quit smoking using Chantix

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I've heard the dreams will diminish in a couple weeks, anyone know?
I think I stopped taking the Chantix before the dreams totally stopped. I'm not positive, but I think they were calming down by the time I quit at the 3 week mark. If I would've been having scarey or disturbing dreams, I would've quit a long time before. As it was, we just got a good laugh over what I was dreaming up
Congrats on your 3 months...I have not smoked in 1 year and 8 months...I NEVER say I quit...I just say I don't smoke or I have not smoked. Quit is a word that means never to happen again...I don't want to put that kind of pressure on myself...lol So it is easier this way...So take your one day at a time...and they will add up.
my uncle started using it early this summer and as far as i know he hasn't smoked since he went on it. said it was very easy to break the habit with! sounds like one of the better methods at this point as long as no serious side effects from it crops up. sounds like it could be a very good option for many smokers!
Congratulations to everyone that has quit or is trying! I quit 5 years and 8 months ago. The best thing I could have ever done for myself.
Is this stuff anything like Zyban? I did good on Zyban but the side effects made me feel like I was on speed all the time. I felt like I was losing control of my brain and body and had a feeling like I was going to start siezing. Plus the week straight of no sleep. Found out later that they did tests and found out it DOES cause seizures. And my doctor looked at me funny when I first mentioned it, go figure. Don't they test this stuff BEFORE they dispense it? Apparently not to the extent they should!

Is this stuff available in Canada? I love my smokes but really want to quit and the patch, gum and other gimmicks did not work for me. The zyban cut out the smoking craving but wasn't worth the side effects.
Chantix targets the nicotine receptors in the brain. It is supposed to be the only drug out that works that way. The only side effect I had was feeling slightly nauseous for about 30 minutes after taking the pill. My mother in law had a few weird dreams. My husband and mother didn't have any side effects at all.

I urge anyone wanting to quit to try Chantix. My husband & I were heavy smokers (2 packs/day for 20 years) and have not had a cigarette since May 22.
We still have occassional cravings but they are fleeting. My mother smoked 2 packs/day for 40+ years and used Chantix. She didn't quit completely, but she smokes about 3 cigs a day now and has been for about 4-5 months--major improvement. My mother in law smokes a few daily now also.

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