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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2003
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It finally dried up here and got warm enough that I didn't need 90 pounds of clothes to work horses.

These 2 little guys are starting to learn to drive. I start them in the drag, then intoduce the cart once they are steady in the drag.

Both were pretty good, just a couple of times they break into a canter ..which is ok by me, as long as they are not running off LOLOL


First up Jeeves aka Mini Brook Warrior

Three years old, 3rd time in the drag!!

I was pretty happy with both boys!

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Thanks for sharing, hubby used to rig up something similar with our bigger horses to break to drive.

Now we just do the ground work and when they listen to all the cues and words, the biggest thing they must learn is to stand for long periods of time, and when he says whoa must do it with out any hesitation, we find the key is the ground work, before doing any hooking up to cart.

I than help with leading in cart with long lead line in a closed in area. Than after they are listening to his commands and not upset with the cart behind them, he takes over completely.

We have found it to be a lot easier breaking minis to drive.

They are looking good. Are you going to try them as a pair?
Hi Kim is that who I think it is in the second video, Jackson aka EMH Walk on the Wild Side. So nice to see him in capable hands for his training pm me and tell me more.

The boys look nice! I like the drag arrangement and Jeeves in particular shows a very nice trot. He's going to be something in the cart!

Thanks guys..

Reble..not going to show them as a pair, but I do have a match to Jeeves in the barn LOL..he's one year younger. I actually think Desiree's horse Donovan would be an even better match LOL as they look so close!!

Ernie..yeppers..you have a pm. BTW..nice job I LIKE HIM LOTS! He's a doll to work around!

Leia..Jeeves is a wonderful wonderful colt who loves to work. He can produce more trot when I push him (when he is straight longlining without drag) but I think as he gets stronger he will have a wicked road trot LOL. The drag is my Volkswagon tire (with the rim in), attached to a whiffle tree I made from a 2 x 4.

I will get more videos as we go along so you folks can follow the process..


You have great taste in horses
I love watching these videos. You have an awesome way of training and I'll love seeing the finished project! I do love my Lori of course, just saying it's nice to see another driving trainer that know what's what.
Didn't see you in Toronto for the (Hackney/Shetland/Road horse) meetings, too bad, I was hoping to.

Jeeves looks great, a lot like his sire! He would do well in some AMHR shows.. You should bring the two of them to the Classics... :whistle Jeeves is a touch nicer then Donovan, but they would make a neat team
They're lookin' good Kim!!! One thing though, do you have a quick release on that tire? I don't see a step cord or anything? If you had ever seen what happens when a horse spooks with a tire behind him you wouldn't use it without one!
I had a Belgian cross once that took out half the fence line! And even the Minis, there is NO stopping them!!!
Hey Des..I was in the Dominican during the banquet LOL! Jeeves is a little trooper..are you going to Gray's? I will be there (with Jeeves and another colt) so look me up!

Lori..don't have a quick release on the tire..yep have had them bolt and run off but I guess I have been fortunate enough to have enough steering to keep them off the fence (I also keep it shorter when I do it the first time so it doesn't slingshot into the fence). I just keep tugging the inside line to keep them centered and steering in a cirlce..they stop eventually LOL. How would you use a quick release? My traces snap to the whiffle tree and then the whiffle tree snaps to the tire. A step rope would follow the tire around the circle and be too far away to step on?? Do you have pics of this set up?

Yes you can have everything go right a million times but that one time really makes you stop and think. I used a drop cord at first and it does follow the tire around which means you gotta run quick to step on it to release the tire
but then I saw something someone had set up (can't remember who now but thought it was pretty slick) You take a quick release snap and get a little ring welded/soldered on the release sleeve and that is how I snap to the tire. You run a cord from the snap up to your hand holding the lines and if anything goes wrong pull the cord and the tire is released. Works like a charm although I haven't had to use it often.
Both of your boys look great.

And the drag set-up and the quick-release sound like great ways to work horses and train them; thank you both for sharing your knowledge. I'm still working on learning and I appreciate you putting the information out there.

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