O.K How do you guys handle family, horses, work

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2003
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HOW does everyone handle everything from horses to family and house work.

I have three horses right now one with a "wonderful trainer", one is a yearling and other one I did sell but she is with us for the summer to show.

But being that my guy is with the trainer I am not sure if I will have the time to keep him in condition.

HOW does everone else keep up with working their horses with such a busy schedule?? I have often at times thought of getting out of the horses??

Please help need advice!!!
i think you have to live eat and breath horses
it has to be a passion or it just turns into a chore. It does get very hectic here trying to get mares bred, condition show horses, train etc. But i have found that if you simplify the best you can it works much better. For example morning feeding. I am feeding 14 horses including show horses but I have it down to a science. It takes me about 15 mins to get everyone fed in the morning and the day is started. Also i dont go out and try to work all show horses at once. I work one then come in and get soem house work done. couple hrs later ill go work another one. etc. Also winter is dead time so I paint and plan other things around the slow season.

I will say im blessed to have a wonderful horsey son that helps me a TON. dont know what id do without his help

I do have non horsey kids so I am very careful to do things with them that they like and not make them pay for the horses.
I think it's just about finding a system that works for you. I own a business so can be very, very busy with that but I have good employees and usually do not have to go into the office on Fridays. The biggest factor really for me being able to keep up with the horses is that Harvey, my husband, helps so much. It helps, too, that it stays light so late. I didn't lunge the boys yesterday until way later than normal and was about 9pm when I finished. The extra daylight in summer helps me because I do not have an indoor arena. Really, all i got is a round pen and my "driving arena" could also be correctly called the back yard.


No one can tell someone else what will work for them, but for me and the horses, it's got to still be fun because if it turns into a chore (keeping up with them), then that defeats my reasons for having horses. Not that it's all play, but at this point, the enjoyment factor far outshines the grunt work factor.
[SIZE=14pt]Right now I am retired from work because of my eyes but, when I was working, I got up really early, had my teenage daughter work horses after school, did my housework at night when everyone was in bed. Now I am home all day, watch my grandson who will be 2 in august, take care of 11 dogs, 10 horses and a house.... I dont sleep alot still! My husband isnt into the horses like me but will help with feeding and taking care of the kennel if I am sick or like the other night when Lark was having her puppies, it was 11 and not all the dogs had been put to bed so he went out and did that and check the mares.... he is always there in a pinch but other than that I am alone, legally blind and old as dirt![/SIZE]

I work 6 days a week and my morning starts very early most days. I couldn't do it without hubby who loves them as much as I do. He feeds in the morning and if I have to work late, he feeds in the evening too.

The longer daylight helps a lot and I can get a lot done in a short period of time.

The house is a different story, I hit the high spots and then the rest gets done when I have time. Right now it is a disaster because we are trying to sort stuff and get ready for a move.

The big secret is not really a secret, you have to plan every minute of your time and juggle whatever you have to in order to get stuff done.

We feed horses at 7:30 in the morning. This time of year I dump all the mares and fillies out back to graze. I feed the stallions. Then after breakfast the barn is mucked out. I bring the horses in at 4 in the afternoon. This leaves the evenings open for training and what ever else has to be done. Both Maureen & I look after the horses. You just have to set up a schedule that is suitable.

I find I am getting too stressed on trying to keep these guys handled and in shape.

I love the showing and want my horses to look the best all the time.

I am really finding it hard to keep up with that, and I am not having fun anymore.

I just want to go out everyother day to work them and thats it. I just find I spend more time and energy trying to keep them clean and looking good. Then other things get pushed aside. MY flower beds are terrible.

Anyway if anyone has tips let me know,
Nicole you need to step back and just enjoy being around your horses. Don't worry about being in show shape and all that. Keep them well fed and turn them loose in the paddock and sit back and watch them do there thing. If showing is too hectic don't do it.

Well, there is nothing wrong with only working them every other day. I wouldn't be working them daily either. Try not to spend so much time fussing over their grooming. Brush them, check em over for cuts and bumps and then let them be horses. You'd be amazed how much "cleaning up" can be done to a pasture horse in the 2 days before a show!
: What is your stabling set up? Stalled or turnout with run ins? If they are in run ins, you should be able to pick up droppings every second day, on the days you don't work them.

On the weekends, measure out their feeds for the week into color coordinater containers, so you can just dump and run.

How long are you working each horse? Your yearling could probably get by quite well on a couple of handling sessions a week, and get him/herself in quite nice shape playing in the paddock.

What is the trainer doing with your guy thats taking a long time to cindition him? You shouldn't have to spend a LONG time with each horse to keep them in shape. If he has been trained to drive, then conditioning should be FUN! You get to take him out and go joy riding! Otherwise, you shoud be able to keep him in nice shape with 3 sessions or so a week lunging 20 mins(or roundpenning). Keep handling (ie manners etc) sessions short, like 15 minuites a few times a week.

You should be able to keep 3 horses exercised, groomed, and fed in about an hour and a half a day with some days beong longer than others like when you have to put up hay, or rake the paddock really good, or give baths before a show. Just keep it simple!

And why are you worrying about keeping a sold horse in show condition? Are you being paid to show her?
Nicole, I know what you are saying. I have 30 minis, plus 5 foals with 3 to go, I find I spend way to much time trying to keep up with every little thing so that it always looks clean. I pick my pastures each and every day,feed, brush, play with the foals...which are in stalls at night, clean the barn daily, then go back again about 8 pm and pick up any poop piles in stalls....its like it never ends, but you know what--I LOVE every minute of doing all these "chores" and wouldnt trade it for any job in the world, of course it would be OHHH so nice to get paid for doing all of this :bgrin
: its when you actually let it become a CHORE that you lose all the enjoyment your horses will bring you. I have often wondered how people with a larger number of animals can work out and still keep up with everything. I know I couldnt! I am a stay-at-home mom to all my 4 legged kids. Corinne
I'm in the same boat to balance everything. I'm out and out with them (I only have 3 for a few more weeks and then 2) at 5:30am. I just take my time because it is ME time with them.

I did find it hard last week to also get breeding in each day. But I just did the best I could.

I'm very lucky in that my daughter has the same passion as I do. She cleans the barn each night when we get home. Bob my husband does as much as he can also to help out. My horses are not worked each night. My housework slides alot and I just do what needs to be done and ask for everyone to help out a bit on the weekends.

I have two boys that like the minis but have other interests. We just do the best we can.
I am not getting paid to show the mare I sold, I wanted to keep the mare to show for I have a little cousin of mine that loves the showmanship and jumping classes. This mare is sooo good at it and they have worked so hard. So I asked Ken if he wouldn't mind, IT was VERY NICE of him to say yes.

I have a three year old daughter that loves the horses and you should have seen her last night trying to jump this mare (just over trotting poles). SHe did so well!! I was so proud of her.

I don't work my yearling, we just handle him daily, The babies are easy to work with.

They stay in shape just running in the paddock.

I have been keeping my horses in at night because the bugs are soo bad and my yearling just got gelded so he has not been out with the mare.

I really appreciate everyones advice and will re-look at our daily schedule.

Nicole I have 3 horses as well. ( well actually 4 but she will be sold) I keep them all together on a irrigated acre pasture on our acre plus property. There is no way I could keep up the house, kids to school,(I have 4) , and husband, and family happy, if I had to exersize the horses in all of that. This is only one reason that I dont show. And believe me I have many more :lol: But I have to do with what keeps peace, and harmony in the family.. I have the pleasure of owning horses, but dont need the headache of all of the show routien, that would break the camels back here.
: Now with that said, "two" of my three horses are pretty much "ready" to step into the show-ring right now. They look fit. The third is pregnant so she has an excuse. If I were you and wanted to continue to keep your horses looking good,- regardless if you showed or not, I would find a feeding program that worked for you to help keep them in shape.
We have a very good feeding program. Hay cubes, sweet feed and handful of grass hay. This works really well for us but is this enough. What about conditioning? Is driving enough for 20min a day?

I would say yes but opinions?

[SIZE=14pt]I dont do alot of "conditioning" we dont drive every day either, maybe every other or every 2 days. My horses only get baths right before a show...the get a quick bushing once in a while and a good go over once a week. My horses exercise each other when they go out to play. They always go two at a time or more. I pick stalls morning and night but dont strip completely except weekly or if the horses have been out even at night for a few days not even then. They are healthy happy physically and mentally and still they show well. I believe they should be taught what to do but also think they can burn out on too much training. My showmanship horse gets a little lesson on the way out and back from exercise in the form of stops and starts and a pivot or two. IF you get too rigid on your schedule of training and cleaning it stops being fun. Also you dont have to have them squaky clean all the time. My horses would kill me if I endlessly combed and brushed them and they would run away from home if they saw me coming with scrunchies (sorry Marty no offense) Make it fun again.... stress less.....[/SIZE]

Mine get about 1/2 flake in the morning. At night they get the same 1/2 flake, plus scope of moist beet bulp, scope of grain. They have mimiumal grass during the day too.

When we get home we route the mares and stallion. I can't keep him out with them in the seperate pasture unless I'm home because he bends the fence over. They get a handful of hay tossed out.

We have a routine at night that when Lizzie goes out to clean the barn she also makes up the beet bulp so that it soaks. We then feed together so it might be about 15 minutes at night.

She works her mare while I work on starting supper or doing chores around the house/outside. I stay where I can see her and if she is driving then I'm right there.

We just show the one horse right now.
If you feel that you have a good feeding program than stick to it.. You may need to adjust it a tad, as you go along, but see how things go -as you relax from the exersize for a spell. you may find that their is little or no change.. I think mine play and exersize enough, just running around in their pasture- as I keep them all together there 24-7. We have a large dirt area in the corner of the pasture that has no grass,- so when the bugs are bad, they go there for relief. Do what works for your family, and take a break from the stress for a while, and just see if things work out.. It did for me..
Yeah..... What is housework! lol! ha!.......

Well...... I have a VERY full plate myself.... single mom of 2 young boys... I work full time and I have 5 minis, well... I guess I have 6... one is a baby....

I am home this week because my oldest, who's 9 just got his tonisls out on Tuesday........

You have to be dedicated........ horses to me is like breathing air! lol! It's deffinately WORK! Especially if you want to show!

I have to be to work by 7:30 am and get home at 4pm....... I do get to run home at noon for a 1/2 hr and check on my guys and eat quickly....

But I have "just" started and have decided to work my broodmares along with my stallion and gelding who are the only ones being shown. But I have started putting everyone in the roundpen, even my one broodmare and her month 1/2 old baby and free lunge them... the baby can do what he wants... But they need the excersise.. and then when I get done (we are up to 10 minutes on them)..... I then cool them out by walking them to the end of my drive way and back and then they get to eat grass for 1 -2 hrs while I clean thier pens & stalls...... I start that project between 4-5 pm and get done about 8-9 pm.....

So...... on those days........... the house gets put on HOLD! I take advantage of rainy days or like this morning the house is a mess.......... so I will spend time cleaning it up and what ever else needs done..... and I'm also in the process of making cutom made fly sheets for my 2 minis that are wearing neck sweats for show........ There's always something!

Just have to put your mind into it! lol!

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