Miniature Horse Keeping Questions

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All of ours are fascinated by dogs.

One neighbor has a great dane; we brought it in with Nicky on a leash, which was great fun because the dog is taller than Nicky. And it's white/black spotted just like Nicky. Ole Grandpa (Nicky) had a look-see, they sniffed noses and that was it. Nicky lost interest within a couple minutes.
My stud will "eat" dogs even bigger than he is. Is one of the few ways he is 'studdy.' I also had a big mare that was downright dangerous (if you were a dog!) she killed a coyote, seriously hurt a neighbors dog that tried chasing the herd (which was good, because he never tried it again) and on a trail ride when a pit bull attacked is she grabbed it by the face with her teeth and literally threw it. She meant business.

I've noticed in my experience anyway, dominant horses tend to be dog eaters. I wouldn't worry much about a mini doing a ton of damage to a great pyr, but I wouldn't worry about the dog scaring them.
I, too, have several that will "eat" dogs. The first was our first, he was a stallion and since there were both roaming dogs and coyotes around - I didn't mind. Our personal dogs stayed away from him and his "girls".

I don't mind barking dogs as I like mine to get used to them - regardless of how they feel about them. Even the ones who will protect the rest of the ponies/minis in the pasture will accept dogs on a one to one basis when I say it's necessary.

I neither want my ponies to run from a dog nor chase a dog if I am leading them out or going for a run or a drive with them.
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We have two older Border Collies - the BC's work on the farm and sometimes just for fun - theirs - they will scoot in the pony paddock if they think we are not looking - the ponies ignore them - even when they let out a bark or two to stir things up.

We had a mix breed, Bailey, that we sadly lost this year and she had a really big bark, but even that never disturbed the ponies. The noise is good for them, I think. Dogs, tractors, snowmobiles, ATV's what have you - just not all at once! The only thing that spooked our herd, including the cattle, was a hang glider flying just above the treetops - that was pandemonium. Fortunately there were no lasting injuries, though we were very fortunate. That is a pretty freakish thing though - thank heavens!

These little guys are quick learners and can become very sophisticated at distinguishing 'social' noise from the important grain slithering into a small plastic container
Okay, I don't really like the thought of a horse eating a dog.

I found not only Feona but also a gelding named Dolphin from the same seller. The gelding is super calm. He has never been bred or shown. To give you an idea of how calm he is, he has worked with autistic children before. I have been talking and talking with the seller. I think that these two horses are the ones I am going to buy!
The seller said that she can bring them on the 25th of April. She said we have to have a deposit in before that. I asked the seller about the barking and she said that they are fine with barking. Feona and Dolphin come with halters and lead ropes. Oh, one more thing about Feona she jumps! If any of you would like to watch a video of her jumping it is here- I will keep you all updated.


He sounds more than perfect Tess
Don't forget if you are keen to buy both from the same stable ask if they will do a package deal for you, there is no harm in asking.

You know we will hold you to pictures once they arrive if you do decide to purchase them
Yes, I did ask about the package deal.

Of coarse, I will be more than glad to show you some pictures once I buy them!

We will decide if we want them this weekend. I cannot show any pics until April 25. If we buy them I will let you know what I am going to name them on the 25. I am so excited about the minis.



If I feed 1 flake of hay per day per horse how many square bales do I need a month? I was thinking around 4-5 bales. Is that correct?


Really should feed by weight. How big are the minis that you are looking to get? Hay should be fed at a rate of 1.5-2% of the horse's bodyweight per day (up or down a little depending on if you feed bagged feed or not, and what type of hay). So, if the minis weigh 250#, that would be 3.75# to 5# daily.

I have mostly B-size minis, and 13 of them, plus a mini jenny, so I go through 1.5 bales a day for all. I have one mini mare, the mini jenny and a stallion in one barn, they go through about 1.5 bales per week; the stallion doesn't eat much hay, so it's mostly for the mare and jenny. [My bales are 65-75# bales, and the mare and jenny are two of my smallest at about 32" and the mare is around 300#, the jenny lighter (the stallion is my smallest at 31" and only 175#).]

I asked the seller what she feeds them. She said she feeds 1 flake of hay per day per horse.


You will need to find out what weight her bales are and approximately what one flake weighs. Bales vary greatly in size and weight

And so do the individual flakes. My smallest mini would starve on one flake per day of most of my small square bales.

Generally I feed two flakes twice a day per horse--3 flakes if They are small/light.
Being part of this forum has taught me a lot of things, and one thing is that hay bales are completely different sizes all over the country, and the hay is different, too! In my area, most bales are only in the 35-40 pound range, so obviously it requires more of these bales than it would if you had the bigger bales that seem to be more common in other parts of the country. So, like people have already said, weighing the flake or flakes is a very good idea as you start out. The other thing to know is that depending on the way you feed them, you might find that they waste hay, so that if you give them 2% of their body weight in hay, they might not be eating that much if a lot is being stamped into the ground and peed on. Hay (forage) is the basis of the diet, so it is really important to give them enough.
The shed I talked about near the beginning of this topic is where I am going to put the hay. So is a good size flake about 5lbs?
Sorry, but it still depends on the bale. Those light weight bales Max's Mom talked about might have 2# flakes in them, heavier bales are going to have heavier flakes. You can get a good estimation of flake weight by weighing a bale, counting the number of flakes in the bale and doing the math. [40# bale with say 10 flakes, would mean the flakes are 4# each.]

What are some fun things to do with a mini? What are some good jumps? I do not have any official jumps.


Fun things with minis -

Our daughters grew up with 2 mini sized shetlands (35 - 37" @ the withers so would have been smaller measured the way minis are measured). Here are some of our pics thru the years - sharing with family and friends



Who needs a real jump?


turning the manure into compost


taking a nap

That first foal (1st pic above) - Stuffy is still with us and in 2013 - the cycle was repeated!

Here is a pic of Stuffy with her 4th foal and our granddaughters -


This colt, Rio, is now 2yrs old and has just been castrated. After having his first teeth float and 2 wolf teeth extracted in April, he will be started in harness single w/ the goal of driving with his brother, Cupid, as a pair. Cupid is helping with yard work below.


Giving rides at the Assisted Living home for Veterans that my dad live in - (this is Bell & Bit - pulling a Pioneer wagon in TX in 2012)


Giving rides to a neighbor's special needs daughter (this is Stuffy again - in 2010).


Stuffy is currently out on lease to a family whose granddaughter is spending time with her. When I take another mini/pony down to them tomorrow, we will be measuring Stuffy for a harness so that we can order a new one and get the folks leasing her started in driving.

just spending time with your mini -

Paintponylvr says it all and I'm just chiming in to second everything she shared!

Local parades, school / assisted living visits, walking through your property/neighborhood, local fun shows, more formal shows as the desire and availability hit you, leaning on a fence and just watching them enjoy life, brushing them, sharing them with your kids/grandkids/neighbors kids. Driving, hiking, hugging

Someplace I read a quote about a gentleman who purchased a donkey. Asked what he was going to do with the donkey... he was going to just enjoy having coffee and visiting everyday. I loved that - wish I could remember who had that site!