Mineral supplement

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2003
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What can you all tell me about chelated mineral supplement, compared to an all purpose mineral vitamin supplement for miniature cattle, which would be the best for miniature cattle? Basically the both have the same ingrediances but, one is chelated? What is chelated mineral?
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I'm not sure the question you are asking, but I would buy minerals formulated specifically for horses, not cattle. Horses are not ruminants like cattle, and have different nutritional requirements.
On an educational note about chelates, it is pronounced "key-lates" and "key-lated", so when you talk to your local nutritionist, you can sound like you know what you are talking about!
On an educational note about chelates, it is pronounced "key-lates" and "key-lated", so when you talk to your local nutritionist, you can sound like you know what you are talking about!
Here in the land of nutriceuticals, I just took for granted that everyone was familiar with that term...good tip, Myrna!


from Oregon, where the streets are lined with granola (though not so much in Scappoose...)