This just started this year and I am not sure how to explain it but I need help from those that are more experienced in the class.
In the line up with my horse while we are waiting our turn to do our pattern, he stands still for a bit at my side like he is supposed too and then he starts creeping around sideways to FACE ME and gets into his halter class stance. It is clear to me that HE thinks I am an idiot and am confused about what I am supposed to be doing and he is trying to fix things for us. I've ended up circling him to get him squared up and back in position and then he stands for a moment and does it again. Any suggestions on how I can fix this? He does wear a different (western style) halter for showmanship and as hard as I try I can't get him to stay squared next to me. Everything else is coming along fine and we've got the rest down, but this has me stumped.
In the line up with my horse while we are waiting our turn to do our pattern, he stands still for a bit at my side like he is supposed too and then he starts creeping around sideways to FACE ME and gets into his halter class stance. It is clear to me that HE thinks I am an idiot and am confused about what I am supposed to be doing and he is trying to fix things for us. I've ended up circling him to get him squared up and back in position and then he stands for a moment and does it again. Any suggestions on how I can fix this? He does wear a different (western style) halter for showmanship and as hard as I try I can't get him to stay squared next to me. Everything else is coming along fine and we've got the rest down, but this has me stumped.