Why I haven't been on lately, confession and

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
Well here I go again, adding to my "saga"
It's health problems, pretty severe. Extreme mind numbing pain in my groin, and right leg..wake up every morning but this morning was worst.

I don't sleep much but (have lost 5.5 lbs :bgrin ) Sometimes I'm good to make it to the recliner in mornings.

My arms, hands, back and shoulders go numb and burn as well as my back and my usual screeching pain down my leg.

Today the doctor told me the MRI shows much destruction to my spinal column and nerves. It WILL result in neurosurgery however they are afraid to do it now and I'm of course pertrfied

So for now my doctor is looking for a neurosurgeon to inject steroids into my spine but no-one wants to do it because of me taking Counadin..one said I'd have to go off the blood thinner for 5 days first and they told me today it's up to me if I want to take the risk or not! Also have to go off 4 days to get the root canal scheduled..

now I have appointment with internist specialist to evaluate whether it's safe for me to go off at all.Than the injections then can go back on..scary for me you know.

My inclination is to tell them to arrange the back surgery although extensive just to get it over with. I can't break down and cry like a baby like I did this morning any more. It upset Carl so badly and I just couldn't stop..the pain took me right down..and that was with 2 Vicodin and a Fentynl patch! Course it got better during the day after all that medicine kicked in.

There's more but quitting now..Please preay for my wisdom in this matter.

Maxinne this stinks so bad, but

I have a gut feeling that everything is going to fall in place for you all at once.

Some doctor out there has the answer for you and it's just a matter of time now for them to put it all

together. Things this severe take time and much planning by the medical team and I think that soon as they

get their game plan

in place, things will then move rapidly for you.

Just know that they are working on it as fast as they can.

Much Love.
Maxine, prayers coming your way.

I have an uncle that was in a very similar situation as what you are describing. He is doing some new kind of treatment where they slowly stretch your body (kinda like being put on a rack) and has something to do with no gravity. Can't say for sure, and don't quote me on that. He is doing so much better. I will ask my mother what it is and post back to you.

Bless your heart. Sounds so painful & worrisome indeed! Sending best wishes that the help you need will be there at the right time & the procedures will take care of your problems.
Maxine, I'm so sorry to hear you're in such pain and having so much trouble finding something to make it better. Healing thoughts coming your way from Missouri.
:no: So sorry, There is a patch for pain managment you can get, put medicine in your system all night to.

Also a good pain managment tech. can work wonders. I have a friend who used that for years she was injuried while in the Navy. Did finally get surgery a couple of years ago. Did well with that also. sometimes a good tech is better than a Dr. they tend to listen better and don't think they're God.
How horrible for you, Maxine.
Sending prayers and good thoughts for you, hope the doctors figure it all out and you get better.
Oh just reading about the pain sent shivers down my spine. I'm so sorry. I hope they find a way to make it all come together for you so you can have the surgery and permanent relief from the pain.
Oh Maxine.....I am so sorry that you are going thru so much pain. I will keep you in my prayers for comfort and that the doctors find a way to relieve you very quickly. Keep thinking about that driving horse you have and the fun times you've shared and will share with him. My dear you will be in my prayers.
I'm sorry you in so much pain :no: I sure hope they can do something for you soon..You are in my thoughts in prayers. Please take care of your self...
: How can I thank you all for being here again for me? I hate to share bad news so have stayed off quit a bit..You all have more than enough of your own stress and problems to handle!

And especially Marty, you'll never know what it meant to me to have you post for me! IF it all goes well and IF we make it to Florida in January (we set that as our new leave date) I may just give you a call and see if you could stand for us to stop by for an hour or so :bgrin

Want good news? They called me with appointments today for the evaluations, see Internist act 24th and Neurologist Nov. 7th and also the root canal is scheduled for the Oct 24th in afternoon after the Internist. SO things are moving along...

Carl leaves next Monday for about 9 days as he promised our grandson to be there for his graduation from Basic training Air Force. It's in Texas and my daughter and son in law and Carl are going by train.

SO I have to get this pain under control because I am literally it as far as taking care of horses while he's gone. There is one friend who ofered to help if I can't get to the barn even in my makeshift cart.

I afraid about it but dont' tell Carl :bgrin I'll manage feed and grooming a bit..but won't shovel so the turnouts will have to wait..I can have the friend do their stalls ..man and to think we were thrilled to retire up here so remote. Now with no family around..crap :no:

SP I will as I say so often "keep on keeping on" and try to adopt a tougher attitude.

Demimore I still have my crystals and use them..thanks you.

Love ya all! Maxine
Maxine I'm sending prayers and good thoughts your way. I hope you are pain free soon.

I wish I lived closer, I'd be happy to come over and help you out.

Please take it easy and remember none of us want dirty stalls for our little ones but a dirty stall for a few days won't hurt them. Food and water with a bit of turn out is all they have to have for those few days.

Wow Maxine! That is alot on your plate and I can't imagine what you will be going through when Carl is gone. Thank goodness you will have a little help and I'm sure the horses will understand the lack of cleanup for a short time. Hang in there and keep us updated and please feel free to share your pain with us anytime.
Oh my dear Maxine, I have been off for a while since my Treasure but this morning I was in a tiny town making my way home after a long trip that helped me with my pain inside and out and I found something for us. I will order it Monday. Keep your stones cleansed and charged, I have something else for you. I want you to know how much I care and if you need me PM me for pete's sake!!! Strange how you were right there in my head this morning. My prayers are always with you, Hugs Debs

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