Anyone Raise Button Quail?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
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Hi. Can anyone provide pros/cons of raising button quail?

Actually any information at all would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

Pam Kent
There are quite a few people in my area that raise and sell them. Mainly for sporting. I had thought about it at one time or another, but never did. I found this site a really interesting site that pretty much covers alot about these little guys.

Button Quail
i was watching this post carefully and, ooooohhh, thanks so much for that link! i saw them in our feed store and fell in LOVE
: with these these little birds but don't have any (yet LOL). i will sure be learning about them now and contacting the ONE
: breeder listed in my state...
A friend of mine used to hatch and raise button quail! She was great at it! I am sure if you email her she would be of help to you. [email protected] I wasn't so great at it so no advie from me! LOL Well I guess I could tell you what NOT to do.
I had a friend once who hatched a bunch of these guys out in an apartment...

My only question is... Why do people raise them? LOL Other then for pets... kinda like the "what are they good for?!" question when it comes to Minis!
Button quail are awesome to have in the bottom of any aviary or roaming your farm! They are like chickens, they pick up and eat most anything that other animals leave behind, plus bugs!!

I used to have a pair of breeding doves, they would sit on anything you gave them! One day I was at the pet store and noticed they had a few button quail, and there were some eggs scattered around the bottom of the cage, the guy told me "Yeah we just throw those out, they lay them all the time" so I snuck a few in my pocket, headed home, gave them to my doves and waited...finally, before I almost gave up, I noticed one of the eggs had a hole...the chick was pipping! I held the egg while the chick worked it's way out (loooong time) but was so ecstatic, the baby was the size of the tip of my pinky and was up and running on 2 legs right away! It was adorable watching it explore my hand like a large map =) It was the sweetest moment i've ever had with a baby bird!

Button quail are the COOLEST!!

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