Mid life crisis,,,,,,,,,did you have one? What did you do?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
Did you have a mid life crisis? Did you do something silly? Wrong? Or just way out of character for you?

I am 51,,,,should I have already had one? I guess you can tell by the question I have not had one,,,,,but kind of thinking I need to do something, not sure what,,,,just to say I did. But I don't feel like I want/need to.

Maybe women do not have one as much, not sure on the statistics.

Not so sure about it being a crisis,,,,,,but a mark on my making it to mid life. Probably the same thing I guess.

So,,,,,,what did you do,,,,,did you really think it was one,,,,,,and how old were you?
Hi Carolyn!

I would have loved to have a mid-life crisis, honestly it would have probably been something I deserved to go through. I saw my friends cry all the time, feel pity and self worthlessness, have boughts of anger and dispair and all that, and it was terrible, but I couldn't do that. To be completely honest, Jerry would have never put up with it. He needed me all together all the time for the family so I always was. I'm the rock that had to always be strong. We were busy building a business and I had to keep myself together for my boys who needed me 24-7. I did not have time to worry or contemplate about myself even when I wanted to just fall to pieces. And believe me, I had many times that happened to me and I had to force myself to persever. I think I was in my middle to late 40's or so. So yes, I fought it off. Now if you are talking hot flashes, that is something I did have. I hope you are going to be ok. Just chin up and move forward and keep busy will help you out. Promise.
Gosh Caro, I'm 52 and would love one but never have the time! :DOH! Who knows maybe I still have time later?
I was fairly happily married with three very young daughters. Determined to stay married and work out the problems that we did have, normal stuff mind you. Then all of a sudden, I wasn't. It was like my whole body make-up changed. I could not have cared less about my husband anymore. Kicked him out, (for the better in the end he was doing drugs). But before that I was willing to work with him to get through it. Then I just didn't care about anything but my kids anymore. I took over my life, didn't need help from anyone for the first time. If I wanted to do something I just did it. I had fun and did a bit of partying, clean partying, but still .....

Because of my changes, we all went through heck, we really suffered. But, in the end it all worked out for the best and we have a great life now. I was not happy in my first marriage and only fooled myself thinking I was. He got involved in drugs and other stuff. It was bad, now it is very good. Took a while to get past that though and through the crisis. Funny thing, I am a very emotional person. I feel things for others very very deeply and can cry without explanation from feelings I get from other people. During this crisis, I never shed a single tear no matter what happened. Once when my ex was hurting my daughter I got so mad instead of crying I kicked in his car, but no tears whereas usually i would have been bawling!! I am back to my old crying self now though. LOL

Are you aure you want to go through one of these? LOL
I dont think I have yet, but I do think my husband did, thats when he decided he wanted property in the mountains, so we now have a little over 1 1/2 ac. in North Ga. Kathy
Yup, in the middle of it. Selling most of my horses, announced that I no longer want to live here with my roomies and gave them 2 years to get it together to buy me out. That was 3 years ago, still here, still selling horses, still planning on moving back to the city. Fantasizing about a home where I can put something somewhere and it stays there! I can choose where to keep things, what to plant where, have full custody of a towel rack where my towel doesn't get scrunched up to make room for HIS magisty's towel at full stretch. No more hairy soap, empty shampoo bottle, no more religion on the tv on sunday morning. Have the HEAT ON! Someone keeps turning the heat off in the bathroom. As the first one up, I get the displeasure of an icy cold toilet seat
. Not fun, nope, not at all. Won't have to listen to bigoted comments, the pure negativity, if he were to only be allowed to say neutral or positive things, he would be silent for the rest of his life.

I am currently reading a book, The Wisdom of Menopause, sure is explaining everything to me, yup, I am NORMAL!!!!! Good book, I am the same age as you Caroline, highly recommend this book.
So, THAT'S what you look like - Jill!!!

I'm 51 and still waiting for MY crisis to happen.......
I have a feeling that it's the MEN who tend to go through it more than women.........Women all have to deal with Menopause AND their men's midlife crisis!

I am serious about this. I grew apart from situations that used to rattle me. It's not that I don't care, I just refuse to put myself in some family (only a few who make my life miserable) situations anymore.

I find that I don't make excuses for some family members that perpetually bug me anymore and I do avoid them. I know that I shouldn't do this...that I should accept them and deal with each issue. But I find that I am tired of being the outsider of their world, so I have accepted my world and dwell within. I don't know that it makes sense to you, but it does work for me. It took me until midlife to come to this, so to me it is a midlife non crisis. btw... I am much happier!
So, THAT'S what you look like - Jill!!!

I'm 51 and still waiting for MY crisis to happen.......
I have a feeling that it's the MEN who tend to go through it more than women.........Women all have to deal with Menopause AND their men's midlife crisis!

Yes. Especially when I'm in my Dad's old car
Well I'm 57 & I guess I never had one. Don't care to experience it now either. I like my comfortable steady as she goes lifestyle.
Got a tattoo of a unicorn on my left ankle

and bought a Buckeroo son, my Zeph (spent all my money) at 35 yrs old.

So I think everyone should have one and go wild
Would buying a trike (motorcycle) at the age of 52 count? My husband has ridden a Harley for years but I never would go with him, too scared! Decided I wanted my own bike on Friday, had it bought and home Saturday by noon. Then I spent the next month praticing in our huge front yard. You should have seen the ladies at work when I came riding up. I had Honda Hair for the rest of the day but it is so worth it!!
Hey Kitty,

we have one of Zeph's sons and call him Zeph too. He looks JUST like his daddy!! He is in my avatar.
I see him. Beautiful. I had pics of him as a foal at Tibbs. His siser Jewel looks just them also and I call her my Jewel Bug. I love her alot

Jodie French
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Ok, I've had a few...

Decided to have my first baby at age 42.

Built a barn and bought horses - age 47.

Bought myself a Mustang convertible at age 50.

Hopefully I've gotten it all out of my system!

For sure went through it and it wasnt fun. Hated my job hated my family hated the extras who were living with us at the time. Cried all the way to work, all the way home put in laundry cooked supper and went to bed just to get up and do it all over again. Suicidal and Homicidal at its worst. Still have depression at times but nothing like then. This from the person who in my 30's didnt even understand what stress was. Didnt have a complete breakdown but close and would have if I hadnt found a wonderful counselor who directed me to the Dr. and some meds it was terrible for all around and my personality has completely changed better for me not as good for those who were stomping on me. It was the one time that hubby showed how much he truly loved me cause most men wouldnt have stayed with a raving lunatic. Meds helped and now I dont even need them anymore. If you are going through this truly meds do help and a good listening ear.
My parents both did!

My mom went to drinking! (wait that was long before) got rid of all her horses and decided to get a couple of tatoos!

My dad is with a 25 year old and traveling.. (he's 38 not that old)