Photo Editing people...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Cumberland, Maine
So, I am hopeless when it comes to editing things out of my pictures. I can easily put a new background in, but to take unwanted things out of the photo is something I just can't seem to master! Can any of you photoshop/photo editing people get the arm out of this picture and paint my munchkins nose back in where the arm covers it? I've seen people on here take things out of photo's before, and it's amazing how easy you all make it look!! I have this picture saved in a larger size if you need it bigger...shrunk it down to post though. Also have other photos of her if you need a nose to use ;)

Thanks in advance :aktion033:


Gorgeous horse! And with some editing that would be a great picture. I'd love to help you, but putting a new nose on him is wayyy beyond my capabilities. Good luck with it.
If you could post a side picture of her head/nose I could try to do it! No guarantees that it will turn out perfect though! :bgrin
Last edited by a moderator:
Not sure if this is the quality that you were hoping for. I've had problems with the computer freezing
: as I was saving the picture so I had to redo everything what seemed like a billion times!! If you want any changes I can try to do them later.



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