Peanut Blessed me with a

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Great to see you again Heidi! You simply must supply new photos
Finally they are back

Cam is such a big boy, wow Peanuts milk must be good

How did it go Heidi, come on do tell!
Cam is so big next to his momma


Hope they did good, Heidi!
WOW!! Just look at that big handsome young man!!

He looks much bigger in the pics than he does on camera - and Peanut looks superb bless her. Nice to see Skillet too!

So where is our commentary? How did they enjoy their party? What did all their human friends think of seeing them in person? How did the travelling go?

Come on Heidi - get typing........please.
Thanks Diane for posting the pictures!

Well the party went great...I, on the other hand, just should relax more. I was able to give quicky baths to skillet and peanut the day before but Cam was not having any of it!! At about the time he got good and lathered up he thought he was done and there would be quirming, rearing and just carrying on like a lunatic until i stopped. i was on my own with no helper so I rinsed the best i could which wasnt very good and he went out the door in a flash and decided to roll!!! he was worse than ever....threw my hands up, raised the white flag and declared cam the winner of that go round!! I was so mad. Skiff thought Cam should look au'natural and thought i shouldnt clip his mane/bridle path...well after the afternoon I already had with him I said o.k and we did no clipping.We put skillet in the front part of the trailer and cam and peanut traveled loose in the back. All loaded fine and traveled fine.

they had their rec hall all decorated with blue balloons and had cake and ice cream. It was so pretty. i had Skiff set up the round pen the day before right out side their door and the guests could come outside and see the horses. I know you guys would have led the horses out w/the people and i would too but i was worried about the stress possiblly with that # of people and little cam and peanut. Skillet would have been fine and i did take him out so the people could pet and snuggle more with him. but cam and peanut were nice and secure in the pen with people just petting thru the fence. I would let one or 2 people in at a time to be able to take pictures with cam. Everyone seemed happy with that. I wish you could have seen the bags of apples and carrotts i got!!! holy horses wouldnt eat that many treats in a year....but grandparents invited their grand kids and their own adult kids and it was really a nice day. Skiff set up a hot dog/hamburger station and we gave them lemonade and little bags of peanuts tied with blue ribbons.

the round pen was only a fifty foot round pen and a couple times peanut got upset w/Skillet getting too close to Cam ( even though it was Cam that went over to Skillet )and she had to chase Skillet away and try to give him a couple little kicks...of course that made the people ooohhh and awwww. I kind of felt bad for poor skillet b/c he was really attempting to avoid Cam but cam was bugging him ands that would upset Peanut. It worked out well being able to take Skillet out and the kids had fun leading him around outside the little corral.

Loading up to leave was a little bit of a struggle with Skillet and of course that rubbed off on Peanut and cam too....luckily Peanut is STILL very fond of food and we did after all have on hand plenty of apples and carrots.

So it was a big sucess and they were sooo happy to be able to actually get to meet Cam.

Weaning will be this week. I needed to plan it when I could take a day off and be able to watch Cam with the other horses and also watch peanut. What are your thoughts of putting cam and nicky ( his dad ) I crazy....they are buddies over the fence and nicky is very very calm. If not i would just put him w/SilverBelle and Holly and put Peanut with the others.Should i start w/just separating them ..maybe in the next stall or just go ahead and put them in separate barns. This is killing me...wish I didnt have to work and i could be here to supervise for a few days!!! Help please..ideas.

sorry Im getting sleepy and am not thinking clear...hope im making sense.diane if i can get a free minute i will try to jingle you know my barn and pasture set up and maybe you have some ideas.

well ladies my warm bed awaits me and im out early in the AM tomorrow but thanks for asking about Cam andim glad you like his pictures....albeit a bit late!! and yes Cam is the same height right now as Peanut!!!
Your party day sounds as though it was a brilliant success Heidi - plus I'm sure that all your efforts to show off Peanut and Cam and to provide such 'extras' like having Skillet out and wandering around, food and refreshments.

Not sure I can advise you on Cam's weaning - here we always do it 'cold turkey' without any problem, but we never have just one to wean. You know your horses so all I will say is that I would make sure Cam is with a group who will play with him/put up with any of his antics. He doesn't just need quiet safe companions, he also needs to race and chase with his new friend/s for the sake of his physical and mental health.

Good luck, let us know what you decide! (how old is Cam now? If Peanut is not in foal again, it wont hurt to delay weaning if it would mean you would be nearer your busy season)

That is seriously frightening, I think I would sleep on the porch with a shotgun.

It was me who misses Heidi so thanks for the update Diane, I can't say I feel much better now though
Omg!! How scary!! So glad we dnt have anything like that here phew, oh besides the terrible phantom black panther lol
Heidi please be careful I got shivers just looking at that pic!
Lol stay away from those cats ok Heidi? N the same goes to cam, peanut n nick!!!
Oh my goodness - that is not your everyday friendly pussy cat!!!

Thank goodness we dont have anything like that here in the UK coz I live surrounded by acres and acres of forest with no near neighbours - my girls living out all the time wouldn't stand a chance!

Take care Heidi
WOW!! That is so scary

I hope Heidi's schedule starts giving her a little bit of leeway so she can rest. We miss you, Heidi!
Woah, great image and what an impressive animal!!!

Although still glad the most I have to put up with is a demanding barn cat
Welcome back stranger :0) well done for the pony porn, I bet Nick was happy. Lol so the anxiety begins
Crossing my fingers that these 2 came out and actually got into the post....i started this at 10 AM

Popcorn has only foaled once i believe, before so she is really a crap shoot....I sure hope shes in foal though!!!

3 foals....geeze I wish I had a bigger barn......hint hint!!

Cams was starting to get a little crest so Ive had to stop feeding him for the last mo...............................well maybe just feeding less!! LOL

Skiff wont let me sell him!!! Yipee!!!! not that I ever would!!!


yippee!! :D thanks Heidi, for the lovely pics! your mini's are looking wonderful! :D

hey Cam must almost be a year old soon isn't he? is it September?

YAY for Popcorn and Nick foal next year! woohoo!! so exciting!

how are you Heidi? Is everything going well for you guys over there?

would love a pic of the precious Cam if you get a chance

have missed you my friend

woops we posted at the same time hehe.

naw thanks for the pics Heidi
Cam is looking great! such an handsome big boy now! is he gelded? or are you going to keep him as a colt? I think he is looking great!

I think Finn is going to be a very similar colour to him when he is in summer coat
can't wait to see hehe.

wait three foals? do you have one due this year? or another due next year?? lol I'm confused
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