Show manager's test - AMHR

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
I see that ASPC/AMHR is going to require show managers to take a test, which they must score 95% or higher on, and pay a $20 license fee. The test comes into effect in 2012, does anyone know if the fee also starts in 2012?

I'm curious--what kind of questions are they likely to ask on this test? Has anyone here heard any talk about this? What's the point of it? Are there some "problem" managers out there that will be weeded out by this? Is it an oral test, given over the phone, or is it a written test? An on-line test?

Yes, I can phone a Director, but they're all at the BOD meeting this weekend so I'll have to wait until next week for that. So, I thought I'd see if anyone here knows the scoop....or even some vague rumors
about this!
This came up and was passed at convention. They are having trouble with show managers not submitting show paperwork correctly etc. Then the office gets calls from angry members when their show results are not correct etc.

I know its on the spring agenda for this weekend to go over it again.

There was talk of making it an open book mail in test much like the judges and stewards tests.
Here our show manager runs the actual show, but the secretary does all the paperwork and is the one that actually mails in the paperwork. I guess I don't see how any test is going to ensure that a manager sends the paperwork from the show in on time?

And the purpose of the fee?

Someone here said to me yesterday that it's hard enough to get someone to act as show manager, and implementing a fee and a test is likely to make it just that much harder for some shows to find anyone willing to do the job.

If one person acts as show manager for multiple shows, does the $20 fee cover all the shows for that year?
AMHR is beginning to sound like AMHA, "WE can charge for that too" Instead of dealing with the few people that have the problems they find a way to make a buck and screw with everyone at the same time. Too bad.

As I see it,

I don't know about the fee, but there is not much worse than having your show results messed up ( been there). I don't know how an open book test would hurt anything, just insure that they know what to do.
Im trying to remember what was said as honestly I was surprised the board passed it. I think the fee was because many show managers are not members of ASPC/AMHR so many felt they should have to pay a fee.

I have also had results messed up by the show manager (or whoever turned the show in) and it is a nightmare to clear up. So in that respect if it helps I am all for it.

I know for awhile they tried to impose a fee for mistakes but I think they took that away?

I do believe the one fee covers all shows for that manager.
The test doesn't really matter to me, we do one for the A shows and being an open book it just makes you read the show rules. Which I don't think is a bad thing. But if they want to charge a fee, I will seriously rethink managing two R shows. Already to manage the R show you must be a member, $76.00 CDN and then they are thinking of adding another $20.00?

Just my two cents on the topic.
The fee came about if I remember right as there was a fee for other tests and they felt it is only fair. While some show managers are strictly volunteer many do make money of managing shows. It is a business for them. I am all for this test. Really a club can pay 20 bucks for a test to be done and I do not believe it is re done every year I could be wrong but think it was every 2-3 years although again not sure on that.

Being a show manager is a huge responsibility and yes some have a show sec as well but the show manager is the one who is responsible for any and all info being correct and getting to the office. For me it really just seemed there was more postive then negative when someone is in charge of so many peoples show results and points not to mention exhibitors experience at a show.
Testing someone on their knowledge of the rules and regulations does not necessarily equate to insuring that the forms will be filled out correctly or in on time. It might equate that people should know how, but it is hard to legislate responsibility and common sense.

Maybe the test could be sent to the Show managers with previous problems and the show not be approved until they return the test with a passing score and a 500 dollar deposit which would be returned to the club upon successful completion of all the paperwork. Professional show managers wouldn't last too long if the clubs loose money because of their mistakes.

I say again. Deal with the folks not doing the paperwork correctly and leave the ones alone that are doing the job.

As I see it,

Ron, I completely agree with you!!

Kay, first off, show managers are required to be members. The only exception are the state fair show managers (and our provincial exhibition gets classified the same as a state fair). Any show that isn't part of a state fair must have a manager who has a current membership.

Secondly Kay--please explain HOW a test on whatever and a $20 fee will make a manager get their paperwork in correctly and on time??? I'm sorry, I just don't see how that will help anything. Those that have a problem with those things will simply pay their $20 and carry on as before....unless of course they cannot pass their open book test, then they'll be out of the job.

All fine and dandy to charge a $20 to a professional horse show manager and excuse it with the "it's a cost of doing business" excuse, but a good many show managers are volunteers. Not all volunteers want to pay out an extra $20 for their volunteer position. Get the club to pay it? Not all shows are run by clubs. Some are put on by individuals. Our local show committee consists of two people. They do fundraising to pay for the shows....they already pay the $76 for the show manager's membership, so now they can pay out that extra $20 too.

Testing....may I point out that a show manager doesn't really need to know the rules inside out....that's why there's a Steward. Testing a show manager just to make it "fair" since the Judges and Stewards have to write tests? So what's next--the gate man, the ring steward, the show announcer, even the ring person, are they all going to have to write tests too? Because hey, that would only be fair, and maybe there are some more $20 fees someone is missing out on???

If there was a good reason for a fee and a test, I wouldn't say anything, but if the honest-to-goodness reason the show manager test and fee were implemented were to make it 'fair' and/or to ensure that paperwork is submitted accurately and on time, that is just ridiculous.

Of course I know how annoying incorrect paperwork would be--believe me, I know how annoying incorrect paperwork is no matter if it's show stuff, work stuff or just personal stuff--but like Ron said, instead of doing something that penalizes all shows, just make a rule to deal with those show managers that are a problem. THAT is the way to fix the problem.
Kay, first off, show managers are required to be members. The only exception are the state fair show managers (and our provincial exhibition gets classified the same as a state fair). Any show that isn't part of a state fair must have a manager who has a current membership.
My mistake! I thought that was said but I am probably wrong. Like I said its hard to remember back to November as I am struggling with CRS syndrome

I think Jeanne Bragganini is was the one that put this forward (but I could be wrong!) So I would recommend emailing her if you want to know the reasons.

I was just trying to help out with what I could remember, so I will bow out of this.

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I have to agree with Holly and Ron - they both make some very valid points. This sounds to me like a money grab that won't solve the problem they are using as an excuse to do it. I am looking at trying to get more sanctioned shows going in our province at some of the fall fairs in the area and this is just going to be added cost to them for no good reason. I don't really see why a show manager has to be a member at all. It is hard enough sometimes to get someone to act as show manager and then to tell them that they have to write a test and pay a fee on top is a bit much. Rarely have I seen it to be the show managers job to tally the points, etc but if there is a problem with them getting everything turned in on time fine them at that point - don't punish the people that are doing nothing wrong. I would assume that the test would be questions on the show managers responsibilities during a show but even if they get 100% on the test doesn't mean they will get their job done in the time frame they are required to. How do you test for morals, good character and responsibility?
I don't know about the fee, but there is not much worse than having your show results messed up ( been there). I don't know how an open book test would hurt anything, just insure that they know what to do.
LOL! Don't you mean it insures that they can read?
I know that one year our stallion was supposed to receive his Hall Of Fame in Halter--

The show where he got his final points did not send in the paperwork in the required time -- I flew to Florida to the convention to receive our plaque & was told the show had turned in the work so late that we did not have a plaque -- received it in the mail in APRIL of the next year. there was supposed to be a fine if work was late but that was not levied either-- so spent the money to show the horse to his Hall Of Fame -- spent the money to go to convention for his award -- ZIP !!

The show manager did not percieve it to be a "big deal" & thought I was out of line to even complain about it -- since I would eventually "get it " anyway.

I guess you can tell this person has never achieved this or they would know what a "BIG DEAL " it really is.

Not sure what the answer is -- but paying 20.00 & doing a test will not make a person any more responsible. The show manager in this case is not the person who does the paperwork either -- so the wrong person is doing the paperwork OR writing the test -- one or the other.

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