Name changes

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Should name changes be allowed?

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  • Not sure

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Karma Creek Minis

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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I just thought this could be an interesting topic and poll

I have really been thinking about this, I have been currently looking to ad some horses to our group, but I find myself looking at horses with awful name choices. I personally don't want to show a horse whos papers mark him as lets say "hot dog" I can understand we pay for our farm prefix's I am not looking to change that! I just wish we could change the parts we dont like. I know most registries charge a fee for name change.

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Somebody named the horse for a reason... I think the way AMHR does it now is perfectly fine.

I know breeders who have worked years to develope their horses and someone purchase one, change them to their barn name and show. I think it is wrong and unfair. Credit needs to go to the breeder as well as the owner/trainer of an animal !
I know some of us put big thoughts into our names! I am asking for those who lets say had a few to many before filling out paper work, LOL I know this is not always the case, maybe 2% chance lol

I have had my own fair share of bad name choices. And I know what someone finds nice somone else could find offending. This is a great topic I think to get everyones thoughts on!

Like I said, if the horse has a prefix, it would stay! just not the bad name like "sand paper" or "cabinet door" lol I know having mostly blazed face horses not planned that way! lol I would have half a barn full of horses named "Blaze" lol

I did an edit to save on all the posting lol.

Anna's breeder just gave her the name because he had to put something down to register her

This is part of reason why I posted this topic. And I also wanted to ad, Like Lewella also said to maybe ad another word to the name to make it work! I hope this makes sense lol
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I showed a mare for a while named Cheg-Kim's Faire Dinkum.... Yep, you gotta embrace the craziness!

I have to admit though that I currently own a Shetland filly that I'm seriously considering doing a name change on. It's not because her name is weird, or strange, or anything like that. Her name is Big Time's Anna. The Anna part is just fine, the problem is that Big Time was her grandsire's name and all his foals were named with a formula. Anna's dam was Big Time's Sally VB (VB was her breeders suffix), Big Time's other foals were all Big Time's _____ VB. So every time I say or see her name I want to tack VB on the end of it! Anna's breeder just gave her the name because he had to put something down to register her - he called all his ponies by their color or some other physical attribute (Anna was "sorrel pinto" even though she's a red roan pinto - LOL).

So yes, I do think the option to do a name change should be there but I also LOVE the way that the ASPC/AMHR requires written permission from the breeder of the horse to do it.
If the breeder agrees, if the horse has not been shown at registry shows, and if it has no offspring, then I think it should be allowed for a fee. Because the breeder "made" the horse, I think even though the prefix wouldn't be changed, the breeder should still be able to say yes or no.
I've had a couple that I really didn't care for their name too much. Fortuntately for me, they were only registered in one registry with that name and I hardshipped/registered them into another one and I changed their name there. One was Spank Me Blue, which I find a bit offensive and the other was Jabroni Pony, which really just didn't fit the horse. All the other horses I've bought over the years may have names that aren't my personal favorite, but I've given them all barn names from their registered names that work for me.

On the other side, I try to give each of my horses great names that fit the horse. I'm not really into 'cutesy' names as I always think that horse may end up in the show ring some day and it should have a fitting name. But, a new owner may not like the names I have chosen either. So I guess you can't please everybody!

I don't think a registered horse should be allowed to have it's name changed especially if it has registered offspring. Whether or not I personally like the name the breeder has chosen.
I've done one name change on an AMHR horse. I bought a 2 year old colt with the name Scarlet's Little Stud. ("Scarlet" is his mother's name). We started right off calling him Sunny, rather than "Little Stud"--and even though we did breed a couple mares with him the first year we had him we knew that sooner or later we would be gelding him. Who wants a gelding named Little Stud??? So, we got the breeder's permission and paid the $100 to rename him Scarlet's Little Sun.

I do think the AMHR policy is a good one; breeder's permission should certainly be required, and once the horse has beens hown or produced registered offspring, no, I don't think the name should be allowed to change then--the only way I can see changing a name once there are show records and papers of offspring to change as well would be to charge a much higher fee, like $1000 or so?? Personally I would never pay that kind of money to change a name, so the current rule works just fine for me!

Ordinarily I wouldn't bother changing the name--a gelding named Little Stud was just a little too silly for me, but if it was just a bizarre name I would live with it. Bizarre names can be attention grabbers at horse shows, though there are some that are just so hard to pronounce that announcers routinely make a hash of reading them out. I always wonder why anyone wants to use a name that no one can pronounce.

To be honest, there are some names that would put me off of buying a horse. I've come across a few that have made me think ABSOLUTELY NOT! I don't like the name, I don't want a horse of that name & sure wouldn't want that name showing up on every set of papers of my foals if that horse was my herd sire.
If the breeder agrees, if the horse has not been shown at registry shows, and if it has no offspring, then I think it should be allowed for a fee. Because the breeder "made" the horse, I think even though the prefix wouldn't be changed, the breeder should still be able to say yes or no.

That makes sense........
Despite the times I have REALLY wanted to change a horse's name I had to vote no.....because you don't change 'just' that horse's name, you have to change every place that horse's name might show up in the registries....progeny records, past show records, on and on.

And I have to admit, I do like some of the wierd names and I remember them later so I guess they do work.

To be honest, there are some names that would put me off of buying a horse. I've come across a few that have made me think ABSOLUTELY NOT! I don't like the name, I don't want a horse of that name & sure wouldn't want that name showing up on every set of papers of my foals if that horse was my herd sire.
I agree totally with this. There is one big time horse who I would never consider owning him or one of his offspring due to his name. I know that there are some people who say that is stupid to pass on a fabulous horse because of his name. To me, words are improtant and there are other equally good horses with names that are not offensive.

However, should they allow name chages? I agree with the policy of charging a fee and requiring original owners permission.

To be honest, there are some names that would put me off of buying a horse. I've come across a few that have made me think ABSOLUTELY NOT! I don't like the name, I don't want a horse of that name & sure wouldn't want that name showing up on every set of papers of my foals if that horse was my herd sire.
Wow I am surprised to hear so many people feel this strongly about names to be honest I am not sure it is something that would even enter my mind (to not purchase a horse due to his registered name) but I guess there are lots of horses out there so it surely is possible to move on to the next for whatever reason.
This is why we register to have our own bloodlines, and the breeder for sure should have the say.

Just wrong to do anything else.
There are for sure some names I like a lot better than others, but a disagreeable name wouldn't keep me from buying a horse I otherwise REALLY liked
I'd be a whole lot more interested in buying a horse with a name I like. You know the name can be what draws a person to want to buy a horse. And yes if there were two horses that I like and both were really close in confirmation a nice name might sway my choice. I believe that a person should be able to change the horses name with the breeder's permission. Besides if a good name is what is stopping someone from buying a horse why would a breeder want to miss out on a several thousand dollar deal? That's what I voted.
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l said no because l feel it would be an insult to ask permission to have it changed and if they said NO how embarressing that would feel...We have a DogHouse and are asked about her name a lot...her mom must have foaled way to close to the door of the thing and the kid ended up inside l don't think she was there long she was still pretty damp and l'll always remember her dam now deceased running back and forth screaming for help and her eyes all big and wild to get her out of she's always going to be DogHouse because thats where we found her..
In my mind there are several reasons on many levels why only the original owner/namer of an animal should be the only one to be able to change a name on an animal they named.

The impact could be unforeseen by a purchaser or later owner. Just to mention a couple reasons; if there were offspring/siblings that had names related for some reason, some special event in life that you (the new owner) is totally unaware of.

We, ourselves, pick names for special reasons.

Of course this is just an opinion


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Once had a person contact me that wanted to buy one of my foals, but ONLY if I was willing to change the name......Told them that if the name was more important than the horse, they didn't really want it. Never heard from them again and hope I never do. That was the most MORONIC offer to buy I'd ever had.

I like the rule where a name can be changed ONLY with the original owner's permission- that's in AMHR. I don't believe AMHA allows name changes at all.

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