Hot Flashes

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I was having full blown hot flashes. They started at 26 years of age, I got pregnant at 29 and haven't had one since...
YEP, Been there too!

Surgical induced Monopause in my early 30's (both ovaries removed). I didnt like the side effects of Premarin or Estradol (Although Estradol had less side effects) so I stopped taking them all together for about 18 months and boy did I have side effects (not just hot flashes) :eek: .

So after talking with my doctor about these problems I was having and the concerns about taking hormones after my breast cancer diagnosis last year as well as the side effects from taking hormones before she told me that since my cancer was not hormone related that I could take hormones in LOW levels, but had to be monitored closely which I am already.

So, she had me try Premarin V. CREAM and I only have to use it about 1 to 2 times a week and the dosage not much at all. I am happy to report that not only are the hot flashes GONE my other issues I was was having with dryness are GONE with no other side effects from using it either! :aktion033: :bgrin Its been over a year now! :aktion033:

Well I hope that helps.

I was REALLY suffering with them last winter, they woke me up all night long and I would have many during each day. Christmas shopping was just terrible, I'd be ripping my winter coat off and was just sure everybody knew why! LOL.

I decided a long time ago that I would not take prescription hormones.

I tried Estroven and Estroven Extra Strength and they didn't help at all. I then found a product called Remifemin..and it virtually eliminated the problem! I recommended it to a friend and it also worked for her. It's not expensive, perhaps you've tried it, but if you haven't, it might be worth a shot.


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