Christmas is coming! And Social Security Update

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Roxy's Run

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2003
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New Jersey
With all the stress that I have been under lately with my boyfriend's disability and trying to figure Social Security and everything else out, I had to take a break from things for my own mental sanity so since I just LOVE Christmas, I made these cut outs. What do you think?


I hope to start some Halloween ones tomorrow. So far, I am planning a witch and caldrun over a fire and a cute dracula next to a coffin in a graveyard. I am in the middle of a real simple but pretty pumpkin. I have been trying to get a bunch cut and painted so that I can set them up at my friend's front lawn (she lives on a real busy street with tons of traffic) and try to sell them and maybe get some custom orders as we DESPERATELY need some money to keep things going here.

As for our Social Security SSI visit the other day, well, we went and we left pretty much pi##$%%^ed off. Yeah, he was approved and all. But how they expect him to survive on the monthly amount is beyond me. They didn't give him the full amount allowed for reasons they couldn't tell us but we think they factored me into the equation even though I stressed that I can walk out the door on him at any time. So now I'm trying to figure this whole system out and try to find out what else he could be eligible for. I mean, Heaven forbid, someone there tells me what programs are available for someone who is disabled and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! It seems that everything is a big secret! I've tried Social Services, the Township, Senior Centers, etc. and NO ONE is willing to help. Then just today, he received two "cards" from the State of New Jersey saying he was approved for some kind of health plan - maybe Medicaide - I'm not so sure. The cards are vague on what they are and basically only have his name, date of birth, and an ID Number. But these "cards" are only valid for this month. The card also states to review the handbook for plan definitions and coverages. WHAT HANDBOOK!!!!! HELLLOOOOO!!!!! Can I PLEASE have a handbook that explains all of this?????? But by that time, the cards will have expired. He also received a letter in this past Friday's mail saying he was approved for food stamps (at least that's how I read it) but for the month of JUNE!!! It is now AUGUST!!! The letter was dated AUGUST 9!!!! No food stamps or EBT card was enclosed. A letter received today says he has to go down to Social Services "Upon Receipt" at 11:30 am for a ONE HOUR training session on how to use the Food Stamp card. So now I have to investigate all of this with phone calls and internet search. Of course, all of this has to be done during the week during business hours and guess what?? I WORK A FULL TIME JOB!!!! So now, I have to squeeze this in while on the job and take time off to take him to these places. Thank God I have a great job with bosses' who are just wonderful!!! I can't let boyfriend make the calls, because he doesn't know what to ask and he will just get the information wrong anyway and I will end up calling myself to get the story straight. Sorry this turned out long. I'm off to go paint another cut out so I can just put myself into "fantasy world" and get away from this whole nightmare. Thanks for listening.


Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
Cute cut-outs!

I called one time to see what was available to my grandmother because she was forgetting things and still lived alone. From what I told them on the phone they decided she needed to be institutionalized and I could see the poor woman losing everything and being abused somewhere.

I said WHOA and he said okay, I'll give you some time, but you need to take care of this now.

Yikes! It was just weird and scarey. Big brother was knocking at her door whether she wanted it or not and all I was trying to do was get some assistance to help keep an eye on her.

Good luck... I wonder about a social worker?
Thanks Yankee Minis.

I plan on calling the Social Worker from the ALS Center in Philadelphia on Monday. Since my boyfriend is now a patient there and they have a Social Worker with whom we met at the initial consultation. Even thought they couldn't say yes or no about my boyfriend having ALS, since he is a now a patient there, we can utilize their Social Worker, Physical Therapist, Nutionist, Mental Health Therapist (I think that one is for ME!) and Nurse. I just hope that the Social Worker has knowledge about New Jersey programs since the ALS Clinic is in Pennsylvania.

I am sorry about your Grandmother. It is so frustrating dealing with stuff like this. I guess the bright side to all of this is that by the time my parents are at that age and God forbid something happens to them, at least by then I will be well versed on all of this.


Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
[SIZE=18pt]I love your cut outs. I would be interested in the Halloween ones. I love Halloween. My parents are kind of in the same boat as you with SSI. My dad is 74, an amputee, can't work. He hasn't been able to work for at least 11 years. He can't get it. My mom is 53, and has Fibromyalgia (sp?). It's so bad she can't work and hasn't worked for 1 1/2 years. She can't get MassHealth (insurance) to cover her meds and appointments. She's usually in so much pain she can't get out of bed. I just downloaded all the insurance paper work and she's eligable. They've denied her before, but I told her this time we would fight it if they denied her again. There was also a paper saying what my dad could get for SSI. So they are going to try for that again. They get Food Stamps alrready. It's funny how the system works. I have come to relize if your not the right "color" or race they don't want to help you. I'm not prejiduce at all, it just bugs me sometimes when some one you know needs help and can't get it because of that.[/SIZE]


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