Results from my 2nd CT scan....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I was diagnosed with pelvic vascular calcification- one stone is stuck on the left side just below the crossing of the iliac vessels are. I am assuming this is the one causing most of this pain, and I have many on the 'pelvic floor' - whatever that is. Also, just found out my cholesterol is up again- way more than last year. I do not smoke or drink, have not changed my eating habits. After losing 50 pounds the year before last, my cholesterol was normal so why would it be way up again when my weight has not changed?!!!

I dont eat much fried stuff- dont like it, and drink a lot of water daily. I dont drink soda pop anymore- havent for over two years.

These stones are really painful and I am concerned about future hardening of the arteries, stroke, heart attack, etc....

Any of you had any experience with this? I had never heard of it!

By the way, had to go to the lab and pick up my own copy of the test to get this info. My Dr. office never did call, had not faxed over the paperwork for me to get the test until I was standing at their front desk at the lab and had to call the Dr. office. Now my Dr. office claims they didnt receive a copy of this test. It was faxed on Tuesday- I checked with the lab. Funny, they got the first one, but not this one and didnt respond to my call on Wednesday a.m. They also never had called me with my lab results from the blood work back in March, but now claims they called and left a message on my home phone. There has been NO call from them at all. I love the doctor dearly, but his office staff now SUCKS.

I am still waiting for the office to respond to my call again this morning...... I have been in a lot of pain, that has been increasing, since March (though it started off and on in January) and it is ridiculous to have to keep calling and nagging to get anywhere.

Sorry, just had to vent.. this has really been a worry and I hate hurting all the time- I have contemplated going to ER about 3 times now, on top of dealing with Clyde's lymphoma- he has pneumonia again and could not get his chemo on Monday because his white count was too low, so it's going to be late a week again.

Guess I am just getting cranky and worn out... so again I apologize for 'whining'. But if anyone has any info on these vascular stones, and how to lower cholesterol without using those nasty medication (they almost killed me about 3 years ago after only 3 weeks of use- will NOT take those) please send any hints!
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The only vascular calcification I've heard of is related to kidney disease (often dialysis patients) . Do you have kidney problems, or have you in the past had any kidney problems? Or is this something different, not related to kidneys?

Has the doctor had you tested for kidney function? I ask because kidney disease can also be a cause of high cholesterol.

Do you eat much for animal products--meat, whole milk, eggs, butter, cheese? You say you don't each much for fried food, but what about packaged foods such as cookies, crackers or chips? any of these things can contribute to high cholesterol.
No, I'm not a junk food eater, and really dont eat much in the way of carbs either! And any more, really only use whole grain but rarely even eat bread! I am also lactose intolerant so dont use much in the way of dairy products.

I've never had any kidney problems either- I read that these can be related with that too.

Ha, my Dr. office just called and said my CT scan came back clear! She about died when I told her that I had a copy of it in my hand and read it back to her!!! They now want me to go for an ultrasound on my left ovary! Even though the scan shows nothing wrong with it.

I had a partial hysterectomy a few years ago because I had an enlarged vein that was basicly strangling my uterus that was SO painful it hurt to even walk and the pressure was unreal, so the uterus was removed. I wonder if that could be happening with my ovary now? I just can't imagine that these little stones would hurt like this. The pain radiates clear up to my rib cage and last night I had to shallow breathe for a while because it just hurt. Today is not so bad.

I dont know if these calcifications would even hurt??? I've never known anyone who had them. Cripes....
Sorry you're having all the pain. One thing is for sure - I'd be changing doctors. I'd find one who would really look at the report. That should be malpractice.

As far as the cholesterol, my doctor put me on 1000 mg of SloNiacin at bedtime about 2 months ago. It is supposed to lower your cholesterol. I'm going for a blood test on Monday to see if it is working. Says on the bottle that it improves the good cholesterol.

Hope you get a good diagnosis soon.

I'm sorry you're in so much pain Laurie

Laurie, so sorry you have been in so much pain. I sure hope they can help you, and sending continued prayers for Clyde too.
Hey Laurie,

Sorry you are having so much trouble and you know how I feel about Dr.'s. As for your cholesterol , if you are under this thing called "stress", that will raise your cholesterol. I know you haven't had any of that for quite some time now so that shouldn't be the cause. Yes, yes, I know, you will kill me next time you see me.

I know nothing about what the CT scan showed but agree you need a different Dr. It doesn't matter how great he is if his staff SUCKS!!! Will call you later.

I just can't imagine that these little stones would hurt like this.
Having had one very small kidney stone once - and being in the most extreme pain from it - I can promise you that little stones can cause pain!

It's so very frustrating to not have the kind of support from your doctors that you need......have another friend here going through this too, lots of pain, all kinds of tests and no results. Hope you are able to get it resolved quickly.

Just a quick update....

First the cholesterol... haha Robin.. gosh now where would I get any stress?!!

I found out it is NOT the ladies in the Dr. office that screwed up the last two times- it was the lab. They got caught red handed yesterday.

Anyhow, apparently these calcifications are not noted for being painful and the Dr. does not agree that that is the cause of my problems, so sent me for a pelvic ultra sound yesterday. All I can say is OMG!!
The pain from the pressure almost sent me through the ceiling- and the tech was VERY careful! It was horrible. I certainly hope this is going to give someone some type of answer... I can't stand this much longer. Any vibration (like walking), pressure of any kind, etc.... is painful and I am tired of having to move in slow motion. I am not one to baby myself and my chores are falling behind! I don't like this!!!

I am really worried about what is going on, but one thing's for sure- something in there isn't right.
Oh man... I have no advice to give, just very gentle {{{hugs}}} and lots of prayers and good thoughts that the source of this pain is found ASAP and fixed! Same with the high cholesterol, and for Clyde. You two have had more than enough suffering, time for a break!!
I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. ((((HUGS))))

I hope they find an answer soon.
Sorry you are in so much pain, I hope you find some relief soon! <<hugs>>
Well this is interesting...

They just called... they cant find my ovaries!!!??

What the...?? The doctors are consulting at this point...... I give up!
I am so sorry that you are going through this. I know how frustrating it can be not to "know" what is going on! Hang in there, the Drs will figure it out. Seems like more and more these days mystery illnesses are being found/diagnosised...Hugs to you...Theresa

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