How many forum members does it take...... to

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
How many Forum members does it take

To change a lightbulb?

One to change the light bulb and to post

That the light bulb has been changed.

Fourteen to share similar experiences

Of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb

Could have been changed differently.

Seven to caution about the dangers

Of changing light bulbs.

Seven more to point out spelling/grammar errors

In posts about changing light bulbs.

Three to correct spelling/grammar errors.

Six to argue over whether it's

"lightbulb" or "light bulb".

Another six to condemn those six as stupid.

Fifteen to claim experience in

The lighting industry and give

The correct spelling.

Nineteen to post that this group is not

About light bulbs and to please take

This discussion to a lightbulb

(or light bulb) forum.

Eleven to defend the posting to the group

Saying that we all use light bulbs

And therefore the posts are relevant

To this group.

Thirty six to debate which method

Of changing light bulbs is superior,

Where to buy the best light bulbs,

What brand of light bulbs work best

For this technique and what brands

Are faulty.

Seven to post URLs where one can see

Examples of different light bulbs.

Four to post that the URLs were posted

Incorrectly and then post the corrected URL.

Three to post about links they found

From the URLs that are relevant

To this group which makes light bulbs

Relevant to this group.

Thirteen to link all posts to date,

Quote them in their entirety

Including all headers and signatures,

And add "Me too".

Five to post to the group that they will

No longer post because they cannot handle

The light bulb controversy.

Four to say "didn't we go through this

Already a short time ago?"

Thirteen to say "do a Google search

On light bulbs before posting

Questions about light bulbs."

Three to tell a funny story about

Their cat and a light bulb.


One group lurker to respond to

The original post 6 months from now

With something unrelated and start it

All over again.
I missed that old thread but this is very funny! :bgrin :aktion033:
Now sphynx~n~minis, they are not lightbulbs. They were just a product of a grand marketing scheme. They really are dark suckers. See the link by the above member and near the last few pages there is a story about how we were all conned into believing that they were light producing things.

What I want to know is how much has the breeding of the bulbs improved over the past year or two. Anyone want to post pictures of their newest baby bulbs? I notice that everyone seems to have them everywhere. Is the market flooded or is the spot light just not shining on us making our bulbs less desirable?

Also, can someone tell me how to make my little LED bulbs all line up in those fancy glass mobile houses (aka tail lights on cars) and not move until judged that they are to burnt out to continue?
Did anyone call in a vet to check to see if the bulb in question really needed to be changed. If not was the then changed bulb turned over to a bulb rescue center to bring it back to good health and find a forever home for it?

Did anyone check to see if the light switch was even turned on??

LOL Mark

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