A little *Magic Shoes* story

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hulett, Wyoming
Hi Folks,

Dolly here! Just wanted to thank my Auntie Janell and let you all know what I think of my custom made special Little * Magic Shoes * made for special little horsies like me :bgrin

Well, it all started out with a bit of yet another pedicure. I am a good girl but I don't like my humans to think I'm too good and try to make sure they know who's really in charge here....so I do quick little jerky movements once in awhile just for fun. Besides, it kinda makes these pretty red blotches burst forth on Mr. Human's hands when I do that

Then came this funny looking metal thingie on my back foot. Mrs. Human started taking care of that while I was just kinda hanging out.


Then I suddenly realized WOW! Breakfast in bed!


But Mr. Human kept rearranging me cuz he thought I might be uncomfortable, saying rude things like "Gee, she sure has gained weight!" I mean, can you believe the nerve! Finally I says "Hay! make up your mind...a girl's gotta eat ya know!"


See!! Ain't it a purty little thing?


Well two days later we start all over again, except this time I get two more on my front feet.


The first time I walked in all three I felt like a ballerina! (but you can just call me prima donna)
: They sparkle and shine!


I had to go right over and show Immy and tell him all about it!


Personally, I would recommend these perky little shoes to any special little horsie. They look oh so cute and my back leg looks even prettier now don't you think Auntie Janell?! :aktion033: Also, have you noticed my coat is now three colors?? I'm tryin' real hard to be the color of my mommy. Okay, enough said....time for midday snack. See you later!

Why, hello Prima Donna!

Yes, they do look very shiny! *_* And sparkly! Make sure that when you get them all dirty, you beg Auntie Janelle to get you a nice, new pair.
Prima DOLLY, in fact!!!

So pretty, so cute, what a lucky filly to have such devoted humans.

I wish I had had this forum when I was teaching my "special" children!!!
What pretty shoes theres a lucky filly with very nice humans to care for her. Really nice to see.
She is tooooooo sweet! I agree that she is lucky to have such loving humans. I wish all horses had that.
Definitely a precious "Prima Dona Dolly" ....... Thanks for a Good Morning Smile.

Awww.. She is an absolute DOLL! She knows she is all that and a bag of chips! :new_shocked:

You must keep us updated on her!
:saludando: HI Debi~

I didn't know that Dolly posted her story on Lil' Beginnings as well as Little Bit's, just happened across it, as I don't get here to read as often as I would like anymore.

Bless you and Dave's hearts for adopting little Dolly, and for being so committed to her.

I KNOW that she had you two wrapped around her little hoof the minute you laid eyes on her though.

I'm tickled that Little Bit's *Magic Shoes* are helping little Dolly so much, :aktion033: I bet she will be able to go without her front shoes very soon. That back one may take a little longer.

Tell Dolly Auntie Nell is very proud of her, and give her some special sugars for me & the Biscuits.

Speaking of sugars, I just wanted to mention that Dolly's Mommie makes horsie and doggie treats, and has them for sale on Little Bit's store, a percentage of the proceeds go to Little Bit's Help Fund. :bgrin THANK YOU DEBI! The Biscuits can testify to just how DELICIOUS they are, too!
: That big bag you sent the Biscuits Debi, didn't last too long, gotta order some more from ya!
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