It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=12pt]So, Mia wore shorts to school Monday & Tuesday. It was 83 and 84 degrees. Mia worked her horses and had a blast playing outside. Today it is in the low 20's and we have ARKANSAS, in APRIL. It's supposed to be this cold all weekend! How weird! I remember snow on St. Paddy's Day before but not EASTER WEEKEND! I'm glad all I had growing so far was lettuce & spinach...of course they are popsicles now :new_shocked: Last Easter I had Mia out in sandals hunting easter eggs
: [/SIZE]
Here in Cental WI we had a few good days in the 60s and now it's freezing time again. They are talking snow this weekend. I just moved in with my mom and am living on her 3 season porch. I have my heating blanket and 5 blankets on my bed just to keep warm....which it does til I have to get out of bed...LOL.
I hear you, last weekend it was in the upper 70's. This weekend will be in the 20's and I have to bodyclip two horses for Equine Affaire! :new_shocked:

I don't know who is going to be the most uncomfortable, me or the horses.

Plus, I was just asked if I could work this weekend. The OT is nice, but JEEZ! I have the farm to myself this weekend and want to be home to ENJOY! Plus have all the critters to care for.

Oh well, tonight makes up for some of it, we go see Eric Clapton! :risa8: :risa8: :risa8:

I hear ya, we had 80's on Monday and now have 8" of snow ans 25 degrees.............CRAZY will not be a fun Easter at this rate. Although Easter is rather early this year. I hade a colt born last year on Easter and I remember the weather was very nice. Now I keep telling the mare to hold them in a bit longer.......CRAZY!!
While April snowstorms are not that unusual here 14 inches of snow the biggest storm of the year is very unusual. My poor sheep are looking at me like what is this? They wouldnt come out of the run in this morning and who could blame them it looked like a brick wall to them Im sure. Snow is deeper than they are tall. My new lambs born a week ago Thurs havent been out yet. One thing about it Easter eggs would show up well against this new blanket of white. The horses were in last week because of deep mud and this morning they are in because of deep snow. By Wednesday we are supposed to be back in the 50's. Very strange.
I hear that! We are back down into the 40's today. What a rude awakening!! We're suppose to get snow flurries tomorrow. This is'nt rare for us, but it sure is frustrating when you've gotten your lawn chairs set up and your pond up and running and are awaiting baby fish and all of a sudden it snows! :new_shocked: :eek: Last week we were up in the high 70's VERY nice with NO humidity!
It was starting to get warm here too...I think one day we made it into the low 70' we are in the low to mid 20's...I guess not that unusual for Michigan...but very disappointing!
It will not stay warm until the blackberries bloom.

And that's a fact.

Watch the blackberries closely.
It will not stay warm until the blackberries bloom.

And that's a fact.

Watch the blackberries closely.
That's it, I'm checking my blackberries! There's sure enough of them out there!
Just seeing your thread -- its snowing here and was 83 on Tues here.
