Question about a "short mouth" and bitting

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I had posted some photos of Bailey and Willow on the photo forum page and no one replied so I figured that no one was interested.
Speaking for myself only, I don't "hang out" on the photo forum or the main mini forum. I can only read about breeding 2 yr olds a few times before I retch! I really enjoy the driving forum or the other CDE forum. It is very interesting to me to read about driving in other countries, so please keep posting. Bailey is adorable and looks like he really enjoys driving. I defer to Leia and Myrna as far as harness fitting, but will say that my mini Sundance Kid really benefitted from the Freedom collar (deep V).

I have no idea what I was doing with my hands in this photo!
I have the same problem with my hands! They seem to have a mind of their own (but only a small part of a brain!)
Marsha, so sorry, I seem to have taken over your post!

I can shorten the traces so I will do that...that is an easy fix.

Can someone suggest where I should buy a 'V' shaped colar for Bailey? I have looked at websites here in Australia with no luck. I did search some American sites and some of them are really expensive! More expensive than the harness I have! I'd like a leather one to match his harness.

I also seem to have an issue with the saddle slipping back. The bottom part where the girth sits stays in place but the top part of the saddle slips backs so that it is not straight. I don't do the girth up tight like you would with a riding horse and saddle, just firm enough to stay in place. His fat gut makes it hard to sit the girth back any further.

xox Leonie xox
Can someone suggest where I should buy a 'V' shaped colar for Bailey? I have looked at websites here in Australia with no luck. I did search some American sites and some of them are really expensive! More expensive than the harness I have! I'd like a leather one to match his harness.

I also seem to have an issue with the saddle slipping back. The bottom part where the girth sits stays in place but the top part of the saddle slips backs so that it is not straight. I don't do the girth up tight like you would with a riding horse and saddle, just firm enough to stay in place. His fat gut makes it hard to sit the girth back any further.
I really like my Freedom Collar from Camptown Harness. I don't know what the exchange rate does to the price, though.

The rotating saddle is a tough one, especially on well-sprung horses. I have two of them, not necessarily fat, but ribs that are nice and round. There is a fine line between loosening the back strap to encourage the saddle to stay upright, and getting the crupper too loose. Make sure your saddle has plenty of gullet clearance, so that it is not rotating into the horse's spine. Other than that, you just have to "play" with it, to see what adjustments make a difference. With some horses, I think you just have to live with it, and try to make them as comfortable as possible. Having a wider saddle also helps with comfort.


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