I have a real mystery in the barn!

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Aug 31, 2003
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For the last 5 days the kids are dumping thier small buckets between the time I bring them in 6:30 or so and bed check 10pm.

First it was Halley the yrlg. Then Thera & Missy, then even Treasure! Water all over, bedding soaked, bucket rolling around. What a mess.

Last nite I really yelled at em. There are no varments in the barn. I do have cats but they are very used to their shenanegans. Feed and hay are the same. I can't figure it out.

These are the same buckets I've used for 5 yrs. They are also chewing the duct tape on the hooks ( I hate that). SO...today I put up a piece of board about 6" wide and 34" long across each corner where the buckets hang. I can't wait to see what they did tonite when I go up at 10pm. For safety I screwed each board into the wall with Three 4" brass screws on each end.

Just thought this was really wierd. I've raised each of these kids from babies so I'm totally baffled now!
Any thoughts?
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CATS! Here it is my cats! My buckets hang from a short chain with a double ended snap. NEVER had a problem, then one morning there is water all over the stall! and the horse is almost out of water. I refill the bucket and think nothing aobut it, but soon it is happening more and more and in other stalls. One day I just happen to see Sister stand up on her hind feet, reach up to the top of the bucket and pull it down to lap water from the edge. And while she is lapping water is pouring out!

Now, the cats have a big pan of fresh water on the floor at all times, but they have all decided they like to drink from the buckets best. Sure makes a mess! But I don't see any way to stop this and Kitty, Sister, Tiny and Dust Bunny, my bottle babies, are family soooo, guess we will have wet corners in the stalls.

I can't help but smile at this .... I have plastic bucket hooks called "Bucket Buddies" (I think!) and I remember when my vet (when she was out for Sky) having a helluva time figuring out how to get the bucket off of the hook. Then today, I walked into the barn to find Passion playing with her bucket on the ground ..... Maybe horses are smarter than some people or ....... just have more time on their hooves?!

I occasionally have a horse figure out how to undo their bucket, but actually not too often... Let us know if you solve the mystery.
could it be that something in the water has changed? I know when we run the well dry, the water tastes like rust for a couple days. I read a story in a magazine one time about a family whose horses probably saved them. The horses all started getting diarrhea and they weren't sure why, but when one of the family got it they had the well checked and sure enough it was contaminated. Don't remember if it was E. Coli or Salmonella(sp.?) but luckily everyone was ok - horses too. Could also be that someone figured out how fun it was to play in the water and taught all their friends LOL
Shoot I'm at the point that not matter what I do the first thing they do with their buckets is dump them. Every time. Even their feed, put the bucket down, hoof goes in the bucket and dump out it all comes I'm at the point, why do I even use the buckets, but then you try and put a little grain just on the ground and that don't touch it, I think they are winning this battle
All eleven here dump anything that gets put in their stall! They're so awful about it... We never knew why they did it, but finally we got the flat backed buckets, double ended hooks, and eye-hooks on the wall, that's the only thing that stops them getting all over the place. We finally had to get wall feeders for every stall because they would dump the food too... Again, never figured out why, just made it so they couldn't do it anymore! Ruby actually just dug whenever she was eating- we figured that out when we put in the wall feeder, and a week later there was a hole under it big enough for her to no longer be able to reach her feeder... She was up to her knees in dug out area!

If you figure out what it is I'd sure like to know!


Don't have any that dump thier buckets, but I do Have a 6 month old filly that love to dance in the water tub!
She gets in with all 4 feet and dances till her feet are shiny and clean!
That's my girl!

You know what I would be doing? Watching them on my barn camera (it's for "mare stare" generally but I also use them for sick horses, etc) and finding out how they are doing it. Gotcha!
Six inch nail, straight through the ears into the wall
Works a charm..they also do all their pees and poos in the same place. I never have a dirty bed
monkey see monkey do! I water using plastic milk crates to set the 5 gallon buckets into.(sitting on the floor) I use a screw in eye bolt to keep the handle of the bucket against the wall and secure it with a double ended snap. unless one is prone to poop over the bucket this keeps most from spilling water... I did have one that was just the right height to stand over the bucket and use it to scratch its belly... creative aren't they? Must do something with those active little minds.
Wow! USMC & Fizz I like your ideas.

I went out last nite at 10pm and sure nuf Halley had dumped hers. It was still on the hanger but almost empty. Gave her a new one and scolded everyone.

This morning Halley's is twisted to one side but still behind the wood and hooked as was Treasure's. Thera & Missy's was on the floor. GRRRRRRRRR.

We have had alot of rain last week. Not a deluge mind you just misty rain all day for about 5 days. We drink the water and it seems ok to me?

Perhaps I will put their electric buckets up now. The cord out the bottom should help anchor them.

I love the milk crate idea but where does one get them? And the BIG nail is super but how do "I" take the buckets down to clean?

I had just busted my butt bedding stalls yesterday too! Now a huge wet corner in each stall with HEAVY wet bedding.
And there is no more this week.
Ah well, if I figure it out I'll share. Thanks.
My parents own a movie theatre and so I have access to large cans that are used for the popcorn oil. After they have been emptied and cleaned out I used them for storing feed (they are resealable with a rubber seal so keep out moisture.

I also have one nailed to the wall in my barn (actually, two stacked one inside the other cause it was too short, but my horse is 37") I set a full bucket inside, and have a hook on a rope that I hook to the handle. He used to be a bad bad bucket dumper, I think he liked to watch the bucket swing back and forth. Bucket can no longer swing, he can no longer pick it up and dump it, and since the holder goes right to the ground, he can't roll under it and get caugh up. Go to your local movie theatre and ask if they have oil in buckets or boxes... if they say buckets, ask if you can have them! They are soo handy!
And the BIG nail is super but how do "I" take the buckets down to clean?
ps... I think fizz was joking... her idea was to nail the horses ears to the wall... if they can't move they can't dump buckets. And she says the all pee and poop in the same place too. Not a bad idea hunh?
Well it was early and I couldn't belive she meant a horsie ear! I thought she meant the ear loop on the bucket handle.
Straight through one ear and out the other- nothing much in between to stop it in some cases, but it sure puts an end to buckets on the floor!!!
Hmmm....pierced eared minis..... Do you have a choice of earrings for them to wear during the day?

Kinda like using duct tape to discipline kids... tape em to the wall and you always know where your kids are
Problem is tha duct tape won't stick to horsie hair!
Our unusual barn issues were a racoon that went for the feed buckets for left overs - like there'd be any - and the horses ran about throwing water and bucket every where until the racoon left. We put a dog door in for our anatolian shepherd - took care of that problem.
Water buckets usually stay up on the hooks but the 6 month old colt, Cody, likes to scratch his little fanny which makes the bucket sway back and forth and usually spill some water. Last night there was a continual thump, thump, thump coming from the barn. Could see from the window, there was no stampede going on but got a heavy jacket over pj's and went out to check. One hay bucket was being used as a soccer ball by the yearlings. All others would have joined in if they could. Put that one back up and scolded them for making me come out in the cold at 1:00 am. Am sure that did lots of good.
Dimimore said:
For the last 5 days the kids are dumping thier small buckets between the time I bring them in 6:30 or so and bed check 10pm. 
First it was Halley the yrlg.  Then Thera & Missy, then even Treasure!  Water all over, bedding soaked, bucket rolling around.  What a mess.

Last nite I really yelled at em.  There are no varments in the barn.  I do have cats but they are very used to their shenanegans.  Feed and hay are the same.  I can't figure it out. 

These are the same buckets I've used for 5 yrs.  They are also chewing the duct tape on the hooks ( I hate that).    SO...today I put up a piece of board about 6" wide and 34" long across each corner where the buckets hang.  I can't wait to see what they did tonite when I go up at 10pm.  For safety I screwed each board into the wall with  Three 4" brass screws on each end.

Just thought this was really wierd.  I've raised each of these kids from babies so I'm totally baffled now!
Any thoughts?


how about a great BIG ICE BLOCK although you may find there tongues stuck to it the next day haha

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