Stormy's foaling thread

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Well, give us a few side-shots that are current, and we'll take a better guess!
ok, here is a belly shot (at ground level) from this evening.IMAG0173.jpg

Here is one from 9/24IMAG0163.jpg

one from 9/20IMAG0153.jpg
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Bree can you post a few pics of her a few weeks ago with some recent pics, this helps to see the progress. You said she was with the stallion until November right? so this could mean an October baby, 1 week to go and it is October so don't worry.
Ok, posted pics of her belly. she was in with the Stallion till novemeber, cant remember if it was beginning or mid Nov.
Here is a pictrure from the end of AugustIMAG0003.jpg

I swear I thought I felt fetal movement the other day, but I just keep questioning myself
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O.K Bree so I am going to get very difficult now
Can you get her head up and standing square and then take a photo. This will make it much easier to understand, also try taking some from the other side too so we can see her neck.

Here is a good example of a mare due to drop, she foaled about a week later:

I agree about stancing the picture. I also have very few doubts she's pregnant, and will probably deliver in October! But getting the picture squared up would certainly help!

Ok, here are the pics, i hope they are good enough? What do you all think. It seems her udder is a bit fuller in the mornings as you said, then less in the evening. She is showing some signs, but I dont want to be "imagining" things, plus i am a person to worry at times unecessarily

These are both from this afternoon.
O.K Bree so I am going to get very difficult now
Can you get her head up and standing square and then take a photo. This will make it much easier to understand, also try taking some from the other side too so we can see her neck.

Here is a good example of a mare due to drop, she foaled about a week later:

Ok, posted pics of her belly from this afternoon above. Stormy is in for the night, udders seem about the same, still softer feeling in the rear. What are your guys' opinions about these pics?
ok from those photos she looks about the same size as my dusty and saffire

and i have no idea when there due

i would think maybe a nother 8 weeks is she maiden

i no what your going thro is this your first foal

thay sure do no how to stress us out
Sorry I didn't answer last night but what with Eagle not being well and I had one of the dogs operated on in the afternoon and he wasn't very well last night but all is fine this morning.

I am doubting too Diane, this is why I asked for better photos, Can you go and find the pics that were first put up and post them together for comparison? I have tried but I just can't do it, sorry.

What are you feeding her Bree and how much?

I am so sorry as I know you were really looking forward to a baby, lets hope I am VERY wrong.
O.k so let me try.

First pic is 18th August and the second one is yesterday

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Looking at the first pic (August), one could easily say that she could be in foal, but on closer inspection (and alongside the second pic) the first one now looks like an overweight mare - look at her quarters - with a 'saggy' tummy.

Looking at the pic from yesterday, I see a 'trim' mare with a 'suspicious' foal belly! This tummy looks 'tight' but filled. She's not a maiden is she? This looks more like a maiden tummy. BUT if we are saying that she could have been with the stallion until mid November and then you allow for her to be LATE foaling so she could have 6,7, even 8 weeks to go, then I would say she's pregnant.

Of course with my elderly brain and my hopes that Kara will get the foal she is so hoping for, I might be completely wrong! But let's think positive girls until there is good reason not to.

Sorry Kara, I cant remember how many chips you have, or if you have any boys around the place, but do you have any reason to think that Stormy might have been in season earlier this year?

Suggest you keep right away from her udder for at least 10 days (or more) - no peeping - and then get under there for a look. You might then see a change, but you are not going to see much happening yet if she is 6 weeks + away from foaling. So be a good Momma and keep away from that udder!
A bit of heavy breathing & lying down, she's led right at the edge of the cam but i'm watching like a hawk!
She's up again now & seems to be ok, will keep watching though
Ok we increased her feed about the time we started marestare thinking it was her last month of pregnancy. But that original side shot was well before any increase in feed. I don't know the exact last day she was in with the stallion. She was back in with the stallion in april this year (i am suspecting a little it could be this) we never saw any signs of her being in heat again after her sept bbreeding, which is why we thought she took then. I think I am going to try to get ahold of the vet, but the one here local is not very knowledgeable about minis, and if she its pregnant I don't want to do anything to harm her or baby.

What do you guys recommend? Ultrasound, palpation? Not sure what to request being that she could be almost to goal or could be half way through. Please any thoughts?
If we weren't sure on ours we got them scanned, always gave a definate & can usually say how far into pregnancy they are
If we weren't sure on ours we got them scanned, always gave a definate & can usually say how far into pregnancy they are
I am going to take her and another mare in to the vet next week. We were going to do it ommorrow, but hubby is STILL working on the trailer, so I had to cancel.
It is so cold here! At this point I almost "hope" she waits till spring, cold, wet, and yucky here for the weekend.
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