Memorial weekend parade

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I usually drive my little horse in the parades, but decided to take my 1946 MM RTU this year. My dog rode in the little trailer, made by my son several years ago.

Our local antique tractor club faded away a few years ago and I don't get much chance to play with it. I wish I had been able to get a picture of the WW I caisson, drawn by horses. The soldiers were in WW I uniforms. Being IN the parade doesn't give much chance to see it.

My sister and another driver did drive their little horses.

One equestrian group looked really good, white shirts and black ties with black chaps.

The event is organized by General Tommy Franks. Everyone entering must have a patriotic theme.

Lots of other things going on, such as an art show, quilt show, and concerts.


I really don't know, but my first guess would be Standardbreds, as they are both driven and ridden.
Oh what fun Marsha! I love your MM and wagon
My hubby is going to be in a parade tomorrow with his Farmall. I'm not a huge parade fan my self, the crowds make me uneasy, but one day I would like to take Betty(my avatar) in one.
Nice photos Marsha. Nice to see folks loving those older tractors. Should start a thread called "ladies loving classic tractors"

My son is a big fan of the RTI series of MM. He has a RTIM military tractor and he is 12 years old. Wears his yellow MM hat everywhere. None of our tractors are restored and most do farm work. Its lovely to see one turned out so nicely and you made a great choice for your parade vehicle.

Yes, Jacks thunder... you should take Betty out for a spin. Hope you post photos of your husband and his farmall. I don't remember if I posted on that other thread, we have an oliver 77 rowcrop but ours is a tricycle front.

I'd like to have gotten a closer look at the harnessing. What is the significance of the two stirrups on one side? The traditions always had a utilitarian significance. Did you notice the saddles?

This unit was from Ft Sill, which is a very old post here in OK. They used to have a polo team, but I think the military phased all that out. All the horses were required to be bays. I think for dress cavalry units bay is still required.

I asked a VFW guy if my flags were on the correct sides of my trailer. Yes, the US flag goes on one's right in a parade, so I had it correct. But my state flag should have been lower than the US flag. (Does that mean I subconsciously want to succeed??)

Nice to know others enjoy the old tractors. Mine doesn't do any real work. It could operate belt-driven equipment and does have PTO, but we've never used it for any of that. Interesting that your Oliver is named Betty. My tractor is definitely a "he", not a "she". My husband got it for me for my birthday several years ago. We used to have annual tractor drives when our club was active. I drove it the 11 miles to town, did the parade, and 11 miles home. So I had my own tractor drive. Enjoyed the wild flowers along the way and the fresh scents after the recent rain. I'm not as nervous in the parades as I used to be; I always worried about driving the tractor with crowds around but I'm more comfortable with it now.

Everyone asked where Dapper Dan was--they are used to seeing him in the parade.
It went good. They said it was a very small parade


what was kinda nice was hubby works pretty far from our town. a guy at his work said he has a friend who watched the parade from an apartment on the parade route. The guy text a picture of a beautiful red tractor that stood out in the parade. Hubby looked at the picture and it was him and Eileen( his Farmall). That was pretty cool to know a complete stranger thought hubby tractor was pretty. She is a farm tractor too. We use her for everything, from doing hay to brush hogging, to taking the spreader out and plowing fields! She's a great tractor!

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