Snake behind ceiling insulation above my two week old filly

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Anyone still up???????? Can anyone here identify a snake for me? I can email you the picture. It is now behind the ceiling insulation above my two week old foals stall........ Anyone know if I kept the lights on if it would stay away from the horses areas. Would radio noise scare it away??? .............................................. I went out to do the barn check, reached for the light switch & grabbed a hold of something soft. I ran to the house, grabbed my camera & told Lee. He came out with his 22 magnum but the snake was stretched out along the electrical wires & light switch box. I told him not to shoot it as he only has one good eye anyway because he had to have another hole in his retina lazered yesterday. Lee is scared of snakes BIG time & hasn't been permitted in the barn for three weeks & probably another 4 weeks to go because of his eye surgery but I need to get that snake out of the barn! Any suggestions!!!!!!!!! My email is [email protected]
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OK I think it is a rat snake but I still want it out of my barn.. There had been some birds where it was going up to but I think they are gone now.... Thing is why was it NOT going after the fat frog that was sitting underneath it in the barn................... Hey Marty I will trade you one snake for all of your frogs in your tack room ........
Oh no, did you say snake???? :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Down in Kentucky i would be worried about copperheads. My dad lived and grew up in KY and i always heard of the copperheads.

Dont know how to get it out, as i never get within 20ft of snakes lol. Big PHOBIA!!!!!

Just wanted to say Ewwwwwwwwwwww, keep those snakes down your way lol

:new_shocked: :new_shocked:
I know the thought of him being there is stressful, but I bet he'll leave on his own. Hopefully! and he may take a few rodents with him. And then again he may have been living in your barn for along time and this is the first time you've got to see him. I would think he'd be harmless. But yet it CREEPS you out to now know he's there. I can't blame you!

Hopefully he's gone and you'll never run into him again!

Sorry, I know thats not really helpful, but as long as he's not poisonous, he's shouldn't much to worry about!

He'll leave - your just gonna be creeped out for a few days.
You can have my toads but I don't want your snake!

Cathy you need kitties! I don't have snakes cause I have kitties on the payroll.

What color is it ?

Don't confuse a rat snake, black snake, with a moccasin

Right now, copperheads are out in full force.

Post a pic!


Sneaky snake, get out of my barn

Before I do you some serious harm

Go away far from here

or I'll stomp you with a big sharp spear

I'll cut you in pieces and make you bleed

and don't try to hide in a bad of horse feed

This is your last chance to get away

and don't even think of living in the hay

Cuz I don't like no sneaky snakes

and I'll get rid of you whatever it takes

Slither away fast down the road

and never return to my humble abode
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I want to see pics as well. A couple of weeks ago, on the very same day, we found a snake by BOTH doors going into the house. There's a lot of activity, but human and animal, in each of these areas but the snakes were still there. The first one we killed, it had a pattern like a moccasin and was aggressive. I believe the second one might've been a black rat snake so hubby took it down and tossed it into the ditch, alive. I'm terrified of snakes but not as much as I used to be. I'll never buy another black lead rope again, though. One time, I was watering my garden and nearly grabbed a 6 foot black snake thinking it was my lead rope. I couldn't figure out how the rope got way out there, thought the kids were playing with it or something :eek:

Anyhow, since that one bad day, I haven't seen another snake on the property. That's not saying that I'm not still paranoid about them. I stay on watch whenever I go outside
: Good luck getting rid of Mr. Nasty.
I can't post a picture because I don't have it on my website........... It does look like a rat snake or kinda like a water snake but those are not poisonous either.. Its about 4 feet long. I just did a night check & didn't see it. Turned that light switch on like it was a hot potato - expected it to drop from the ceiling onto my neck....................... I need to get it outta the barn cause like I said Lee is BIG time scared of snakes. Bless his heart though he came out to rescue me, even though his eye was hurting & bleeding some. He wanted to shoot it but all those electrical wires behind it - probably would have set the barn on fire...... Reason I grabbed my camera though was because I needed to find out if it was poisonous or not - guess not but still as Connie said, It's gotta go!!!!!!! Thanks all!. ......... Oh Marty - I have a cat. Catches everything from birds to baby rabbits to moles & leaves them at our back door. . Three years ago I found 5 lifeless baby bunnies lined up at my back door.. We had a cloud burst tonight so I'm wondering if the water ran it indoors.
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Can you send me pics? Even though i have a phobia, i have this facination with them and know a bit about breeds ext especially from around Kentucky. [email protected] or PM me them

If you're positive it's a rat snake, I'd leave it alone for now and just switch stalls with an adult for now.....

but that's just me....... :new_shocked:

Rat snakes aren't dangerous for your minis, but an adult would be able to deal with it better than a baby.

Hi Cathy,

Sorry about the snake and Lee's eye surgery.. Will we see you at the Horse Park, tomorrow with Byerfest?

Sure hope so.. Take care of the snake and Lee,too!!


I have heard where you have black rat snakes you won't have copper heads! I do know the rat snakes are attracted by the possibility of a good bird dinner. On several occasions I have found one at the base of my blue bird house waiting for that unlucky flegling. If you get rid of your birds and mice if you have them in your barn you may get rid of your snake. Good luck. Also don't kill it if it's a black snake if you can help it, but you'll have to take way far away from your barn or it'll come back.
Oh Cathy! I'd have screamed and I'm not afraid of snakes but to put my hand on one like that..ewwww. Semd me a pic if you want. Most likely it will leave on it's own, they are great for mice tho. Tell Lee to take it easy!
EWWWWWWW Cathy! I am so scared of snakes! Jacob and I constantly have the argument of to kill or not to kill. He votes no of course, but I don't care what kind they are, they are all " poisionous" to me! Yes, I know there are "good" snakes, but since I don't know one from the other, to me they're all bad! Hope you can get rid of him soon, or better yet, he leaves.

Tell Lee Hi for us, and I hope he does well with his eye surgery.
Here are the pics i was sent last night



That snake better thank its lucky stars it didnt show up in my barn or else its head would have come in contact with the shovel by now. I can put up with mice lol.

:saludando: :saludando:
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Well, no sign of the snake this morning. I would have chopped it with a shovel except I didn't know if it was poisonous or not. Perhaps while it is up in the ceiling it will get the birds that are pulling out the insulation & that pitter pattering critter that I have heard for months in the ceiling....................................................................................

but to put my hand on one like that..ewwww....
Exactly - WHY did it have to be in that spot at that time. It crawled up into the ceiling after I took pictures of it.

Will we see you at the Horse Park, tomorrow with Byerfest? Sure hope so.
I thought we would go but now I don't know as Lee's eye is bothering him. That last eye procedure was very painful. He's just trying to take it easy to try to avoid any more holes developing in his eye.... We miss our horse events & friends..... You all have fun - It's going to be a beautiful day............................Prestige... - see the pictures above.... Thanks Leeana
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That kind of looks like a bull snake to me! Can't tell for sure, but because he's up in the rafters I'd say it's one of them. Bull snakes can be very thick and can grow to five or six feet. They usually don't harm you and won't harm the horses. They like to lay in the rafters and eat birds and mice that come along.
You can have my toads but I don't want your snake!

Cathy you need kitties! I don't have snakes cause I have kitties on the payroll.

What color is it ?

Don't confuse a rat snake, black snake, with a moccasin

Right now, copperheads are out in full force.

Post a pic!


Sneaky snake, get out of my barn

Before I do you some serious harm

Go away far from here

or I'll stomp you with a big sharp spear

I'll cut you in pieces and make you bleed

and don't try to hide in a bad of horse feed

This is your last chance to get away

and don't even think of living in the hay

Cuz I don't like no sneaky snakes

and I'll get rid of you whatever it takes

Slither away fast down the road

and never return to my humble abode

:new_rofl: :new_rofl: :bgrin