eye injury

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
Yesterday I went out to find Rowdy's eye runny. We've had some wind, so I thought it might be that. By evening, the eye was swollen shut, which gave me a fright. I sponged the eye, then syringed it hoping to rinse out anything lodged. Then gave him some banamine and put on his fly mask. This morning the eye was better, hardly swollen but still weepy so we got into the vet. I was so pleased that the vet was agressive in the treatment. He showed me the slight injury, which scratched the eye membrane but did not puncture it. He complimented me on the steps I had taken, which made me feel better. I have ointment to put in the eye twice a day and he also put him on an antibiotic.

I just don't mess around with eye injuries.

Stopped at the elevator public scales to weigh him. 320# He is about 35" tall.
Good job! Eyes are nothing to just "let go" KUDOS for being so caring!
Great Job Marsha for acting on it so fast, Hope he recovers quickly
Good! So glad he's on the mend. My older girl, the POA, had eye surgery for problem a few years back. It can be such a difficult area to treat if they are uncooperative or hurting. Sounds like your guy is good for his treatments! :) Hope you are able to drive him again soon.
I do think when horses have to submit to treatments like tge eye ointment it is good for them. He still resists but is much easier to work with every day.

We are driving again.
Well, not happy that he had to have an injury to get some work that benefits him, but happy that he's gotten better with that work (hope makes sense), Really glad that he is able to drive again.

Here, we so often don't talk about the "little things" that go into horse care. I've often dealt with eye issues w/ some of ours that I simply just deal with them and consider it a norm in care... Never thought to bring it up on the forum(s).

Kudos for you for catching the injury and caring for it so fast.

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