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lucky lodge

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
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ok tattoos,,who hates them who likes them and who got them

I have 6 tattoos

but my saying is never jugde a book by its cover
I have one - it has very special meaning to me. I never in my life ever expected to get a tattoo. I don't mind them on other people, just never thought I would have one. And now I do and I would not change it for the world!

:salute this is great i love tattoos iam gunna go get another one soon

just got to make my own design

keep the photos coming
I have last one was my beloved dog Brutus' name in a heart on the top of my plans for anymore but they are like potato chips (and minis) can never just have 1, or 2,
I just got one last week I will say it does hurt a bit more when you are older but I love it. It is in the itchy stage now and cant wait for that to be over but other then that I really do like them on myself and others. I love to see how others express themselves thru their tattoos.
I am almost 72 so I'm not a big fan.I think it is a craze, but a tattoo is forever so what you do when you are young you are stuck with for life.I know that in many workplace situations they hesitate hiring a person who is covered with visible tattoos.I think placement of the tattoo you nare getting in a non highly visible place might be the best choice especially if you are seriously job hunting in this very competitive market.
I am 16 - almost 17 and I do want a tattoo, nothing huge but maybe a horse head on my shoulder or ankle? Not sure, I many years to decide but I do know I want one... eventually.
No tattoos for me. I wouldn't mind one, but I always said I would never get one unless the tattoo had a lot of meaning. The first time my mother miscarried she got a tattoo on her ankle of a dreamcicle-the cute little angel babies with the date she miscarried inside it (can't even see it unless she points it out). It doesn't show for work and isn't that flashy even when she is wearing shorts or sandals so I really like it.
I'm 18 in one week so I've been asking mom about getting one and she kept holding off on letting me but now she can't say anything about it
She shouldn't anyway as she has one
I was thinking a small trail of horse shoes on my shoulder or up and around my ankle
I am almost 72 so I'm not a big fan.I think it is a craze, but a tattoo is forever so what you do when you are young you are stuck with for life.I know that in many workplace situations they hesitate hiring a person who is covered with visible tattoos.I think placement of the tattoo you nare getting in a non highly visible place might be the best choice especially if you are seriously job hunting in this very competitive market.

I have 6, going to get a full shoulder in a couple of weeks, it won't be seen unless I'm wearing a tank top, or a bathing suit. Both of my feet were done, either side of my hips, and one on my wrist. All have meaning.

BUT when I turn your age, why do I care what they look like, or who looks at me? Who is going to think I'm a super model when I am 70? I'm not going to care if I have wrinkles, scars, or I don't look like I do now. I think 90% of people around my age group has a tattoo. I'm 24 btw.

I think people are getting more lax about tattoos, not all but some. I think the reason to have a tattoo be seen by others if it's not in a hiden area. They know it'll be seen.
Hmmm...I am on my phone so can't see where you're from heartk, but it must not be from the midwest. I am in your age group and there are definitely not 90% with tattoos. It is probably less than 10% here.

I see both sides. Like I said, i'd get one if it were to really mean something, but i'd have it on my ankle or somewhere that it would not be visible in the work place.
I've seen some very nice tatoos, hidden and visible, and I still wouldn't get one (for one I have a very low threshold for pain).
Well I don't have any, but one of my daughters has a butterfly on her back, and another daughter has a dolfin on her ankle. I used to want one but after what I had to go through with my husband I gave that thought up. When he was stationed in Colorado he got two, one on each arm, and got hepatitis, so I had to give him a shot every week for over a year. I thought he was going to die he lost a lot of weight and was miserable. Of course this was back in the 1970's and I'm sure things have improved since. My daughters have not had problems with theirs, and one of my Grand Daughters just got an eagle feather on her shoulder. some of them are very artistic and beautiful, just not for me.
I dont mean to offend anyone here at all, but I have never understood why people feel the need to mutilate themselves with permanent ink, body piercings, etc.... What someone thinks looks cool at 25 years old is certainly not going to look the same way at 65 years old. I have known a few people in the past who got a tattoo (or more) at a young age and HATED them years later. It is very time consuming and expensive to have them removed- not to mention the scars they leave, or the chance of infection.

I wonder about the comment too about 'who cares who looks at me when I'm 70?'. Do some people have no pride or respect for themselves? I valued what I looked like at a younger age, do now at middle age and will when I am old/ancient also.

Also, many people in the world still do not accept this as a 'normal' thing and when applying for a job, many employers are certainly going to take note of the 'first impression' that walks into the door for that job. Just some things to think about. Again, no offense to anyone- just my own thoughts.
I dont mean to offend anyone here at all, but I have never understood why people feel the need to mutilate themselves with permanent ink, body piercings, etc.... What someone thinks looks cool at 25 years old is certainly not going to look the same way at 65 years old. I have known a few people in the past who got a tattoo (or more) at a young age and HATED them years later. It is very time consuming and expensive to have them removed- not to mention the scars they leave, or the chance of infection.

I wonder about the comment too about 'who cares who looks at me when I'm 70?'. Do some people have no pride or respect for themselves? I valued what I looked like at a younger age, do now at middle age and will when I am old/ancient also.

Also, many people in the world still do not accept this as a 'normal' thing and when applying for a job, many employers are certainly going to take note of the 'first impression' that walks into the door for that job. Just some things to think about. Again, no offense to anyone- just my own thoughts.
My mom says this exact thing... and I tell her it is body ART and my tattoos tell a story of my life as each tattoos has a meaning for me. They were not just random "things" I decided to put on my body.

(I posted pics in my prior post)

My butterfly was my 1st tattoo..I got it after I came out as a lesbian...The colors are all the colors in the rainbow and a butterfly means "new life".

My unicorn was my 2nd one and I decided on it because I love unicorns and my life was "magical" like a unicorn.

My double female symbols with the flowers was my 3rd tattoo and it again expressed my being a proud and out lesbian and the flowers were for "re-birth".

My chinese symbol was my 4th and it means "strength"...I am a strong woman.

My dragon with the paddle was my 5th tattoo and it shows my passion for dragon boating...which helped me build that strength and inner peace.

I have a few others I have been thinking of for years that I want to add (so obviously I am not in any hurry to get them)...I want to be ready to add to my story.

So far all of my tattoos are in places that would not affect me job-wise except my chinese symbol (which is on my inner wrist), but that one is small and not over-the-top or weird, so I doubt very much it would ever cause a problem.

I got my 1st one at age 38 and I am almost 50 now and I have never regretted my decision to get any of my tattoos. They are as much a part of ME as my smile or any other part of me...I just CHOSE to add them.

I will say however that the tattoos I see on SOME people are just plain WEIRD and I think that SOME people DO regret get some of their tats later in life...same with piercings. I tell my kids that they need to think about their choices before they do something like putting ink on their bodies or get piercings. MOST piercings are easily reversed...except not the gauges (large holes in the ears). My son swore his holes would shrink...nope, so now he has "skin color" earrings in his ears to hide the holes...

I LOVE my tats!