December photos/Equine Affaire: On Target Miniature 2012 foals

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WOWZER! Mira needs a Wide Load sign!LOL

They all look pretty close to each other, but I expected Toffee to have more of a bag. That has me a bit stumped. Hmmmmm....

Is she offering anything up for testing lately?
I am using the strips that you only need a drop of milk so not having any trouble testing. I did not test tonight but earlier tests today were over pH 7 for both Mira & Toffee. But Toffee is really restless this evening. She already set the alarm off once. I wonder if foal is being repositioned??? It better happen before she goes into labor.

What I think is really funny - especially after reading of other people's trouble getting milk to sample - is that ALL 3 MARES, INCLUDING TOFFEE, will let me check udders, take pics, and take a sample of milk without being caught. Well, it works while they are eating hay anyway....
yeah I agree lol I could do everything with my mare as long as she was eating... check when she wasn't eating and WATCH OUT! lol mares! 12:28am all three standing quielty grazing Toffee has her head just inside the stall door LOL funny thing! I agree with Renee, think they will cook those babies just a little longer for you this time!
I am so sorry but I have had a really bad morning and I haven't been able to watch.
Looks like the ladies are getting their tails braided. We're getting closer!
Glad you were watching that Parmela! Toffee is really a sweetheart once you catch her. Stephanie also checked pH: Mira - about 7 still, but Toffee has dropped to 6.8! She also did a lot of rolling this morning but it looks to me like the foal is still in the same position.

And Eagle- So sorry you are having a bad morning. Hope things improve.
Toffee is outside alone while Mira and Sox are in their own corners in the stall. Bright and sunny out.. but Toffee is in the shade.
I am starting to wonder if Toffee would be progressing more steadily if she were in her own stall at night? I figured that the mares are so used to each other and this area, leaving them together like this would be best. The plan is that once someone has sticky milk, soft poop, and/or the milk pH drops to "ready" I would separate them, putting Toffee in the stall with the camera and using 2 other big stalls for the other two. Of course, now a second stall will have a cam once I rotate it 180 degrees. Does this sound like a reasonable plan??? Am I just getting paranoid and starting to second guess myself?? Other ideas???

Just checked pH on Mira and Toffee and both are around 7 again/still so I doubt there will be any foals here tonight. Leaving alarms on anyway.
Maybe I will try that tomorrow night, as everyone has already been tucked in for tonight, plus we are expecting SNOW! Then I could put her in earlier, like at supper time and see how she does. And see how the other two do "outside" which we all know is not really outside at all, and under camera.....
Mary, I think I missed something.... Why are you thinking about Toffee progressing more if in a stall alone? Are you seeing something that makes you think she's not progressing "normally?" The only thing I can think of would be her bag maybe you're thinking isn't as developed as it should be for her number of days? I'm thinking you can certainly try it and if she can still see the other mares, I can't imagine it would be stressful for her at all. Probably wouldn't even be stressful if she can't see them as she certainly will still smell them. But I'm thinking she will progress as she sees fit. No matter what the calendar says, she's just not quite ready. I would be shocked if she just laid down and had a foal without some, bag, position of foal, loose stools, loose muscles, etc. It could happen, but sure wouldn't be likely for an experience broodmare like her.

Take a deep breath!
Your anxiety is understandable, but remember to breathe.
Toffee's going to be waking somebody up..... She's laying out flat taking a snooooooooze!
1.50am and the girls are all out of sight which is strange for this time of night, I am wondering whether I should call Mary and ask her to go and check them. I will give them a few more minutes and the decide.
Thank you Eagle... I noticed that myself and went out to investigate. Guess what? SOMEONE left a gate open so the mares decided to go back out onto the pasture. That was fun, chasing them in the dark when they didn't want to come in!!!
Ha- I dragged Mira in because she had the halter and is easy to catch. Took her halter off, put it on Sox, brought her in (kept closing the gate in between). Then went back out for Toffee, who I don't even try to catch but she came in to be with the others. Then had to give EVERYONE some hay - I am sure you know how that goes.

BTW - for some reason the alarms aren't working and not sure why. Pager beeps, lights on on the main unit......Toffee's never went off when she was out flat and the one I took off Mira & turned sideways to alert hubby to a problem didn't do the job.
Thanks so much for getting the girls, I was really staring to worry. I wonder what was so interesting outside?? They don't normally disappear at night.