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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
I have a dilema, and truthfully, I didn't know where else to go since it's so personal. When I was 18, I began taking birth control pills. The first ones I tried, I bled for a whole month and had to stop using them. I requested the pills my mom was on, which I didn't know had a HUGE amount of estrogen in them. I had just began dating my now husband, and I figured that since he was my first boyfriend, I was just really jealous. I became angry constantly, and violent at times. I also gained a good 40 pounds on them. About 6 years later, I developed chlorasma (dark patches) on my feet and lower legs. The doctor was concerned because my blood pressure became really high along with my weight gain, and she was concerned because she had never seen someone get chlorasma on their legs before, usually it's on the face (I lucked out!).

She switched me over to a lower dose pill, and within weeks, I lost all the aggression. I started stressing over every little thing, then I got to the point where I didn't care about anything. I became paranoid and didn't want to leave the house for more than a few minutes, and after about 11 months, I was discussing committing myself with my husband, because I was feeling suicidal. Luckily a couple weeks later, my doctor said that my blood pressure was still too high (plus I gained another 25 pounds) and she changed me over to the mini pill (progesterone only). Three days after switching, the depression went away and I felt like the person I was before ever starting birth control. But due to not having health insurance at the time and the pill being really expensive, I stopped taking it.

Almost a year and a half after stopping artificial hormones of any kind, I found out that I had a HUGE borderline ovarian cyst. I had surgery where they cut me from my ribcage-down, and removed the cyst along with my ovary and filopean tube. Since then (a year and a half), I have not had normal menstrual periods. I have either went months without one, or they will only last a couple of days, or this past one was longer than 30 days. I have had several blood tests, even one checking my estrogen levels (to make sure that I'm still ovulatory), and ultrasounds. Everything comes back normal. But my doctor is concerned and wants me to start birth control again. I DO NOT want to go back on birth control again, the memories of those years are still fresh in my mind. Now that I've had the issue with the cyst, I don't want to do the mini pill again because they are known to cause ovarian cysts, and I'm scared to death to try estrogen again. If I did stop ovulation, would that really be such a bad thing? Wouldn't it be like an early menopause? He's told me that I need to have a hysterectomy when I'm 35 anyway. I don't know what to do. Is this a case where the doctor knows best, or should I listen to my body? I've never felt so good, as I do off birth control.
Has anyone else been in a situation similar to this?
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Why do you need a hysterectomy? I had an ovarian cyst once, I have two huge fibroids on my uterus. I can not take the pill. First, it is your body and you should follow your instincts. Maybe a second opinion?

I was told I needed a hysterectomy because of my fibroids, but since I felt fine I did not want surgery.My periods were not very regular, sometimes heavy sometimes not. Sometimes I spotted, sometimes not. I have the Mirena in. It has been great. I do not get my period anymore, I do not spot. While there are hormones in the Mirena, they do not effect you, just your Uterus. Sometimes I feel that menopausal rage coming on, but that is something we women have to deal with.

I guess what I am trying to say is if you do not feel right about what you are being told, get a second opinion, and a third if needed. Trust your instincts.
IMO, you need to get a second opinion. Have they stated if you could have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)? I guess I would see a different doctor in another clinic to get the second opinion and ask about possibly having PCOS. I'd also follow your gut... If it says that you shouldn't be back on birth control, then don't let them push you into it.

If I did everything that my doctors told me, I'd be having a repeat c-section instead of having a homebirth AND I'd be on synthetic thyroid meds because my body "has antibodies against my thyroid". Hopefully everything works out just fine and you can find someone who you can trust with a second or even third opinion.
Last year I had a problem with a drug the DR gave me and it paralyzed my intestines. After the intestinal rupture I had an egg at the opening of my tube that got infected. BAD!! First the hospital let me lay in the emergency room for 3 days. They say the longer you are in the emergency room the less chance you have to survive. Anyway, by the time they did surgery I was opened chest to pube. They did a colostomy and a hysterectomy. He did the hysterectomy because I was in my 50's and wasn't using it. I had the re-connect for the colostomy last December. But now I have my balder falling down where my uterus was. I have been told it is not a question of if I have reconstructive surgery it is when. I have insurance so it won't be too bad. But after what I went through last year I really do not want to see the inside of a hospital any time soon. If the hysterectomy is just because the doc needs a house payment I would not have one. If you are really having a problem with infection or it is prolapsing I would not have one. I coped better with the colostomy than the hysterectomy. Good luck on what ever you decide.

Oh yeah, I forgot, I was a DES exposed baby and had tons of problems from that but never was it ever mentioned that I should have a hysterectomy.
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My mother is in this exact same situation.

We actually had to take her to the ER once because she was bleeding so bad. Sorry to scare you but it was quite scary at the time. Birth Control caused many problems for her including some cysts and some preludes to cancer. She went and got a second opinion because the doctor said the exact same thing to her that yours told you. Turns out she went on early menopause and has been still having problems but not as bad as before. She had a pill that had too much and then one with too little. She went to a different doctor. That's what I would do.

I myself am on birth control. Problems run in my family but I'm taking it and haven't had any so far. But I'm sure with the family history something will happen eventually.

Doctors aren't always right!

Hope this helps some!
My sister had a blood clot in both her lungs and was seriously ill for a while . This was caused by her birth control pills. I decided to stop taking them as well after this . I had a tubal because I did not want children ( dont do that ) but I am very happy not putting any medication in my body , not even an asprin. I take a vitamin, thats it. I have mood swings like every one else before i get my period, get bloated and all that "good" stuff, but in the abscence of medication I can feel what my body needs because I am not masking the problem with a pain reliever or hormones. If you need something for menopause , and want to be natural Primrose tea or drops a few times a day works well. For depression or stress try "Johanna" drops ( its a small red berry ) I have been 3 years now without medication of any sort , and it feels great. Definatly look into getting another oppinion. I am going to try leaches on my varacose veins next. Standing 16 hours a day is a bit painful on the big veins behind my knees. there is a doctor that will put a few leaches on the vein, and presto the vein is 1/2 its size.
Thank you all for your opinions and experiences. I'm just so confused, and I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. My husband was there for all the prior experiences with birth control and does NOT want me going back on them (not that I blame him). Yet, he's been in the room with me each time that my doctor tells me that I need to start taking them.

When I had the cyst, I had to go to a Gynacologic Oncologist because my C125 number was high and they couldn't rule out cancer. The cyst was almost the size of a basketball, and luckily, it was only borderline (not cancerous but not normal cells either). We've been monitoring my body/blood work regularly and so far, there isn't any problems other than the irregular periods. I'm quite a bit overweight and he says that it could have a role in the touchy periods. But I've always been overweight and my periods have always been like clockwork...except after the surgery. I've never gotten bad cramps or bloating, and the only mood swings I've ever had was when I was on the birth control.

The specialist that I see is one of the best in his field in Southern California (so I've been told by several doctors), and I do feel guilty that I don't agree with his opinion. I just know my body and I've already lost 7 years of happiness due to the hormones, I don't want to lose anymore. My body seriously feels great with the exception of the missed/prolonged periods which is irritating but not really an issue. He did say that I'll need a hysterectomy because of the abnormal cyst. He said that chances are I'll have future problems and it's best to not wait until I'm in my 40's or 50's. He says you heal better when you're younger and he doesn't want to take the chance that something will show up in my later years. My problem with that is, I told him that if he found anything even romotely questionable while I was on the operating table, to take everything because I didn't want to chance cancer in the future, or go through the whole surgery ordeal again. He left me intact "incase" I decide to have children in the future (I don't, nor have I ever planned on it).

My regular gynocologists (there were a couple in that office) are the ones who changed/stopped my estorgen pills due to the fear that I'd have more problems on them...gaining more weight, higher blood pressure, mood swings, and maybe worse. I plan on discussing this with my primary next month when I go in for my yearly. My specialist is truly a gifted man and I do value his judgment, just in this particular case, I'm not sure if it would be worse to go menapausal or to take the pills.
I second the PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) thing. I was diagnosed with it when I was 17. The dr put me on ortho tri cyclen and spironolactone (diabetic drug) and I went on to have 2 kids and am now almost 30 years old without any other problems. The cysts are still there occasionally, but they DO go away and come back.

Sorry, I know I am not that much help.
The dr put me on ortho tri cyclen
I was on Ortho Tricyclen Lo when I became depressed. I think that one was actually worse than the higher estrogen pill.

I'm not sure if I have the polycystic ovarian syndrome, no one has ever mentioned it before. As far as I know, the one large cyst is the only cyst I've ever had. I also don't have the majority of the other symptoms. I believe that my body just hasn't adapted to only having one ovary yet. Maybe the other one doesn't know that it needs to pick up the slack. Lol.
I dont understand why he is 'predicting' that you will need a hysterectomy?? And B.S.- I had one (for different reasons) when I was in my 40's and healed VERY quickly and with NO problems.

I was on BC pills for many years, with never a problem, but wonder now later, if it contributed to the ovarian cycts I had (they went away on their own) and the problems with my uterus deteriorating later. Would have to look up the name of the condition again- I have forgotten.

Dr's dont usually do a hysterectomy without a good reason. I would not go back on the BC either, and would see if something further shows up as to why you are having the problems. I dont care if other doctors say he is wonderful, you are entitled to a 2nd opinion, and I would recommend one!! I have found that many doctors seem to get 'tunnel vision' about things.. and can easily miss things. They have a habit of sticking together too, and are not going to recommend that you see someone else, etc... or they could be sued for saying bad things about him and losing his business and patients.

Have you checked with the medical board or googled the Dr. you are seeing to see if there are any complaints, etc...?? I always do that now BEFORE going to one- have learned the hard way.
Sorry, but I do not understand the Hysterectomy part either. Your health and attitude decide how fast you will heal, not your age. All of us could have a problem down the road. Lots of women get cysts, and when I was scrubbing in the OR I saw some big ones. It does not mean you will have more (Of course it does not mean you will not either). I think I would find another doctor. It does not matter if other doctors say he is the best, it matters what non doctors say, in my opinion.

There are a lot of people who can not take the pill, tell him to find another solution, tell the next guy you go and see that it is not an option. Get a diagnosis, have them write it down, especially if they want you to have surgery so you can research (from reliable places).

Go get a second opinion, a third one if you need to.
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. You didn't mention what kind of specialist you see, but if it is not a Reproductive Endocrinologist, I strongly urge you to see one. Not sure what part of Southern California you are in but I am also in this part of the state. I know of quite a few in the area; feel free to PM me if you want more info. Good luck!
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. You didn't mention what kind of specialist you see, but if it is not a Reproductive Endocrinologist, I strongly urge you to see one. Not sure what part of Southern California you are in but I am also in this part of the state. I know of quite a few in the area; feel free to PM me if you want more info. Good luck!

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