this heat wave cost us a family member yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
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Shawnee, Oklahoma
For the past 3 weeks it has been consistently over 100 degrees here. Yesterday, my parent's dog was walking across the yard and just fell over. My nephew and his wife managed to get him in the shade, wet him down, got him to drink some water and turned a fan on him but he died in just a few minutes. The vet said he had heat exhaustion.

The yard will sure be an empty one now. Bob has been the neighborhood watch dog for over 15 years. The neighbors were all crying when they found out he was gone. This dog would make his treat rounds every day and go from house to house. The widow lady across the road said every time she wasn't home before dark he would be waiting for her on her porch when she got home and insist on going inside and checking her house as soon as she got home. He would then go to the door to be let back outside. He made the rounds of 6 houses every day and was given some kind of treat at each house. He has watched over all of the houses and all the neighborhood kids for years. The heat was just too much for him.

Rest in peace Bob, the whole 1/4 mile misses you!

I am SO incredibly sorry for your loss and that of your neighbors. That is so sad.
Rest in peace Bob, and Hugs for all of you during your time of sorrow.

I always say everyone has one extra "special" dog in their life. Sounds like Bob was one of those special ones. So sorry for your parents loss. The heat is so extreme, although here in Wisconsin it hasn't been too bad since yesterday. A tad cooler. Only in the high 80's. Keep cool everyone. Bonnie B
I am sorry about the loss of your families dog. He sounds like he had a lot of

love and will be missed by many. He sounds so special, watching over the

neighbors and your parents. He will be hard to replace. And I am sure he won't be

in their hearts, he will always hold a special place in the hearts of many people.

This is reminder to all of us to watch out for our h and other pets.

I'm so sorry, Mary. Bob sounds like a very special fellow.

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[SIZE=14pt]So sorry for the loss of Bob but heat is horrible for all of our seniors human and animal, a 15 year old large dog is an OLD dog. Glad someone was there in his last moments to comfort him and help him cross the bridge peacefully.[/SIZE]

Ohhh I'm so very sorry! Bob sure sounds like he was extra special. It' so hard losing a canine companion and when they're senior citizens it's ever so heart breaking.
This heat is unbearable even for us folks up here in the northeast. Today we will have a heat index of 115. That is for sure a record. We're not used to it and they have warnings for everybody including our 4 legged kids.
I'm so sorry, Bob sounds like he was very special old gentleman. Perhaps your warning will serve to save another beloved friend, I know yesterday Fia scared me and I tossed her in a cool shower with me until she stopped shaking.

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