Horse Dentist News Video

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Dec 1, 2002
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Austin News 8 Dentistry Video

Also had a good turnout for the rally in downtown Austin this morning.


A special thanks to Eleanor Mondale, who came down from Minnesota to be one of the spokespersons for the media, and to eleven time world champion barrel racer and Cowgirl Hall of Fame inductee, Charmagne James. Three or four TV stations attended the press conference.

We all had a fun time and especially want to thank a good group of members from the SAAMHC who brought a good number of their members!

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When will you know the outcome?

No one knows. We will be going to court and will appeal as high as is possible if we are not pleased with the rulings. Weeks, months, years?
I think we all left with smiles and a lot less stressed. Hopefully, today made some difference. You'd better hurry and send that colt to California. He sure would look cute in my backyard!!!! I'm confused.
I just talked to Carl on Sunday, and he said that the judge was supposed to make a ruling & we'd know more on Tuesday. Are you saying nothing was decided today? :DOH!

Thanks for the information. The photo are great.Who took the photos, they did a great job?

Great video. We are praying for Carl. He is the BEST. We are in Louisiana but if Texas falls, we all fall. We are infuriated that these people can tell us who can come on our private property and tell us what we can do with our horses! Carl comes here once a year and I hope he continues to do so.

This is SO political. Most of these vets haven't had any training (except for floating) and have no idea how much proper growth affects the bite and nutrition.

Keep fighting!


Thank you very much for posting Tony! We are still behind you all- you go Carl!!

Several folks here in AZ sent in mail after I posted a note on a local Mini chat here.....

Let us know if there is anything else we can do!
It would be a dream come true if Carl would come to NE Wyoming. Unfortunately, I am one of a very few in my area that believes horses need quality dental care. In fact, a very nice young man who is attending vet college (2nd or 3rd year student in VA I believe) spent part of the summer interning with a large animal vet clinic near by. We all had lunch together and I asked him how much emphasis is put on equine dentristry at veterinary schools. He told me it was an elective workshop type short class
and many vets do not take it as it all depends on what they want to offer in their practices.
I asked him several questions about procedures that were not floating, he was clueless and didn't know what I was referring to. Verrrrrry scarey.
Last edited by a moderator: I'm confused.
I just talked to Carl on Sunday, and he said that the judge was supposed to make a ruling & we'd know more on Tuesday. Are you saying nothing was decided today? :DOH!
That is precisely what I am saying. Basically both sides were saying, "See you in court." I'm confused.
I just talked to Carl on Sunday, and he said that the judge was supposed to make a ruling & we'd know more on Tuesday. Are you saying nothing was decided today? :DOH!
That is precisely what I am saying. Basically both sides were saying, "See you in court."
Oh.. how sad it came to that...
ooh boy, I hope you win, noone should decide who you pick to treat your horses as long as the horses are treated well.

we have the same problem with farriers over here, they want it in the law that noone without an education can trim/shoe horses, but the problem is that you can't do you own horses, and there is way too few farriers, which would lead to untreated horses unless owners break the law and use one without education or do it themselves, either is illegal, which one would you pick? untreated (illegal) or treated without education (illegal) ?
Thanks for sharing all the pictures. You had a great turn out!

Sorry to see that its going to be a battle and gosh this could drag on for a long time.

I also read about it online in the Dallas Morning News.

It seems to me that this is just one more thing the government wants to regulate purly for the money to be made. I hope you win Tony.