Sad Day Here

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
Reaction score
Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Due to finances I have decided to step out of horse ownership for a while.

I will really miss my girl.
It will be weird not hearing her whinny for me anymore. The pen will be empty and I will be reminded of her every time I look outside. But I have to do what is right. This really sucks
I hope you find a loving home for her.
These are hard economic times and I'm afraid alot of people are going to have to make tough decisions.
I'm sorry you're having to do this.....but you can always visit the forum to get your "vicarious" fix!
I'm soooo, soooo sorry for you. It's right a lot of people are having to do what your doing, but it still doesn't make it any easier it still hurts. But, like the other post say's you can always come to visit anytime you like and you know you can come where your loved. TJ
[SIZE=12pt]I am so sorry
Sometime you have to do what you have to do.......

I am so sorry! It definately is a difficult time not only for yourself but many others. I wish you all the best and hopefully one day you will be able to get back into minis! Keep visiting the forums!!!
Offering a sympathetic ear...I know how difficult it must be for you as many of us are or have considered what you have had to do for similar reasons.

My thoughts are with you.

Im sorry...As said before me, it is hard times. I am selling 3 of mine right now, but I will still have some left....Maybe you can lease her and not sell her??
Oh Jen, that is heart breaking news. I'm so sad for you. Even though they are little, they can still eat a hole in your finances. Maybe a lease is an option? It's so sad that the things that bring you so much enjoyment and happiness have to be the 1st things to go when times are tough.

My heart hurts for you and I'm thinking of you.

xox Leonie xox
Thanks guys. I can't even look at her right now.

Leasing is not an option as we need the money. Otherwise I would definitely consider that.

I will be back here to read all the fun things going on, but I know it won't be the same. I won't have anything left to post about. I know I will have another mini in the future but I can't imagine it not being Sable. I wish I could just get her back when things get better but things just don't work out that way.

This is gonna hurt. Big time.

Here is my beautiful girl.


I'm sorry you have to do this. These are tough times right now. Do you know anyone that would buy her and then would be open to letting you buy her back down the road? I know it sometimes isn't that simple but you never know. She looks like a real sweetheart. I feel for you and the decision you have to make.
If she is registered, maybe a "breeding lease" to someone?? People are now finding it very hard to sell or place a horse in this economy. Horses are not moving.