An Awful Day...

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Kim Rule

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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My beautiful puppy that I was so proud of not long ago has to go away. Yesterday, in the midst of fireworks, and a BIG thunder storm...he went nuts. He attacked my horses! They have mostly superficial wounds thank god...but he left teeth marks, and marks where he clawed them. I found Beren on the wrong side of the fence...he must have flipped over the fence trying to get away from the dog...he was all muddy. Beren got the worst of it...I found the other three huddled in a corner of the shed, and lots of Beren's mane and tail hair on the ground all over the place. My guess is that Beren was defending the others. But EVERY horse has marks from the dog on them. My son is having a hard time understanding...I showed him the injuries done to the horses last night....and he's sad too. He wanted to give the dog to the neighbors, and I said NO!!!!

I blame myself for this...I didn't train him right...I didn't educate myself about herding dogs. I'll never have another one. I love this dog so much, and I hate to see him go. But, it's that, or shoot him. He will go to the pound and be put up for adoption...with the warning that he will attack stock. In the mean time, I'm calling the vet for some antibiotics...


Kim R.
Well, im a bit different on this one. Most dogs hate fireworks, if it were me I would of had him locked up some where during it.

I know my dog was.
That is too bad. He must have really been afraid. But you are making the right decision now, even though it is hard. Glad the injuries were minor ones.
I would find him a home myself rather than take him to a shelter. jmho
Kim, sorry for what you have to decide, it is not easy.

Hope your minis are OK.
I agree with Mountain Waif........... if you can, try finding a home privately first. You have a better chance of explaining to a potential owner the details of what happened.

Hope the horses are doing okay......I don't envy the situation you are in.

My dogs hate fireworks too, but we always make sure the dogs are nice and comfy in a bedroom, I would not take him to a pound, but would find him a good home where there are no horses, or livestock around, and make it very clear to the new owner as to why you are getting rid of him. You are doing the right thing by getting rid of him, and I am glad to hear that it wasnt alot worst. There sure seems to be alot of dog attacks lately on the forum. Corinne
Sounds like he really freaked out with the fireworks. No excuse for attacking the horses though! I'm so sorry your horses got hurt and you have to find your dog a new home. If you do re-home him make sure you warn them about the fireworks and probably thunderstorms being a problem. Good luck!
I am so sorry what a tough position. I dont think the fireworks were the sole cause (he has played pretty rough and started the biting of the hind end and tail as a young pup) and there were some tell tale signs before it may have pushed things along though.

not an easy place to be in however at least the horses werent hurt worse in that case you were lucky.

I do think there is an aussie rescue locally and they may be able to help.
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One suggestion, rather than a pound, what about breed rescue? They foster, train, and screen potential homes to the dog won't have to go into the wrong situation for it again.

I do Corgi rescue, and I do have to say sometimes the right decision is to euthanize, and that is a hard one as well but we do it if needed.
Rescue's are great... We had to take our Bassett Hound to a rescue, and they found it a lovely home with another Bassett. OUr daughter was two at the time, and he would jump on her. He was also two, and weighed like 70 lbs. I felt so very very bad. However, awhile later, we called a Sheltie Rescue and found our wonderful seven mon old sheltie puppy.

If you get another doggie... please make sure he is safe and secure during storms. Our sheltie was shaking last night during the fireworks, and when he went out, and one of the neighbors shot off a firecracker, he too went a little NUTS! Our horses have a QH mare that protects them, and she tossed him with her nose, we heard a YIPE.. and he was running back to the house. We were dumb to let the boy out without a leash, even if it was in our yard. I know it's difficult with children, to explain that dogs are preditory animals, and they have to use every caution around them.

God Bless,

Lynn W

Hope your little boy is doing better. I know it's so hard for him.
Well, it's been an interesting day. Okay, I did have to take the dog to the humane society. However, I have e-mailed a lady I know to be deeply involved in agility for dogs, and she often helps find dogs homes. I let her know he was there, and she'll spead the word. He will have a home...It was not easy, but I couldn't keep him around anymore.

My other dog, Ash, was inside the house. They had been shut in a bedroom, but he got out...somehow he opened the door. Ash stayed inside. He doesn't fit under the gate anyway, so he wasn't involved. When I say he got out, I mean he got out into our yard. Our yard is about half an acre that is fenced with a 6 foot tall cedar fence. The horses are fenced in an area with in there. Loki squeezed under the gate to get to the horses. I keep thinking "what if we weren't here?" What if I didn't check on the horses when I did?" We are SO lucky!

The vet was here. Bilbo almost needed some stitches...his cuts were that deep. The vet gave them a long acting antibiotic, and tetnus shots. He sprayed their wounds with Furacin. YaYa had some skin hanging off of a wound, and he cut the excess skin off. He said they are in pretty good shape, considering. But they are still nervous...I don't know if I will be able to drive Bilbo on the street again. He is very worried. What happened to them mentally could be infinetly more damaging than anything. Luckily, we have good old Ash here. Ash is calm around the horses, and a good dog.

I have done everything I can do. I have learned from my mistakes, and I am greiving terribly. Loki was my sweet, playful companion. Whatever caused him turning into a vicious attacker made him into something I don't want on my farm. Imagine if I had babies! He would have killed them easily. Beren could have broken his back falling over the fence. The fact that I got away with paying my vet just less than $200 and came away with all of my horses alive is remarkable. I am thanking my lucky stars as we speak.

Oh, and Black Magic, my son is 16...okay, he'll be my "little boy" for the rest of his life! But, I'm hoping he forgives me for this. I think he understood better after I showed him what Loki did.

Kim R.
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Darn, Kim, I'm sorry for all of this stress and grief and also relieved it was not worse.

I do hope Loki can find a new place in life, or a peaceful resolution as it may be.

I'm also sorry for the feeling of betraying your son, I know we went through a similar situation w/our mini Aussie a year ago and had to make some hard choices (he is my son's dog, too).

Take care,


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