Has anyone ever torn the inside meniscus in their knee?

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Roxy's Run

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2003
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New Jersey
So last Wed (3/19) I was walking out to the foaling barn at work to take pictures of a new foal when I slipped on the driveway (unpaved) in the mud. My left knee went one way and I went the other.
I didn't hit the ground, which thinking back maybe I should have and then I might not have done so much damage. But it happened so fast, natural instinct to brace myself took over. :DOH! Well, after hanging on to the foaling barn for a few minutes to gather my body back together, I hobbled back to my office, and the tears just flowed from the pain.

Of course, stubborn me refused to go to the Emergency Room. It would get better. I'll just take it easy. Boy, was I WRONG!! Well, I went to an Orthopedist Monday morning and X-rays were normal. He believes that I tore my inside meniscus and says surgery is needed. But he needs an MRI to confirm. So now I am waiting for the Worker's Comp carrier to approve the MRI prescription and take it from there. I will be hounding my Claims Rep tomorrow as I am IN PAIN here!!!

I can get around ok, just with a limp, and careful steps as the knee is very unstable and wants to give out at a moment's notice. By the end of the day, it is swollen and almost numb feeling. The Doctor gave me a knee brace to "hold things together" but by the end of the day, yesterday (first day wearing it), it took both my boyfriend and I to pull it off as my knee swelled and the brace was so tight. It didn't feel like it was tight. Like I said, by the end of the day, with or without a brace, the knee feels numb. What a sight that was! Even the dogs, Roxy and TJ, got involved thinking my BF and I were playing a game of tug of war with my leg!

Has anyone ever been through this? Have you had surgery? How was it? Recovery? Were you "down" for any length of time? Thanks.


Roxy's Run Miniatures
my girlfriend and I were in my truck when we got sideswiped- she hit her knee on the center thing- torn this disk. she just had the surgery on monday for it. she's on crutches and limping around-too soon to know if that was the trick to help. joy

Is he talking Arthroscopic surgery if the MRI shows the need? I have had 2 Arthroscopic surgeries. It was a lot better than the pain I was in prior to both surgeries. Just watch it. Right now the danger is the leg giving out from under you and causing more damage.
My FIL just went through surgery last week for a torn menisucs. He had surgery last Tues. and by Thursday he was up and walking well (little bit of a limp) but he's been back in the barn for milking since Saturday morning.

He was in the barn, a cow got stuck in a free stall with front legs out in front of her and one hind out behind her, she couldn't get up so he removed the stantion next to her (closest to the leg that was under her) so that he could try to get her to roll... well he leg pressed her in order to get her to roll... she did roll BUT in the process he heard a loud POP in his knee... That was 3 months ago, he tried chiropractic and some other things before he finally saw the orthopedic doc. Like I said, he's doing well now though!
I had arthroscopic surgery to repair torn meniscus on both sides of my right knee two years ago this month. It went very well; I did have to take it very easy for about a week, sit with my leg elevated, that sort of thing...my wonderful daughter took a week off work to be here and take care of my horses for me, bless her! Had very little pain(Dr. insisted on having me fill an Rx for some 'high-powered' pain killer; it made me deathly ill-I flushed it, used ibuprofen for a few days, all was well!)

I am 66 years old and hefty, but have done very well. Mine was a chronic, not an 'extreme event' situation, but confirmed via an MRI, and I am glad I got it done. It must be holding up; I've taken a couple of HEAVY falls since then-tripped over something and landed on both knees, once on concrete, and, just this AM, on rocky ground outside my barn....No aftereffects!

Best wishes for a speedy and complete resolution!

Our builder did this...while he was building our house.......and had surgery with good results. House suffered a little from his absence but he was fine.

Too weird!! Me and my best friend both fell last Friday and injured our knees, me in NC and she lives in NY!! She fell on ice, I fell in mud. What a pain!!! I got spun around 360 degrees when my stallion decided to take off "courting" some fillies in the next pasture. I heard a distinct pop and then could not get my knee to stand me up after that. I am convinced that the "signs" were in the knees last week.....LOL!

With my knee, xrays said no broken bones, but like you I have unstable knee, brace and on crutches. In doing research, I believe mine to be an ACL tear. Either partial or full. My knee swells by afternoon and my foot aches too.

I am waiting on a referral to a bone and joint specialist too. I am sure MRI will be ordered because xrays don't show soft tissue injuries. I hope to get it repaired and back on track so I can help foal out our remaining 8 mares and 2 jennies this spring.

I hate being dependent on my hubby and kids!!!
I tore my miniscus way back in 97 and had to have it scoped and cleaned. It was a partial tear. Since then I have had to more scopes because of scar tissue. It will get to the point that I cannot bend the knee and it hurts real bad so about every three years I have to go in and have the tissue removed and a cleaning and I fall because of the weak knee if I step wrong...It's heck getting old!
I've done it twice in the right knee, the surgeries were pretty easy for me, off work 2 weeks the first time, 1 week the second (should have taken 2!). I walked out of the hospital with minimal pain, used crutches because they made me, but didn't really need them much. The pain post op was really bad the second time, they were really pumping drugs into me to get it under control, then tried to make me stay overnight. Nope, going home. Should have stayed as my roommate's idea of helping me was transporting me to and from the hospital. I had to fix my own lunch and ice packs as she took off right away even though she had promised the docs she would stay with me to make sure I didn't fall asleep without my cpap machine and all those drugs on board. Ah well, I survived, but much wiser as to where to look for help.....

I finally had to have a total knee replacement this past June, that hasn't gone the best, but I did just get cut loose by my ortho doc for a year so that is progress.

My knee was never unstable, and I promise that loud pop was the tendon, not meniscus. The pop and instability point to torn tendon.
Thank you everyone. I'm so sorry to hear of so many who have suffered with this.
I am relieved to hear that the surgery isn't that bad. Yes, it would be arthroscopic if my MRI shows a tear. I have full confidence in my doctor so I'm not too concerned about his skills. I am just concerned with the "down" time as it is just really me here. My boyfriend is disabled (cannot walk or use his hands that great) so I have him to take care of as well as the horses and two dogs. That is my main concern. As long as I will be able to get around somehow, I think I'll manage.

I go for the MRI tomorrow afternoon at 5:15 pm. I can't wait until this is all over. For those who are currently going through this same thing, I wish you all the best and pray for a fast recovery. For those who have gone through the surgery, I am so glad that things went well and you are all better. I hope for the same result with myself and the others.


Roxy's Run Miniatures