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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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ok this is my Stallion Jordan's Just-A-Gamble a breeder i talked to said he was a HORRIBLE
looking horse and i never should have bought and also he would be a bad show horse.
it was upsetting. so i just wanted to know what you think.

Thank You- Kate

ps: he is a yearling so back hasnt caught up with his but yet..

I totally dissagree with the breeder that you talked too. I think that he wouldnt have much of a carrer in halter.
He is bum-high, and his topline needs improvement, but that could fix with age. He has an extremely low tailset. He also seems to toe out in the back. He has a long head that lacks definition.

I dont by all means think this horse is terrible, Kate!

He does have some conformation faults, but there is no reason he couldnt be a performance horse or a driving horse.

BTW-- LOVE that blue eye!!
hi tailset isnt really as low as it looks in that pic
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That shot was at a weird angle, so I can understand that his tailset could change.

In a few years, sou can start jumping, to me he REALLY looks like a jumper!
That be why I said " in a few years"
oh my bad i really hate this picture it is at a weird angle i cant wait till sping when we clip the minis and get GOOD pics!
He is not horrible and I think he could make a fun show gelding. One suggestion is if you move the noseband up on his nose higher, it will make his head look shorter (which is good). His color is very neat and I could see him competing in several classes and that he'll be a fun horse to enjoy.
i know we fixed the halter after that pic it was 2 low it was about a inch too low but trust me i get great pics in the spring
I think he looks so sweet...

When I got my Giddy -30 inch pinto, he was thin on his topline, I was advised that he needed different grain and more food, his topline has filled out and looks alot better... Giddy has a belly, I think from not having the right grain and not enough hay ( I'm told they can get a belly from not enough food) plus he was a stalled mini, so I am breaking him in to being out and running...

He loves to run, I think he needed exercise..

Anyway I just wanted to tell you what I was told...

I use Nutrena Youth grain, He was on Stategy , his topline has gotten so much better since changing to Nutrena youth...

Oh yeah, Giddy is 16 months old...
I can't believe someone would say that to you!!! How mean!!!

I think he is very cute
I also love the avatar photo ;)

thanx u guys and Basketmiss i will try that new grain and see how it works

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