Rough Magic

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Sep 14, 2020
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Just ran across the book, ‘Rough Magic‘ by Lara Prior-Palmer. It is a magical but true story of the world’s longest toughest horse race, the Mongol Derby. Who knew?! Mongolia puts enormous care and precision into the care of the horses and the history of everything is fascinating.

If you collect books for those closed in freezing snowy months, you may enjoy racing across the Mongolian steppes with Lara. 😊
Hope you enjoy it!

I loved it and just got pulled right in and forgot everything else. 😂 Dinner? Laundry? Litterbox? Husband?🤣

Are your other two books horse related?

Happy Reading!
‘Grandma Gatewood’s Walk’, is another book I found interesting and inspiring. It is not horse related but is the story of the first woman (a grandmother) to hike the Appalachian Trail.

I can rarely afford to buy books, so years ago I found a site where you could enter to win them, in exchange for reviewing them. Way back when I could get enough of them to keep myself occupied, but in the last few years everyone else has found the site too. So I rarely get picked anymore, but recently I won 2...I know they aren't horse related, but I don't have any other idea about them. They are advance copies and I picked them entirely based on their cover. Sometimes they turn out to be political, hateful, X rated, badly proofread, or just really badly written. And sometimes they turn out to be amazing.
Thought I'd add my 2cents to this conversation. I'm in the middle of reading a book called "The Invincible Miss Cust," written by Penny Haw. I tend to like historical novels. This one is based on the real Aleen Cust who was born in Ireland in 1868 and became the UK's first female veterinarian. So far, it's a great read with all sorts of animals throughout, but, mostly horses. It's amazing what women had to go through in order to pursue an education. Anyway, it's a great book.
1roadtoad, the book you are reading sounds excellent! I’m going to see if the library can find it. Like you, I enjoy historical novels and especially those revolving around women.

Your experience as a reader/reviewer, LostandFound, sounds like it was challenging in some ways! I hope the next two books are pleasant reads!

I actually read ‘Rough Magic’ through the totally free Libby app. Is that something you can access? It is your library system online and you check out books and read on your device. It’s a wonderful program. I believe it is nationwide.

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