This is what *I* want as an American Citizen....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I have chosen to not dive into the emotional back and forth in this election. It's been interesting to read, though. And in my opinion it shows how scared we ALL are right now........

To be honest I do not believe that either candidate is going to solve the problems that are facing them. Nor do I believe that either of them will answer any of the issues that are on MY List.........

This is what *I* want --- (This is not in a specific order) ---

1. Free Enterprise for every legal U.S. citizen. (If you don't know what that is, Google it. We are not getting it.)

2. Partial Birth Abortions to be BANNED. (I cannot figure out how anyone can be FOR this!)

3. Do not curtail current energy resources, until alternative ones are ESTABLISHED.

4. Cut the Government Red Tape on any companies who are working on developing Alternative Energy.

5. Throw out ALL of our present Tax Laws and create a Flat Sales Tax. (The only thing exempt would be groceries and medicine.) Make each state the responsible parties for collecting. The Federal Government will then receive a percentage from each State. (This will reduce the power of the IRS.) Believe it or not, this was how our Founding Fathers initially planned it! This leads to the NEXT item........

6. Crack down on illegal aliens; give our southern border patrol officers more support with either more power or more back up with the National Guard. However, if a Flat Sales Tax were in place, even illegal aliens would be paying into the system every time they purchased something, unlike they are NOW.

And that is MY dream right now.........on the LOCAL Front.
the only things i can agree with you on is #1( even thou i do think its the womens right to chose before this stage ), #3 #4 and # 6 but thanks for sharring!!!!!!!!
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Just to let you know, Canada allows abortion up to 8 months gestation (for various reasons). Do you know how many abortions are performed after 20 weeks? "A mere 0.4%". Just becasue the law is there doesn't mean that doctors will do it. It's also there for other reasons: severe malformation etc. Obama is not a "baby killer".

I'm assuming that stats would be similar in the U.S.

Late Term Abortions (after 20 weeks)

This paper describes the incidence of late term abortions, explains the reasons why they are performed, and argues that any effort to ban late term abortions in Canada would necessarily infringe on women’s constitutional rights.

Incidence of Late Term Abortions

The Canadian Medical Association's abortion policy defines abortion as the active termination of a pregnancy up to 20 weeks of gestation (Canadian Medical Association, Policy on Induced Abortion, 1988). 90% of abortions in Canada are performed during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and just over 9% of abortions take place between 12 and 20 weeks of gestation. A mere 0.4% of abortions take place after 20 weeks of gestation. These are considered late term abortions.

Why Late Term Abortions are Necessary

A very small number of abortions occur after 20 weeks of gestation primarily because the fetus is gravely or fatally impaired, or the woman's life or physical health is at risk, or both (Statistics Canada, Therapeutic Abortions, 1995). Many impairments or health risks are not detectable until after the 24th week of gestation. In 1998 an American Doctor, George Tiller, opposed efforts to ban late term abortions in Kansas, using “statistics and photos of catastrophic pregnancies he had aborted.” The images showed fetuses with missing skulls or spinal cords, and in one case twins fused into a single body (Dave Ranney, “Tiller: Abortion Bill an Insult to Women,” Wichita Eagle, April 11, 1998, and Colleen McCain and Dave Ranney, “Five Kansas Families share Deeply Personal Stories,” Wichita Eagle, April 19, 1998).

Those opposed to abortion rights have portrayed women as having late term abortions out of "selfish convenience" or because they "suddenly can't get into a bathing suit." This misrepresentation of women’s decision making with regard to abortion is always inaccurate, but especially so in cases of late term abortion. Most women who terminate their pregnancies after 20 weeks wanted to have a child, and were forced to consider abortion for medical reasons. Other women may be in desperate social circumstances, such as an abusive relationship, or they may be very young teenagers who have delayed abortion care because they were in denial about
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I understand what you are trying to say.......but it still does not fully answer the reasoning for the Partial Birth Abortion, where the baby is capable of survival outside of the womb.......but life is still terminated.

"Other women may be in desperate social circumstances, such as etc."

These women have the choice to NOT get pregnant, they DO NOT have the right to Murder

This is what I want as an American citizen:

1. A stable, healthy economy

2. A renewed interest in the middle class

3. Affordable health care available to all citizens

4. A planned withdrawal from Iraq

5. Bin Laden captured

6. To know that women's rights will be protected, and this includes the right to choose

And I'm lucky that I have a candidate that fits those needs.
This is what I want as an American citizen:
1. A stable, healthy economy

2. A renewed interest in the middle class

3. Affordable health care available to all citizens

4. A planned withdrawal from Iraq

5. Bin Laden captured

6. To know that women's rights will be protected, and this includes the right to choose

And I'm lucky that I have a candidate that fits those needs.

Can't really argue with most of that.........But HOW???????????
Please explain how we capture Bin Laden with a planned withdrawal?

Oh and MA....BRILLIANT!!
Bin Laden is in Afghanistan and if I remember right is the founder of al-Qaeda, (or his family is I can not remember right now).

While idealistic, if Bin Laden is still alive, the problem comes down to the fact that the al-Qaeda does not stay only in Afghanistan but also over into Pakistan. Afghanistan is around the size of TX where as Pakistan is 2X the size of CA, Iraq is 2x the size of Idaho and has fewer people than Afghanistan. Afghanistan/Pakistan have huge mountainous terrain with thousands of caves that have withstood sieges since the dawn of time.

While I do believe that Afghanistan is a real, perhaps the most eminent threat the US faces, I also believe that there will much higher loss of American life and cost to the taxpayer. Not to mention with the global economy the way it is I do not know if our allies would heavily invest in support.

On the actual topic, I disagree with #5 but the rest sound good.
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These women have the choice to NOT get pregnant, they DO NOT have the right to Murder


Not all...some people sadly are violated. They have the right to terminate being pregnant, in these cases. I, nor does anyone have the right to tell those women what to do.

Other reasons for abortion.. as I stated in another thread not to long ago.

My Mom was pregnant when I was around 10 years old.. she started throwing up blood and passed out. The Baby was not growing the the womb but near the intestines. The Baby was alive at the time but was killing Mom... fetus was to early in the term to live. The Doctors had to cut the baby out.

My Grandmother went through the same thing.

One of my Friends had a baby in one of her tubes..which rupurted..was pretty early on but the Doctors had to go in and abort the baby and do some major surgery to save her life.

NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL ANOTHER WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODY. I have had people tell me .... my Mother and Grandmother should of suffered a painful death, instead of getting the abortions they did, to save their lives. Babies would of never lived any way. There are time to save a Mother's life,, when Abortion was the right thing to do.

Unless you are a trained Doctor dealing with a life and death issue with a client.. you have no right.. to tell them what to do.

Do you walk this Earth... then I bet you have killed 1,000's of living creature every year.. stepping on Ants and bugs you did not see, killing snakes and lizards when you mow your lawn. Maybe I should call you a murderer. Man.. people like you make me sick. And is tiring listening to people like you.. rightious forceful hollier than thou dribble. Like you are the only one with rights.



Some of the stuff you have listed I agree with,, others I don't.

1.)I would like some people on this list to stop being aggressive, nasty and like the person above. Doesn't make this forum pleasant to be around. If I want nasty.. all I have to do is go into town or watch the news.

2.) Would love the Gov to do their job instead of getting us into the mess we are in

3.)Would like all the World to grow up..not just the US...and no more Wars. We can feed the World and teach them how to grow their own food, with all the money every country spends on wars.

4.)If you come here legally,, I have no problem with it... but those who do not and get a free ride... I wish we would deport them back from hence they came. They are taking away good paying jobs from people that were born here. No longer are they only taking jobs people in the US don't want.

5.)Would like to see more people take more pride in America... and buy high quality American made products. Yes,, it will cost a little more but well worth it. Liz has started a list and a great Forum about it.

6.) Would like more people to help the local Elders in your area. Many have no family or family that doesn't care about them and they are alone. Some need, company and so on.

There are somethings we can't change unless you have tons of money, lawyers and can hire lobbyists. We are just along for the ride.

a.)But what we can do.... is show kindness to others.. treat others like you would like to be treated, even on forums.

b.)Help those in need, when you can. (Do this Freely, without requistritions or believing in your religion or you will not help.) There are many people,, good people that have little to no food. Either plant an extra row of food and or donate and help at your local Food bank or soup kitchen.

c.) Help out at a battered womens shelter

d.) Help out at a local animal shelter or donate food or what they need most.

e.) Buy American American born person, families and small companies. Keep what jobs we have left in the US, here by supporting them. Again.. Liz just started a great site.

f.) Open a door for someone that needs help. Be kind to those with disablities.. I have sadly,, seen many times and have been on the recieving end of how "normal" people, treat any one not in perfect health...and it is not pleasant.

There are many small things we can do, that will make a difference. Why not try it?
Man.. people like you make me sick. And is tiring listening to people like you.. rightious forceful hollier than thou dribble. Like you are the only one with rights.
WOW! real nice

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