How do I get out of a purse party?

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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A woman from work aske me to attend her purse party. I never really hang out with her only at work. I have no desire and it is expensive. I know she is going to have more parties soon (baby shower). She always makes comment when people dont attend her parties. I feel bad but I have a lot of hore stuff to do.

I know just telling her is best but realistically I wont.
Just tell her you have personal things to attend too. That you are going to come to one of her future parties. If she says anything she is not the kind of person I would want to be around always!
Learning to just say NO you do not have to have a reason.

I am still learning....
A woman from work aske me to attend her purse party. I never really hang out with her only at work. I have no desire and it is expensive. I know she is going to have more parties soon (baby shower). She always makes comment when people dont attend her parties. I feel bad but I have a lot of hore stuff to do.

I know just telling her is best but realistically I wont.

I know how you feel, but realistically if you can't just tell her "no" you are going to end up obligated to go to her party... and every party she has hereafter. And If you don't be honest and say, "I'm sorry but I just don't go to parties" you are going to have to make up an excuse for every single party she comes up with. I'm honest, I just say, "I REALLY appreciate the invite, it was very nice of you to think to invite me but I have other things I need to spend my money on and I really just don't enjoy parties." If it is a product I think I might like (Tupperware or Candles, usually, since myself, my mother in law and my sister in law all like those products) I will say, "But I will take a book and look through it."
I've had to learn to say a set answer........something like -- "No, but thank you for the invite. We are watching our budget right now."

If you say it enough times, the message eventually sinks in.

zoey, go back and read your original post. if you have things like that to do, chances are she won't wanna associate with YOU!

I'M KIDDING, i just couldn't resist! i know you meant "horSe" things but you skipped right over that "s". LOL :eek:

LOL :aktion033: :aktion033:

But what do you mean???, I do have hore things to do :eek:
Urgh. I don't like that kind of thing. I'm in sales, legitimately. So, I don't like the "parties" where you feel obligated to buy something from a friend (or co-worker). To top it off, usually these "parties" have mostly people I barely know as guests! SO, I just do not go to them. I've always got something else to do on those particular dates. Sometimes if it's for a product I do actually have an interest in owning, I'll say I have _________ going on then and can't come, but would like a catalog to possibly order something.
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Thanks. I know I have to just tell her and be done with it.

Cherlene- You are cracking me up!!!!!

LOL :aktion033: :aktion033:

But what do you mean???, I do have hore things to do :eek:
OMG!! i'm in the WRONG business!!! do you need a partner???

oh wait, i think that came out wrong! :eek: :eek: :eek:

LOL well then perhaps purses and purse parties arent your biggest issues right now.

Just tell her I have other types of "parties" I need to go to for my hore things and one can only socialize so much with how busy I am :eek:
I feel bad but I have a lot of hore stuff to do.

Atta girl Zoey :new_rofl: :new_rofl: :new_rofl: :new_rofl:
Just tell her you have a PASSION Party scheduled that night, and you won't be able to come... LOL

I am with Jill on this! I find those high-pressure product "parties" somewhat distasteful. I have been to several (I'm not good at saying NO either!), and everyone there always looks like cattle herded in for slaughter. If I want Tupperware or candles or a purse or makeup or cookware or or or or or...I know where to find it. :eek: One of my aunts is a Mary Kay lady and turns the dinner table into a promo table every holiday. It sounds like you're more afraid of her talking about you than about disappointing her, but either way I don't think you need to lie--you've already given us a perfectly valid excuse! Just tell her you've got a lot of stuff to do with your horses before it gets cold. Maybe next spring you can invite her to an open barn...
ok, i'm gonna confess something right here. i hate those kinds of parties. i used to get invited and i, too, had a hard time saying no. next party, i decided to show up in my barn clothes. mind you, my barn clothes included, among mismatched turtle neck shirt and sweater and jeans that had long since seen their better days, my manure stained sneakers that didn't exactly smell like the perfume counter at the local department store.

i never got invited back there and i think word spread because i never got invited to anybody else's foofoo parties either. mission accomplished!!! :aktion033:
:aktion033: This thread is the Funniest thread I have read in a long time :aktion033:
Oh my god, I needed this... you guys are killing me!! I am just sitting here reading and laughing out loud- the cats jumped off the bed and left- they think I have lost it. (ok, no comments there, LOL) :risa_suelos:

I sell Lonaberger Baskets, and even I don't like parties. I usually look at a catalog if it is something I might want, but you can always tell her how much you enjoy the invite but you shop for those items online with another consultant. (most direct sales consultants have their own website thru the company).
