Non Bute Pain Relief

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Pipe Creek, Texas
I have a two year old filly that had an accident 3 weeks ago and has now developed a bone sequestrum. The vet would like her initial wound to heal up more before he performs surgery and is also waiting to see if possibly it will reattach to the parent bone. Problem is she was starting not to want to walk on it anymore and was having difficulty getting up after laying down. I was told to give her 1/2 gram Bute for two days then lower it to 1/4 gram once a day. We are on day 4 of Bute and now I am concerned she may already be starting to show signs of ulcers. I started Gastrogard tonight but would really like to find something else for pain besides Bute or Banamine. Between the healing wound, the possible impending surgery, and/or the hopefully reattaching bone, what can be used safely for pain without causing other problems? Since the accident she has been on Uniprim and daily cleaning and re-dressing the wound which is looking great and has VERY little drainage now. I have heard from some that devils claw is good (have not researched it yet) for pain but wanted to hear from others in case there are other ideas. Thanks Guys!
Buteless which is now B L Solution, I believe, is a product that I have found to work for some pain -- sore muscle, tendons, arthritis, etc. -- and does contain devils claw. For that reason do NOT use on preg mare.

A product you can get from vet, Equoixx (sp?). A tube of paste which is supposed to be less stomach aggitating that many, works well. I believe I pd in the neighborhood $15-20 and it lasted about 10-14 days for a full sized mini. I believe it was once a day, not positive but, no more than 2X so easy to do. It's weight dosed and may last longer if young horse.
You are wise to give Gastro Gard - NSAIDS can definately cause ulcers - mine got bleeding ulcers from NSAIDS. When we were dealing with the ulcers, our vet had us use a small amt of a type of injectable morphine, I believe. We only had to use it a couple of times, but it was very helpful. I can find the name of the drug, if you are interested.

And, I agree, Equioxx, is supposed to be less hard on stomachs.
My wonderful AGS Miss-Te Rose Is IR and and foundered severely last winter. No one can tell me why cold seems to be the onset. This has happened with her the winters before but not as bad. Monthly visits to MSU were only relieving the pain a little by working on the mechanics of her feet. She was on bute form January to June, it was the only way I could find to relieve the pain. I fiqured the bute was killing her but she suffered so when not on it. At the pinto world show I met a vender from Blue Rigde Distrbution Inc out of Tn . 1 877 379 7777. They also have a web site. I replaced the bute with EquiGesic XS It is an Extra Strength Herbal Pain Relief formula. Now, the same time I started this it got warmer and the inflamation stopped. So did the Herbal treatment help or the weather, just not sure? I told them about this at MSU and they just said it couldn't hurt her? The package says the formula includes devils claw root, white willow bark, german chamomile, boswella serrata, tumeric and yucca? Go fiqure......I'm a believer? The good news is Miss-Te is feeling very good, amost moving like her old self and seems to have no pain. She is not on the pain Herbs now. She is on their IR formula and probiotics. Her "grain" is timothy pellets that I moisten and mix with her herbs . She has to be very thin, which I struggle with, but I know it is best for her. Maybe Blue Ridge can hlep you. I can't recall the gals name but she was very pleasant and helpful. Norma
I have used something called Equioxx paste, similar to banamine, but per my vet with far fewer GI side effects, and better for minis. Good luck!
Good luck. I had a biggie with a bone sequestrum. Hers also got a bone infection. She was very lame, but everything knit and healed so nicely the vet kept her xrays to show people before and after. She was on bute, but after my experience with a pony that died from bute toxicity, i would try anything but bute. I can't recommend any more than that, but did want to give you a positive on a healing experience with a similar injury and the mare was sound as a bell afterward. The bone infection was very challenging to treat though, so if they suggest xrays to have a look see, do it, you want to keep on top of the progress. take care and good luck
Last week the vet put one of mine on Previcox. She is getting around much better. I put the pill in a small syringe and wet it just enough for it to dissolve into a paste like consistency and squirt it into her mouth. We are waiting on bloodwork results. Could be insulin resistance, cushings, thyroid, hormones, or any combination of the four according to the vet. Meanwhile, the Previcox seems to be helping control her foot pain. When we get a diagnosis we will treat it accordingly. Good luck!
I have tried to use devil's claw, BL solution, for a number of things over the years with no possitive results at all to report. It has not helped any horses of mine in relationship to pain that I could see. I did also had a horse with severe founder a long time ago and it never touched that tremendous kind of pain at all either. I had several boxes of it and last year and gave them away. Sorry I just can't say that it does anything at all in my humble opinion.

When a horse is in pain, I just can't fool around with stuff when I don't see results. I use banamine most of the time.
I have two mini mares with laminitis issues; with a hot flare-up, they need bute to get over the initial serious pain (for mine, that's been about a week), then I've been able to put them on B-L pellets to keep them comfortable (I don't think it completely takes the pain away, but makes it manageable, so they are willing to do some moving around). [but, as someone already mentioned B-L can't be used on preg mares.]

And, I tried Vaxamine EQ, an herbal pain reliever, it seemed to help another mare with laminitic issues, I thought she was pregnant, and the Vaxamine is safe for pregnant mares. Its more expensive than bute, banamine or B-L pellets; but I tried it as it is safe for pregnant mares. It seemed to help, but evidently tastes awful dispite the addition of apple flavoring to the tablets; so I had to crush and mix the tablets into soaked tasty food to get her to eat it. Heartland Vet Supply carries it:

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