Showing...I am nervous as a cat

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
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I have always been pretty well satisifed keeping my horses and loving them and doing stuff with them here on the farm. SIL has gotten wind of shows and wants to try it.

We showed at ONE show, and we had NO idea what we were doing. We weren't dressed right and though we placed and did well, I'd like to know from the ground up, bare bones, what we need to do. There is so much fluff and hoopla like who has the hoof black and hairspray...

heck I don't even know how to dress my children or myself.

We'd like to show in halter to start.

HELP please?
If you go to my website, I have a page called "Showing for Newbies" that might help? Also, do a "search" and scour this forum for threads on showing tips. There have been LOTS and LOTS. I think a lot of people don't take advantage of the old threads; often there is a wealth of information that might not be responded to on your specific post.

If you still have (specific) questions then go ahead and ask. It's easier to answer questions than do a dissertation on "how to show" which could take pages and pages and pages...

Good luck,

Learn as much as you can as disneyhorse said i'm not overly experienced

and have only been showing for 3 years

but number 1 is enjoy yourself and have fun the nervousness

will go away after your first couple shows.
Thank you for the replies. SINCE I went to my first show absolutely unprepared, I have certainly been scouring the posts...I guess I just have a big case of heebeegeebees, but my SIL, who has NEVER been a horse girl just loves one of our weiners and wants to show him. Oh geez.

Good for you! I've only been showing these registered shows for 3 years now. Showed open before that. They are a "anything goes" type show.

You're best bet is to watch a show first. Also, I know our local clubs put on clinics in the early spring to help newbies with showing. I took a few lessons from a professional trainer to help me learn to show halter. But its a gained knowledge that just takes practice. Here I am on my third year and I think I may have halter showing down a little bit more. But I wouldn't call myself proffessional and can never make my horse do what the big guys can do.

But have fun! You'll learn eventually. I showed showmanship even though I didn't know what to do. Finally just watched people (took like 3 shows before someone actually showed against me) to learn the right pattern. I'm sure I looked like a fool the first few times, but I had fun.
There are books out there that can help with pictures too. But go spend the day with someone who has shown. They can help you and give you an opinion as to what they think is "needed" in the halter ring.
Oh gosh thank your for letting your weaknesses show! We'll figure out this thing. Thanks for everyone's help and kind words.


Good for you and your SIL for just going for it!
We've shown for 2 years now and just LOVE it!! Meeting new people, seeing so many beautiful horses and just soaking up information from every side.

I was SO nervous the first few shows I participated in! I would feel like I was going to
! But after you do it a few times (and it helps if you show under friendly judges) that stuff goes away and you just find yourself focusing on your horse and not all the other stuff. I'm not saying I don't still get nervous, I'm just saying I'm not a total nervous wreck every time I go in the ring!

As far as your horse is concerned, just make sure your horse is clean, groomed, hooves nicely trimmed, and well mannered. The other stuff will come in time. As for you, if in doubt, just wear simple black slackes, black shoes and a long sleeved, not low cut blouse.

As others have said, check out some of the old threads and just read every thing you can. Go to a couple of shows just as a spectator and MOST importantly...HAVE FUN and ENJOY your horses!
The first thing you really need to do is "CALM DOWN"
We all started somewhere. Believe me, I don't even get out the pictures of our first couple of years cause we were pretty bad. The main thing is to watch and listen. Ask questions if you don't understand something. Some people won't be very helpful, but that is usually the exception to the rule and you just need to blow them off and move on. It won't take long for you to get the hang of the basics and even after 10 years in the show world, we don't know nearly everything. I am amazed at what I learn at every show. Don't worry if you don't think you have the right clothes or the horse is 'dressed' properly. If you and your horse are neat and clean, the judge will place a good horse. It just takes practice, practice, practice--and a lot more practice and experience. I know a trainer that still--after 12 or more years showing minis and a lifetime of showing larger horses and ponies--gets nearly sick to their stomach at most shows. So just go out and do the best you can and have fun. The details and wins will come.
If possible try to hook up with a mentor in your area. This is how you learn all those little things that mean so much in the show ring. We were so lucky when we started as a family took us in and showed us everything from grooming to conditioning etc. Most people are very happy to give advice after the show. Good luck!
I've been showing minis for over 14 years (since being in 7 & U), won multiple National Championships AND you can still catch me shaking nervously before EVERY class I go into. I've done it a million times and I still worry I'm doing it wrong.

We are fairly simple in the way we prepare our horses. We black their hooves and show sheen them so they sparkle.

When it comes to dress, for kids a nice white shirt, black pants and a vest works. Adults usually IMO look the best in dress suits or atleast dress pants and a dress shirt.

If you don't have a show halter a good, and cheap, way to get one would be to post on the sale board looking for a used one. A soild black one usually goes with any color horse and its a good way to start.

Another idea is to read (or skim) the rule book for the registery for which show you intend to attend. That way you will at least know the basic rules.

Good luck!!
Thank you all so very seems like there is so much to do, but yet from those of you that are doing it it seems that it is altogether do-able. I am starting to get really excited about making preparations. I think it will be fun for our family and the horses too!

Please keep the good advice coming!

Are there any Clubs in your area that offer non-rated, just- for- fun- shows? That might be a great place to learn and get some experience before you get too involved with either AMHR or AMHA. They are apt to be lower key and exhibitors might have more time to help out newbies. Also look for shows that have classes for novices or beginners, where the judge will often take the time to offer advice and comments. We are failry new to showing ourselves and I find that I can be relatively (emphasis on relatively!) relaxed at the Pinto shows where I have been showing for years, but in the exact same classes at an AMHA show, I will be nervous.

Good luck and most of all, have fun! It will get easier over time as you and the horses get used to everyhing.

Another important tip while you are at a show is to make sure that you drink lots of water. You can completely loose focus if your dehydrated, sometimes i've done stupid stuff and I think it was the heat and the lack of water in body. Horses are also important to make sure that they drink too sometimes water at shows don't satisfy them, try salt in their grain if this happens or if your only showing one or 2 bring your own water from home if it worries you.

And I know im sounding like an old record but you need to have fun, smile, and be kind to the judges and the gate person, it'll make it much easier even if the day hasn't been to good

Oh and I'll also tell you a secret, if your not in the first or second class, go and watch them and pay attention to what the judges are doing and looking for, such as is there a judge that sits back and watches all the horses from a distance (meaning you'll have to show your horse more ,ears neck no breaks lol) or do they come around. I usually dont have the chance to do this cuz I show too many and am usually in the first classes but its a good tip.

Showing is nerverecking but Loads of fun with as many years as I've been showing I still can never eat anything the morning of the show or I will gag! LOL Dont know why,I ask myself 'how long have i been doing this' and talk myself through it but no I cant eat breakfast. Lunch is fine and by dinner i'm starved. LOL Just have fun and do alot of reading from this forum and books. It is also important to know the rules so you should look up the rulebook online.

Good Luck
