mrs. *** said, we came home after a game and saw her running around.
The horses "look" fine and healthy in the photos, but I guess it is the sheer ignorance of the whole thing that is bothering me.
There's more, but I think what I have written will explain my irritation. And if this article is about you, and you are reading this, then I'm sorry, but you should know alot more and I'm sure there are many who would be willing to inform you and help.
I'm doing as much as I can to learn about these beautiful creatures, and I find it unbelievable that an article like this can be printed. It only helps misguide more folks.
Needless to say, I have sent a letter to the editor and asked them if they do any homework or just print whatever comes out of the mouth. I also said that many people work hard to teach, breed, and show, along with the countless number of people who rescue these horses, because someone, at the time, thinks they want a new "puppy."