Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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Yes ma'am..d has a huge belly and ferrari is getting one! After Christmas he is going on a dry lot or I will never get him conditioned. Although all the hill walks we have been doing have got my legs looking!
Ricky doesn't get exercise hardly at all on his own. He huffs and puffs after I get him to run 30 feet with me. He has always had a belly since he was weaned and eating grass. None of the other weanlings at the farm had a belly like him. He was on a lower protein feed and I changed him to 16% when he came to me which helped get rid of the big sides to his belly and it just looked dropped. I have dewormed him twice and will be doing so again soon. I would like to get him in better shape and get more exercise which I think would help him a little. His belly really got smaller and then Laney came home and all she does is eat so he follows her lead. I try to get him excited and get him to trot around after me which works but he huffs and just goes back to eating after a minute. He does like the football we have and tries to pick it up so he probably would like a jolly ball. Are there any games or things any of you think would give him a little exercise? Like walking on a lead.. or trotting on a lead with me? He used to call to me every time a opened the door and trot around all excited but now he only calls to me when I have food or when he thinks I am letting him out and doesn't trot usually. He just seems to be learning to be a lazy brood mare lol I wanted to show him next year but I don't know if he'll be fit to. i am not going to push him though. I want him to be happy and healthy.

Sorry if my post seems jumbled or hard to follow. I am pooped tonight and my mind all over the place.
I think he needs a younger friend, I know it might not be possible right now but as you said, he is learning to be like Laney. If I put Dipinto in with the girls he soon learns that if he doesn't shut up and eat they will beat the cr.. out of him
So he quietly obeys yet when he is in with Eagle they charge around nearly all day.

My fields are next to our company and often at lunch time the workers will sit on the wall and eat their sandwiches whilst watching the boys do their show.

I agree with Anna about the grass, always let him eat grass when you have it but you could reduce his hay a little. My boy Eagle tends to be a bit dumpy and fat in the tummy, ( I think it is due to him being so small) he gets grass all day and just a little hay at night which I shake all over his stable (not where he politely poops) so that he has to look for it which makes it last longer.

Laney is looking great and thanks for the pics
I was so excited this morning to see Ricky being Ricky again. My dogs were out in the big paddock running and acting like idiots and Ricky got excited. I got it on video.. love seeing him like this

We can't get Ricky a friend- Laney's foal will hopefully work out well for that. I want to make extra effort to play and show Ricky to have fun and be a young colt. He gets very little hay.. maybe 2 handfuls a day just to keep it in his system so when we need to use it it will be easy for him.

I was so happy this morning to see him so playful
Ignore the paddocks as it rained last night and I only had time to rake the poop yesterday not shovel it
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What a joy to watch!

We do hours of work, we get hot, we get cold, we smell, we look wind swept most of the time, we spend all our money on food and bedding but boy is it worth it when we walk out to see such a wonderful show.

We are easily pleased really
great video,,,i have to do 1 of my babys..but i have to get a new card thing for my camera
Ferrari looks 'older' in that last picture to me! Like a real stud.

Thanks everyone
I was so happy to see Ricky playing again with my dogs this morning. He seems like he is doing great- so I need not to worry about him.

We are seriously thinking of getting a barn cat. I saw another mouse in the hay shed.. this time IN the feed bag yesterday. Luckily it was the very last of the feed so I threw it out and we are going to get a better container for the new feed. We haven't ever had an outside cat. My dog was allergic to my maine coon (who was strictly inside) so he is living with a friend. I caught the mouse in a mouse trap but we also had a mouse in the house a few months back I caught in the same trap.. and I don't like mice around here.

My husband's grandmother is in the hospital and was diagnosed with lung cancer last month.. so we will be making a trip to see her right after xmas. I have family coming to house sit and look after the animals. They are so excited to spend time with the horses
So Sorry to hear about your husband's Grandmother
Give him hugs from us. I can only imagine how he is feeling. So sad to find this out at this time of year. My heart and prayers go out to ya'll.

Good to hear that you will have someone ther to watch over your house and horses. that wil be a great load off your minds while visiting. Kepp us updated.
Megan I am so sorry to hear about your hubby's Grandmother, how old is she? When my Grandma got sick I flew to England that week and spent some quality time with her and I am so glad that I did that now as I have lots of very fond memories.

Sorry about your husband's Grandmother

I wouldn't be without my barn cats!

One of them is a cute little mixie who loves to chase and play with mice.

The other is part Russian blue and is probably the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper given the amount of corpses she brings and disects for me with much pride. Mice, rats, rabbits, birds, it's all just a corpse in waiting to her
:rofl But thanks to her we don't have many rodents under foot which keeps the snakes down as well.
Thank you, Ladies. My husband has always been very close to his grandmother so it has been very upsetting already. She is 79 years old and had been sick with pneumonia in the hospital when they found the cancer. She just had her first chemo treatment this week and it made her ill. She is now in ICU but they said she is doing better now and they are draining fluid from her lungs. We would really appreciate some extra prayers for her and the rest of the Houts family right now.

We were given two cats today to be our barn cats. I am still thinking of names for them. Both are females about 5 months old. One is pure black with beautiful green eyes.. and the other is mostly black with a very small amount of white on her chin, belly and the tip of a few of her paws, also with green eyes. They are very pretty kitties. We are thinking Bella and Cissy (after Bellatrix and Narcissa from Harry Potter)
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We were given two cats today to be our barn cats. I am still thinking of names for them. Both are females about 5 months old. One is pure black with beautiful green eyes.. and the other is mostly black with a very small amount of white on her chin, belly and the tip of a few of her paws, also with green eyes. They are very pretty kitties. We are thinking Bella and Cissy (after Bellatrix and Narcissa from Harry Potter)
Mungojerry and Rumpleteaser

No wait, those are my next barn cat names

You can see why no one likes me naming things
I like weird names!
WOW Megan Ricky looks great!! I loved his face at the end when he doggy friend left him... it was like "where did you go? come back n play!... there you are!! yipee!!" LOL

Sorry to hear about your husbands grandmother...
I will definitley be praying for your family!
LOL on those names. I came across the name Pyewacket and love it for some reason. But my husband says no and he really like Bella and Cissy so that is what we settled with.

I am upset because they are hiding in the hay right now. Tonight we are going to get them and move them into our larger building we will be able to socialize with them more and they are safer from escaping cause we are in and out of the hay shed through the day. The bigger building has a normal door and is escape proof otherwise. We don't want them running away. I would feel awful
We want them to be comfortable with us and their new home before letting them loose cause I don't think they would stick around. I should post a picture of them when I get a good one. The only ones I have is of them scared in the crate coming home.

Thank you so much for the prayers and hugs. It really means a lot to us.

Ricky is such a character. He has been much more active and playful the past few days. I am about to go and give him some lovin in a few. He expects me to kiss him when I go to scratch him.

Laney is doing good. Grazing a way. It was warmer last week and the flies were bothering her eyes. One of them got a little clear/white booger in it and its gone now of course. Is there a trick to washing her eye out when this happens to make sure it doesnt get dirty and infected? Anything other then a saline eye wash?
Great video Megan..hes a real handsome young man and looks so happy playing with the woofa
I LOVE the ricky video! He is such a little doll!
I'm sorry to hear about dh's grandmother. I will say a prayer for her and for your family.

Ferrari looks 'older' in that last picture to me! Like a real stud.
He was acting quite studly in that pic...I had just put him into a pasture that d and isabella had just he was running around and "marking" their poo. Silly boy. Like I said dry lot as soon as Christmas is over! (and a neck sweat!)
Ricky looks great Megan - keep those dogs around each morning and he will soon be getting plenty of exercise! LOL!!

So sorry to hear about your hubby's grandmother, what a worry for you all. A very dear friend of ours had the dreaded flu last winter, resulting in a bad chest infection. The resulting xray also found that she had a cancerous tumour in one of her lungs. She was operated on and surgeons removed 2/3rds of one of her lungs. Throughout this summer she has had chemo and radiation treatment, also having a bad reaction to one 'session' requiring a two week stay in hospital. But she has just received the all clear, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for her and continuing with our prayers.

I will be praying for your hubby's grandmother too, in the hope that she too successfully completes her treatment and gets remission from this nasty illness.

((((HUGS)))) for you and hubby.
Thank you everyone. It really means a lot to have you all and your thoughts and prayers.

We are a bit worried right now. We were planning to leave right after Christmas to go to visit his grandmother. This weekend we had a get together with my family and my cousin is sick with a stomach bug now.. so we are really hoping it was not passed to anyone else. We would not be able to go visit and don't know when else we could anytime soon.

We got our kittens out from under the hay this evening. They had hidden themselves far back under a pallet. We decided to move them into the larger building we have so they can't hide in the hay so easy and we can give them love to get them used to us easier. I forgot the camera outside but will try to get pictures again soon.

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