There is some sort of little fish(not goldfish!)that eats mosquito larvae; the city of Albuquerque was actually giving them away earlier this year! However, I don't know if they could survive in just a stock tank, once they ate all of the larvae-don't know what else they need to eat, beside larvae? I have one goldfish who has now been in a small stock tank-at first, a 100 gallon round, now, about a 75 gallon oval, both steel tanks. "Goldie" is now coming up on 5 years of age, and is the lone survivor of 3 who came with my flying squirrel when she was flown here from Houston, way back then! I put them into the stock tank; two were dead within a week or two, but this one has thrived! (I later found a home for the squirrel; just didn't have the time to devote to her!)
When I empty and scrub the tank, I just grab "Goldie" with my hands when I've scooped out enough water, and put him/her into a bucket about half full of fresh water, then "pour" water and fish back into the tank as it is partially refilled. I sprinkle in a bit of fish food the first day, but what the horses 'drool' into the water, plus any nasty 'skeeter larvae, feed him/her the rest of the time. Don't know if this would work with the larvae-eater fish, though.
The 'bubbler' idea would surely work, as it is very true that the larvae do not survive in moving, aerated water. I don't fill my troughs full, to discourage some VERY large resident ravens from sitting, drinking, washing/dropping their food(often parts of rabbits..
!)into them----URG!, so can't run them over-but use some of the other strategies mentioned. (After fighting those dirty ravens for several years, I now compromise by keeping a couple of shallow Fortex pans full of water out, well away from my water buckets and troughs. This provides a safe(too shallow to drown in)water source for the ravens AND all the other birds, like the mourning doves who are returning in some numbers after YEARS of being hunted out-hooray!-and keeps the ravens from soiling my other waters. I have seen them batheing in the pans! They are WELL aware that they are to use them, BTW-smartest birds around, but sometimes hard to have as "neighbors", as they will kill baby rabbits, and baby birds,too....)
Sorry-I drifted a bit off-topic....There are also those "mosquito rings", sold at garden stores. You might ask about them.