Sick of SCAMMERS!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Neither Scams involved horses, surprisingly enough......

1. Received an official looking envelope in the mail from "PROPERTY TAX ADJUSTERS"........ It was addressed to Larry, but I opened it anyway. The red flag had already gone up because it was only to him and the house is under BOTH of our names and he is listed with his legal name of "Lawrence" . They made it sound like it was practically a requirement that we contact them! NOT. Two days later there's a newspaper article warning the public of these people .......

2. Received a Toll Free Number phone call the other day. The woman had an Indian accent (from India) and the background noise sounded like a boiler room situation. She demanded to speak to "Mary" and then she totally botched our last name. She wouldn't tell me what it was about until I said that I was "Mary". I started getting p*ssed and asked - rather loudly - who she was with and what she was calling about..........She finally said she was with Chevron and that my charge card had an outstanding balance of $650.00 and I HAD to pay it NOW. I lost my temper.

I told the woman I did not have a card with Chevron and had not had one in OVER TEN YEARS. Plus, I have never had a charge or credit card with my name as just MARY. I told her she was a LIER and a SCAM. (By this time I was yelling.) I hung up on her.

To be honest, my aggressive reaction to the phone call surprised both Larry and me.......I tend to be polite, but lately people have just been pushing the wrong buttons TOO MUCH.

According to our Oregon State Attorney General, with the economy being as it is, it's attracting a lot of Scam Artists and people need to be on their guard.
Yup, I feel the same way. We don't answer the phone unless we know who is calling.
I got one on the census and I had two come in on something I have for sale. Kind of ticks you off. I knew the census one was a scam because it had like 40 questions on it asking party affiliations and then other personal info.
I am on the National No call list, so I rarely get phone calls.

All junk mail gets tossed in the burn pile, I know what my bills look like and family letters.

I do get up to 20 scammers a day on my business email. They are sadly learning and getting very good at it, but those too, get dumped in the spam file.

Don't feel bad Maryann about loosing your temper, every does every once in awhile.
Maryann, some company is sending us a whole bunch of magazines that we have not ordered for the past two months. I have made countless phone calls trying to get them to stop coming to no avail but the buck keeps getting passed and no one seems to know the origin of the sender. Now I am getting phone calls to pay the bills for them. Its a crazy world.
Shari, We are (or WERE) on a national no-call list too......... but that is for Sales. This woman was claiming that I owned money - which I did NOT. Two other points......When we dropped our charge cards they were PAID OFF. (Companies usually send you a mailing showing that.) AND, when a company is calling on official business, they will tell you that your phone call may be monitored to protect both parties........(This was another RED FLAG.)

Marty, Time to get mad and demand THEM to PROVE that you ordered the magazines. That is an OLD OLD scam.
Really aggravating......good for you for yelling at them. At least maybe they won't call you again. We haven't gotten the phone calls (Do Not Call list, caller ID) but they have practically ruined the internet advertising sites. Craigslist ads haven't generated anything but scam emails in a long time, and even my DreamHorse ads now get more junk replies than anything else. Drives me nuts. You are right, I think the economy has sure made it worse.

I would have yelled too! I get upset when a lender calls(or something of that nature) and will only speak to my husband! Both our names are on EVERYTHING!!! Thats their first mistake(only asking for him!), second is when they say my last name wrong! :arg! I don't have a hard last name like some people!

I have a very good friend who just got scamed out of at least 500.00(I didn't ask what they lost, it's not my place) on the puppy internet scam. I told, and warrned, and printed out info, but to no avail. I feel bad because they wanted the puppy soooo bad and completely had faith in this "preacher/missionary"(that was his scam) from Africa.

Gotta be careful right now! People are desperate and will prey on anyone!

One time I got an email from Ebay saying I needed to pay for the tractor I bought. It was something like $15,000. I never even looked at tractors. I didn't have any tractors on my watch or bid list. But this person had grabbed a name out of the blue to get his tractor sold. It took a bit but I got it taken off of my account without any affect on my account. I about fell through the floor when I got that email.

An E-Bay e-mail like that would be a Red Flag for me. E-Bay does not get involved with individual sales.

Oh boy, what I love is when they send you an eBay email to an email address that you would not even use on eBay and never have........ I keep getting scam ads on my horse ads but have not had anything over the phone- yet. Ridiculous, but I guess it must work with some or they wouldn't keep doing it.

So now they are pretending to be bill collectors.......... Sheesh.
Let me tell you I got rid of that Ebay thing real fast. I did go to the page and look at the tractor and if I were looking for a tractor, the picture looked darn nice. If the guy even owned the tractor.
Just on the weekend I received my first scammer email in response to a sale ad that was posted on my local miniature club website! It was quite obvious that it wasn't real but it still gave us a little laugh!

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