When do you prefer

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What month do you prefer your foalings?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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Smiths Grove,Ky
Which month do you prefer for foalings and why? Also please let us know what the weather is like in that month and if there are any procaustion that you take. I thought this would be an interesting topic and very informative. Thanks!
I like Jan, Feb and march for 2 reasons. 1) they are more mature for showing that year. 2)Mares are not foaling when you want to be out showing.

The down side to this is that it is really cold to sleep in the barn. I did sleep in the barn for 2 different Big mares. It was really cold. We dodn't have cameras back then and I lived 1/4 of a mile away from the barn.

sorry for the multipal entries. I don't really have a problem repeating myself.
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I voted March just because I like to have the foals born and at least a little older before show season so I dont have to worry about them as much when Im gone. It still gets pretty cold here in Iowa and I have a heater that I can turn on to take the chill off plus lots of towels and baby blankets to keep my foals warm if needed. Next year will be even better since my barn is going to be fully enclosed and I will have another new barn available as well! I still have foals born through June normally too just prefer as many born early as I can. Interesting topic!
I voted May, but to clarify, go for May or June foals. Rather not go earlier, its just too cold here.
I voted May but May-July is fine. We have a few due this April because I want to show this year and thought we'd give early foals a try. Bad idea. It is still cold and snowing here PLUS we are completely flooded at the moment, including our main barn. We have another barn that we use for grain that is nice and dry and already has stalls so I just had to clean it out so not too bad there. Will still be keeping May as the earliest month for babies in the future.
I think May is perfect for around here (Southwestern Ontario). I would have said April as well, but I'm sure glad I don't have a foal due right now as we're getting down to below zero (celsius) at night sometimes still; it was snowing on the weekend! So I think we're pretty safe in May
January and February. 1) No shows so I can concentrate on foalings and rebreedings. 2) More mature for show season 3) Doesn't interfere with other family obligations that start occuring in March through June. 4) Our winters are normally mild and by April we have flies and heat.
Had all my foals last year in April, and that was so nice to have it over with.

Voted for March, but darn these minis have their own ideals.

Still waiting this year for my first.. urgggg..
I also like early babies! January - February is what I'd pick if I had a magic wand. Babies are old enough for shots before the biting insects get too bad and also old enough for me to consider showing w/o worrying as much as I otherwise might.
I like best April/May. Not that cold anymore, and I have the summer off. If the nights are too cold we have Kargo heaters for the foals.

I like best April/May. Not that cold anymore, and I have the summer off. If the nights are too cold we have Kargo heaters for the foals.
I prefer May, even though it does conflict with the first show of the year. It's just too cold and rainy/snowy in April and earlier. We do have one foal on the ground, but having just one is easier than several in this kind of weather. This year it seems like we should be raising sea horses, the way it's been raining endlessly.
I'd prefer April. Just like most others I'd like to get it over before show season and so the foal is older in case I decide to show it. I"ll just have to hope that April next year, here in Wisconsin, isn't as cold as this one since I would rather not be lurking around the barn with my teeth chattering.
April or late March. Too cold before that and too hot after! Our barns are open, so no way to heat them. Down here it's hotter more than colder.
I voted April, but if I ruled the world it would be earlier for the reason Jill said plus it wouldn't interfere with showing. But imo, it's just too cold for me or the babies that early!
I want Jan/Feb babies for several reasons 1) more mature for shows later in the year 2) foaling done before show season starts 3) foaling done before baseball season starts for my kids and 4) we love camping and doing tons of things in late spring and summer and don't want to be tied to expectant mares when we want to be out playing

We live in Southern CA so weather is not an issue here. We complain bitterly about the freezing weather if it drops to 40 or 50 in the winter

With all that said, my mares are not cooperating this year so it looks like we will have one late January foal (mare I sold recently but staying her to foal and be rebred) and hopefully three late March/early April babies (my two mares and a client's mini donkey who foaled out here this year and will foal out here next year as well)
Oh well, maybe the following year we'll get those early babies we want....
I also voted for March by then the weather is getting better here and we can get them dried and use a heat lamp only with us right there until they are dried and we don't freeze ourselves. and that leaves time for them to shown as a weanling.

We did a beginning of Feb baby once and it was just to cold for us getting him dry and staying out in the barn for hours.
Given our geographical location - April is the ideal foaling month for us - We have no snow - fresh new green grass, the weather is cooler but not cold and it is not yet hot and humid, no flys, and although we do have some early shows, we personally delay showing until late May/June. April foals are mature enough that we can still show the foals in our area shows and then take them to Nationals.

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