Driving bit suggestions

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Sep 14, 2020
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I have a driving mini mare who really is a sweet, steady mare, just about as safe as possible. Several years ago, I sold one of my two harnesses as our granddaughters were off to college and work.

The harness I kept fits DD well, but the bit doesn’t. Everything has sat for the past couple of years as we worked our way through health issues (human) but this summer everything came out of mothballs. (Except DD.....she just came out of the pasture...🤣).

The bit is a very narrow snaffle that she works her tongue over and seems to find uncomfortable. I have read this forum, looked at harness shops online and am overwhelmed with the choices and the price ranges.

She is a calm professionally trained mini so I would appreciate your help in narrowing the search to a comfortable everyday bit. It has been about 6 years that we have been around others who drive and there is no one in my area to compare notes with so I appreciate your input!

Thank you and be safe!

Mary Flora
I've always liked french link for mine. But my new mare didn't work well with it. I called Iowa Carriage and talked with someone there. She suggested the french link had too much movement for my mare and recommended a butterfly arch. It works very well for her; she seems happy with it. I had to get the tiniest one they had for her, 3.5". www.ivccarriage.com
Maybe a frech link or a mullen mouth snaffle. I like the mullen mouth ones that have slightly more curve in the mouth peice as it seems to rest in the mouth more comfortably.
Maybe a frech link or a mullen mouth snaffle. I like the mullen mouth ones that have slightly more curve in the mouth peice as it seems to rest in the mouth more comfortably.
None of mine liked the mullen. But many horses really like the mullen. I need to pass it on. I should put mine on the sale page. But hate to give up one of my bit collection...
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It sounds like she is seeking tongue relief. A mullen mouth or an arch mouth bit would probably work well for her! I work for Chimacum Tack and help people with bitting issues all the time. We sell Bowman bits and for her size the price would be $79. I suggest a half cheek or a baucher cheek. But steer clear of the Butterfly cheeks as the loops can get hooked on your shaft ends.
Thank you so much Marsha, Cayuse, and Mindy! I really appreciate your suggestions and explanations and found them very helpful.

After reading your suggestions, I did more reading on the bits to further clarify the differences and will try a mullen mouth. Perhaps the bit will be more comfortable. The current snaffle is the correct width but is also very narrow and no doubt uncomfortable if not painful. I’m kicking myself for not following up on this sooner. (DD would no doubt be willing to help out here!😳)

Thank you! Will order and after trying it out will post a follow up. 😊


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